Page 93 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 93
Centennial Conference Honors 20 Green Terrors were named the Conference Of- coach John Plevyaks debut sea- off a stunner as she was named freshman Erin Kelly was an fensive and Defensive Players son, fourofWestem Maryland's first-team All-Conference. honorable mention, along with By JAY HILBt;:RT of the Year. soccer guys still earned Confer- spc,uEd;,o, Backof, the lone Green Terror on sophomore back Missy enceselections. the top squad, beat out Baldwin. Football Field Hockey Senior goalkeeper Malt 51. Gettysburg's Kathy Kroupa, The five WM picks were Wide receiver Alan Three of the key players in Jean, who battled back problems who seemed to bave the top second-most in the Conference the success of Green Terror field for the a good part of the season, honor sewed up toward the end to Gettysburg's ten. Pietkiewicz, senior co-captain, hockey this season were honored surprisingly made second team. ot the season. But, once you look For the second year in a was the lone Green Terror three weeks ago as the Centen- St.Jean's Slats in the CC had him at their statistics in Conference row, a Gettysburg player, named to the All-Centennial nial named their All-Conference in the middle of the pack. Join- play, the decision is not as sur- Kristen Hull, was named Conference first-team. team. For the WM season (5-4 ing S1. Jean on the number two prising. Player of the Year for the Cc. overall, 4-3 CC), Pietkiewicz Sophomore back Kellie on squad was another senior, Chris Kroupa allowed only two Hull, a unanimous first- Kaplan. Kaplan and freshman had 59 receptions for 704 yards Mitres was the lone WM'er CC goals-both to Western teamer, set CC records with 13 and five touchdowns. the first team, leading the team Chnsuaan Abildso were tied for Maryland compared to II for goals and 10 assists for 36 Senior left tackle Rob Night- with seven goals-all of them in the Green Terror lead in overall Backof, and had a .31 goals al- points in eight CC matches. ingale finally earned Ccnten- Conference play. The selection points with 15; but Abildso held lowed-percentage. Backof was the lead in Conference points at trial honors, after three years of is a step up for Mitres, a 1993 third in GAA with a 1.22. The Volleyball 10-9-bothmcn being left out, with a second- second-team All-CC. apiece. bad fouree goals two are a one-hundredth point Senior hitters Denise team nod. Mitres finished fifth in CC For the second straight season, apart in save percentage Spangler, Krista Shaffer, and Despite impressive seasons, Player of the Year balloting with (Kroupa .894 and Backof .893). Jen Jensen ended their WM senior WR Butch Schaffer, and nine votes. Swarthmore's Mel- both sophomore Mac Wilson and But something Kroupa did volleyball careers with a first, senior Man Massey, were named juniors, QB Brian Van Deusen issa Bonder garnered CC MVP not have over Backof were second, and honorable men- and DT Joe Krcma, were honors with 43 votes as she led honorable mention at the back minutes. Backof had the sec- tion CC selection, respec- tabbed to the honorable men- the Conference in goals with 17. position. ond-highest minutes played in tively. tionunit. Bonder was an all-unanimous se- Freshman Eric West of Johns goal in the Centennial with 810, Spangler, who finished sec- lection for the first team-her sec- Hopkins, who set a school record while Kroupa was next to last ond in the player of the year Schaffer set a WM single- ond straight campaign on the top for most goals in a season, was with 585. balloting to Franklin and season receiving yardage squad. named Conference Player of the For the second straight sea- Marshall's Meredith Sandberr, record with 833 yards and tied Junior co-captain, forward Year. The biggest shock may son, a Western Maryland goal- finished third in the Confer- the single-season ID reception mark with eight while hauling Heather Seaburg was a second- have been that Craig Greenwald, keeper has been named to the ence in kills (3.28) and fifth in in 51 passes. team honoree and senior forward the Johns Hopkins goalie, was All-Centennial first-team. Last blocks (.89 per game) en route Van Deusen threw for 2,312 Amy Grocki was named honor- left off completely. Greenwald year, Sarah Kephart accom- to her top squad pick. yards (three shy of the old mark able mention. Grocki bad two was the cornerstone for the Blue plished the feat while also fin- Both Shaffer and Jensen set by Van Deusen last year) goals and four assists in Confer- Jay pulling off the Cinderella trip ishing second in the player of made their first career