Page 91 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 91
Thursday, December 1, 1994 Page 11 -,-.;3L-;'4ttT.ttna:::::wtlttltMC:::Z/"\"; are taught. In later classes students Once Again, The Spanish Suite is spon- MICHELLE HAMILTON Sr~IfW'i", learn and practice these moves. R.A.D., or Rape Aggression De- Daryl Thompson, the instructor soring a movie, fense System, is being offered cur- of R.A.D. and former W.M.C. cam- rently through W.M.C.'s campus se- pus safety worker, emphasizes that "The Official curity and the student organization, in situations you always have [0 be Safe. R.A.D. 's purpose is to "de- thinking "What's my next step?" velop and enhance the option of self R.A.P. helps women know what Story" defense, so that they may become their next step will be. At the end of more viable considerations to the tbe classes as a type of test, each woman who is attacked" as staled student will get to apply what they Winner of an Oscar for Best by Lawrence N. Nadeau in the have learned. Mr. Thompson will R.A.D. handbook. pose as an attacker and the student Foreign Film According to a statistic in Made- will need to USe the techniques moiselle, lout of 12 college males learned to escape. This also is a admits to acts legally defined as simulation for the student to react rape or attempted rape. This statis- after she has determined what to do. tic was one of many that R.A.D. stu- Mr. Thompson reviewed the dents are told. Students are first safety services, such as escorts, that Monday, December 12, at 7:30 in Decker Audito- given facts on rape and violence, campus safety offers W.M.C. stu- rium. ideas on how to be aware of one's dents. He also warned to stay away surroundings, and then verbally from trees and bushes at night and to walked through techniques of de- avoid dark paths. R.A.D. classes fense. Blocking, striking, kicking, will be offered several times again and other types of escape techniques atW.M.C. The Phoenix Puzzle Corner POETICA ACROSS 58 Robert_, poem at Clinton 30 Prop for Picasso 1 "Undeniably nrst us. Poet inaugural 31 Sea level (abbr.) brash was young Laureate 11 U.S. Poet 34 An_anda Ogden_" (2wds,) Laureate,1990- I" 5 His was the road 60 Helpalelon 91 (2wds.) 39 _Eliot, less traveled by 61 Join 12 Gershwin,etal. "Prufrock·poet 10 Among 62 Thomas 13 Cectl (inits.) 14 Etlo\\ower Edison Lewis, British 40 Cityin!taly 15 Mainartery 63 K1ee Poet Laureate, 41 Delaware Indians 16 City near Osaka contemporary e.s.e. Nicholas 42 Lies awkwardly 17 Beat movement 64 Pierces Btake 43 Cats or goats poet won 65 Former TV series 18 ihelaul1,dear 44 Metallic Pulitzer, 1975 Brutus, is not in elemenfssymbol (2wds,) DOWN our_S,but 46 iheRaven" 19 Hiselegyisa 1 Henpecks in ourselves" poet classic 2 Jai _, fast 22 "I feel as old as 48 "_Camera" 20 Naps court game yonder_. (3wds,) 21 Mercouriand 3TiUe James Joyce 51 Desertin Kazantzakis 4 Yokel 25 AtterB,C. Mongolia 23 Dine 5 Enthusiast 26 Dormouse 52 Fendermishap 24 "And makes us 6 Rogersand 27 WonPulitzerlor 53 Pretentious one rather bear those Campanella "American 54 Woody's son _wehave," 7 FortinCalilornia Primitive," 1984 55 Russianriver Hamietsaid 8_osaurus, (2wds.) 56 Easy job 25 Spanish port herbivore 28 Get_, 57 Hoover,e.g. 29 Lowersinrank 9 Hungaround succeed 59 Gunlabby 32 Poets 10 Poet read her 29 Dnbsand (abbr,) Society, Robin WiI\iamslilm 33 Green veggie 35 Riverinto WINTER WONDERS Caspian Sea 36 Transp. mode Two letters have been added to each word in the eight "winter wonder" d vas s 37 Age expressions and phrases below. Eliminate the two letters from each word, 8 V 1 S 38 Monogram lor put the words in their proper order, and dream of a white December. 1 C I:J N 3 Pulitzer winner N 3 I:J 1::1 V M N N 3 d for Uve or Die, 1 - SPEARS STREET SINS AND ANT SPARTRIDGES. SNVO .... VS 0'13119 1967 2 - THUNDER KISSERING MITSLESTOED THESE. !J V I:J N a a 1 39 Cabbage Patch 3 - JUSTIN TOBELLS THOSTLE HEARTS JINGLLES SLEIGHTS. 310NldS 03dd01S Kids,e.g. 1 3 N V 41 Young sheep 4 - STANOW THOROUGHS THESE MADASHING. v , 3 43 Fishing need 5 - ASNOWS FITS LEFTS! srv (2wds,) 6 - DEFROST RATS NOSSEE YESOUR JACKAL SNIPPINGS. lVOJn OI::lVH'::J OV30 45 Ceased 7 - BELITTLE SANTANA'S SHELPERDS. S 3 1 0 .... 3 0 V I 47 "Do not lold, _,or 8 - CHRISTMASES BEFORDED OTHER KNIGHTS 'TOWASH. S )I 3 3 I:J!J S vr rr s 3 1 S mutilate" 49 Crazyasa 1::1 3 0 A N S A I:J V !J V 1 OJ 0 V V 1 1 V Answers: WINTER WONDERS 50 Remnant 51 RegionolJordan 'seW1SPlI::) eroreq 11l5!u a41 seMi, - g 'SJadla4 alU!1 S,elues 53 Polynesians - L -esou mo,.{ re Bu!dd!u ISOl:::l )):ler - 9 )MOUS I! 191 - S 'MOUS alll4Bnol41 BU!l/seQ - V ·aIBu!f 57 American Poet saeq 4B!aIS 9S0l.H le94 rsnr - £ 'aOjallS!W e41 reoun Bu!ss!>I - G 'ean lead a U! apPPlJed V - ~ laureate, 1993
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