Page 88 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 88
rught, lifts will be installed in the box office as soon production The elevator shaft in Memorial is cur- as the current theatre is over, Casses are not gomg io be bekt dunng rent1y being built A bole forthe long hydrau- Seidel said.Oneliftwillgoto the lower stage thedayinMemorialHallnextsenr.ster,said lic cylinder which moves the elevator will be and one will go to the main stage. He said that Ethan SeideI, vice president of finances. drilled in the ground the week after finals, he no location was found for one elevator to go The faculty has rearranged the times of said to both stages. their classes, so thai fewer classrocms will be The hole for the hydraulic cylinder in Work on roth levels of The Studio will needed. Peterson has been drilled within the last two begin as soon as the semester is over. The Seidel said a lot ofc1asses are held at weeks and the cylinder was lowered in the ceramics studio has already been completed. 10:00 00 Tuesday and Thursday, and 9:00 bole. The rest of the building will be remodeled 00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. "The The elevators in Peterson and Memorial over winter break and be finished by the start faculty balanced out the schedule so there is sbould be completed OIl schedule as long as of spring semester, Seidel said. rot as much peak load.," be said the elevators arrive from the manufacturer OIl He said an elevator was coosidered in The Sekel said be is happy the faculty was time, resaid Studio, but students in class on one level sel- able to remedy the situation. "We really ap- The elevators are not designed for every- dom need to go to the other level If they do peciate the faculty changing their scbed- day usc by students. Use of the elevators is need to, and a student can't use the stairs, be u1es," be said "The faculty's cocperaton discouraged because they are not very fast. or she has to go around the outside of the w.IS really great" Scidelsaid building 10 gel to that level, he said Seidel said he recognizes that having The elevators will be used by stuoents The walls of Professor Sue Bloom's of- class in Memoriallhis semester bas been a who are unable to use the stairs and for trans- fice will be tom out 10 open up space for a problem. "It's test net to te tcadling there porting equipment like VCRs and TVs, be drawing room, he said Her new office is be- while construction is going on," be said said ing built in Peterson, where there will be new "We wanted to avoid having classes in Me- Peterson Hall, fonnerly the Fine Arts photography and computet: graphics labs and morial next semester." Building, will 1:£ ready fer use by the start of an art gallery. F1e are feeling upset or threatened, frustrating battle ignorance, but il doesn't person OIl campus, with no support the per- we must come together," she said all justgoaway ...wehave to go through itall." son will SlOp:' Badice. whoadvisestheBaha'iOubthat Lineberger said thai he thinks a student Lineberger said that these incidents have sJX)flSa'ed the ribbon-wearing last week, watch program could 1:£ created to bclp the not made him scared, but have made him said she ·'c::cd<.:ed up" the idea with Prof. understaffed Campus Safety. "Maybe stu- more aware of what is around him. "1 just ~uine and Prof. Lemke. "1 think it is im- dents cou1d take nuns watching out the win- ron't want anything else to happen," be pcI1anttoeducateothapeqlleaOdstandby rows of the
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