Page 90 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 90
ii.::m;c- -YH@ilrnt ;i~.'\ll*,-l!!%~lri~U;lB~~~feI8 "Forum," from p.l: -Students unsatisfied with campus life long history behind the rea- how could each student feel safe; Norman Ward Hall from nine to Maryland College is an academic happy with and vice versa. soning but pointed out that at there should be no question about ten at night. This a compromise institution. A petition of MacLea Hopefully arrangements can Forum parties Sodexho, which security. to the eleven p.m. that was re- could possibly be in the work- be made to satisfy both possesses a liquor license, was Head of Campus Safety, Mike quested, due to its location di- mgs. sides. in charge of regulating who re- Webster said that he felt comfort- rectly across from Daniel The common denominator in Aaron Kahn plans to have ceived alcoholic beverages. At Macl..ea Hall, which is over half each of the problems dis- similar meetings in the fu- club room parties, a Campus Se- way occupied by the Honors cussed was communication. ture to increase communica- curity officer is responsible. The common Program. Disgruntled students Students need to inform the nons between the two When students are unable to were reminded that Western faculty of what they are un- groups. get into parties, it was said that denominator in they would go get drunk in their each of the Marathon Holiday Concert rooms. This, students claimed leads to unsocialized drinking, problems dis- By CHRlSSY PAROE\V faire such as scones, calces, and performances. so younger students will not S"'JfW";~r sandwiches will be offered to The concert is a fundraising learn how to drink from other cussed was A festive holiday concert and guests Kreider said. event for Chamber Music on the students. Student Joe Krcma tea presented by Chamber Music One of the concert's features Hill. Although not an official made a possible connection with communication. OIl the Hill is scheduled for De- will be a harpsichord perfor- WMC organization, this is a resi- the record destruction of Rouzer cember 4, from 4 to 6 mance by Ken List, college dent group that has made the HaJJ to the tightening up on par- WMC President Bob Chamber's harpsichord director. Mike campus its home. The group is ties. able with the present staff at house. Berent, a faculty member at composed of several WMC fac- Some students suggested that WMC. "Ibeconcert will basically be a Carroll Community College, do- ulty musicians as well as Balti- activities other than panics. such The question of safety was two hour marathon of music nated the instrument to WMC. more Symphony Orchestra per- as concerts, should be scheduled raised in connection with the ra- apropriately fitting to the time of List has reconditioned the harp- formers. to keep students on campus. cial slur burned into the eighth the season," said Dr. David sichord and will be playing it for To auend the concert, tickets The staff replied that students hole of the golf course. Students Kreider, a WMC music professor. the first time at the holiday may be purchaseed in advance. with such ideas should get on also wanted to know why they Featuring not only music, the show. The concert will also They areavaiable through the cam- committees, such as Capboard, were not informed about this oc- concert will also be a tea in spirit featyre a musical collection of pus music office at 857-2259 for light of the holidays. Delicious to make things happen. How- currence immediately Webster r---------------------------, it after Sl5perperson. soprano, flute, guitar and piano ever, one important problem happened. Mike said was pointed out: the size of that the story was with held for Capboard's budget. investigative reasons and he did Community Bulletin Board Another issue discussed was not foresee this action leading to the safety of the students on the harm of the students. Stu- campus. One student vehe- dents still were not satisfied with BAL TIMORE-- Twenty-five that no longer exist. Baltimore mark deadline for entering the mently asked if the campus did this answer. years after her own campus ac- Sun columnist Dan Rodricks nar- 1995 competition willbe Friday, not have enough security to Also mentioned was the tivism got her dismissed from rates this nostalgic journey pre- February 10, 1995. cover more than one party then change of quiet hours in Albert the UCLA faculty, Professor miering on Wednesday, Nov. 30 There are no limits as to in- Angela Y. Davis will sound a at 8 p.m. with rebroadcasts on strumentation, style or length of call to action for today's college Saturday, Dec. 3 at 3:30 p.m., work submitted. The prizes, students in a lecture at CEN- Sunday, Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m., and which range from $500 to TER STAGE on Saturday, De- Thursday, Dec. 8 at 9:30 p.m. $3,000, are awarded at tbe dis- cember 3rd, at 5 p.m. The Featuring interviews with cretion of the final judging event, which includes a post- yesterday's stars and fans, this panel. lecture reception with Professor one-hour documentary uses Open to students whoa re citi- Davis, is free to Center Stage home movies, photographs and zens of Western Hemisphere student pass holders and $5 fot archival footage from the '30s and under 26 years old on Dec. the general public. through the '50s to take us back 31, 1994. Compositions are to the glory days of Maryland's judged completely under pseud- onyms. Official rules and entry blanks from: Ralpsh N. Jackson, Director, BMI Student Com- poser Awards, 320 West 57lb St., New York, NY.lOOI9 USA NO GIMMICKS EXTRA INCOME NOW! ENVELOPE S1UFFING-ยท $60) - $800 every week So YoU Didnt 130 To Free Details: SASE to Intemationallnc. 1375 Coney Island Ave. )~;';:' In S.attL.? Brooklyn, New York 1 1230 Get , j,L TheRe is a ready ! '~~CoffeeHouse , \ In WeStminsTeR for ~"9" d V Jazz - BlueGrass - Folk those Sat December 10 ,1994 - 8:00 pm Frisco Pub, Route 140 finals!! I,D. requIred to be served. $5 Admission
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