appear- and 17 touchdowns. ence playas she finished with II to the NCAA Division III Final, the year voting. ances on the Conference post- Krcma finished the season points overall-three goals and recording three shutouts along Senior co-captains Christa season selection board. with 7. lI2 sacks and 21 total five assists. the way. Mose and Paula Moyer were Spangler and Shaffer were tackles for losses of 72 yards. named to the CC second team. also selected to the NCAA Di- Gettysburg QB Chris Adams Men's Soccer Women's Soccer In a bit of a disappointment, vision III Mid-Atlantic second and Dickinson LB Jason Fox. Despitea4-l2-1 mark in head Freshman Julie Backot pulled Green Terror scoring leader, team. Small numbers won't discourage WM swimmers turning for 19th year head washington in the 1000 free, Welter will do the med- track to improve his second By DoUG YARROLL coach Kim Easterday. freestyle, the third time in his ley, breast, and butterfly. place at Championships last C_rib.Ii"l/Wri,,, Joining Matkovtc as re- career he has done that. In ad- Ferrara is key because he is year. Kevin is on pace to im- turnees are senior K.C. dition to his freestyle talents, one of the few sprinter on prove over last year. Also (at The Western Maryland Fisher, junior Dave Mirra, Matkovic will also be ex- the low-numbered squad. Washington), Mike Welter men's swunmmg team is and sophomores Peter FuJler pected to excel in the breast- Coach Easterday'S had came within a fraction of primed for the upcommg and Kevin Lundell. First stroke, and his senior team- this to say about her team's breaking the 200 back season with the goal of bet- year swimmers that will mate, Fisher, will be in the outlook for this season: record." tering last season's 4-7 have (0 contribute are free and backstroke with "We have an exciting group "We have a really good record in mind. sophomore Mike Welter, Lundell. Fuller will perform of guys looking to improve team this year. Everyone's Currently, the team is I- and freshman Steve Ferrara, in the individual medley' and over last year. Based on the into swimming and working I, beating non-conference Joe Hilton, Anthony the breast, and Mirra contin- two meets we have had, the hard in practice. We lack the foe Albright and losing big Fitzpatrick, Andy ues as a frees tyler. men are on their way to im- depth of other teams, but we to Washington College. Kalisperis, and Chris Drawbaugh, Kalisparis, proving last year's record. have many strong individu- The Terror are led by se- Drawbaugh. and Hillon will all swim the Paul had broken a record als," said Matkovic, the nior captain Paul Matkovic, Matkovic broke his own back and free events, (1000 free) ill the second team's lone captain. "We're one of five letterwinners re- record in the meet against Fitzpatrick is in the breast and meet, and Peter Fuller is on hoping for a good year." Green Terror women gain split in York Tourney By JAY HILBERT overtime to Lycoming on But during tbe overtime, Western Maryland ter a 36% clip. Sp"",Ed;"" Friday, the Green Terror Lycoming's scoring would outre bounded Lycoming For the second consecutive came right back and de- come from the same person: 56-37. game, Western Maryland With their squad of ten, feated Lebanon Valley, 68- Annette Weller. Weller On Saturday, it was broke 50 in the rebound de- nine of which are freshman 57 in tbe consolation game scored all 13 Lycoming Heidi Snyder's turn to lead. partment with a 54-33 edge. or sophomores, the Western Saturday afternoon. points, including a game-win- Snyder led the way with 19 Snyder was joined by Maryland women's basket- Freshman Katie Haley ning lay-up with four seconds points, 14 boards, five Spangler's 16, six-or-eight ball team went 1-1 in their made her collegtate game left for the win. Weller made blocks, and four assists to from the field in the second two-day affair up at the count vs. Lycoming by nail- her living on the foul line, even WM's record at I-I. half, Sandi Dejager's 12, Eighth Annual York Spar- ing a desperation three- making 18 out of 24 shots as The key to WM's win and Haley with 10. tan Invitational in York, pointer with two seconds she ended up with 34 points. was a second half that saw Haley was the lone West- Pennsylvania two weeks left to tie the game at 62-62 Denise Spangler held her the Green Terror shoot 68% ern Marylander to be named ago. and, further, sending the own on the inside with 19 from the field, while Leba- to the AIl- Tournament team. After losing 75-73 in game an extra five minutes. points and 12 rebounds. non valley could only mus-
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