Page 87 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 87
rate entity consisting of four am- CAPBoard. The committees The Gong Show, Bill Karaoke, and next years mittees made up of a Director, four are films, special events, McCarty, another comedian. Spring Fling. This week Tnnnpeters is fOUlS- staff members, and students. The cultural arts, mamstage, sec- Upcoming events spon- If you would like to help ing on a campus organization that is Director at that time was Yvette ond stage, and publicity. sored by CAPBoard are as plan your campuses future very influential to our social and Carney. In 1983, the Director, The advisors now are follows: comedian Steve events - JOIN CAPBoard! It activity life bere at WMC. Theo- Kathy Dawkins, ended the faculty Mitchell Alexander and White, opened by a musician is simple, all you have to do ganization is called CAPBoard. involvement in the organization. Chip Marrara. Kyle Davis, on December 2 is call the CAPBoard office The College Activities Program- The four original committees of CAPBoard has sponsored at 8:00, $2.00 in advance, at extension 759 and leave a ming BoardcurrenUy coosistsof80 CAPBoard were comedy and con- many big hits on campus in $3.00 at the door. message cxpressmg where sruceru members. certs, films, special programs, and the past. Some of those in- Winterfest, cosponsored by your interests are for the or- CAPBoon:Istetedout as an off- cultural arts. clude the comedian Carrot SGA, an International Cof- ganization. Help to plan the shootofthcSGAsociaJcommittee. At the present time there are Top, Spring Fling, a novelty fee House, the 3rd annual social life at Western Mary- In 1981 CAPBoardbecameasepa- six committees that comprise entertainer Harley Newman. All Campus Formal, land College, join now! Spotlight: Kappa Mu Epsilon is active at WMC tion of his service given to the na- modes of thought; 4. to provide a new membersand sponsored a well workshops and a buffet. dinner. By ROBERT W. BROWN C""m·b",i"8\\,ri'" tional organization and 1O the local society, for the recognition of out- attended October mathematics lec- With all of these projects During the early 1930·s. Dr. chapter. standing achievement in the study ture by Dr. Robert Boner OIl "Pub- ahead of us, the current 14 Emily Kathryn wyannransformed Under the guidance of Dr. of mathematics at the undergradu- lic-Key Cryptography." members will be extremely amalhematicsclubatNortheastem Ligbtner, Maryland Beta has ate level; 5. to disseminate the KME has 'many more events busy this year. If you have Oklahoma State Teachers College strived to fulfill the objectives laid knowledge of mathematics and to plarmed for-the remainder of the fall any questions about these ac- into the first chapter of what was 1O down by the national organization. familiarize the members with the semester and the entire spring se- tivities, or are interested in become Kappa Mu Epsilon These objectives are: 1. tofurther advancesbeingmadeinmathemat- mester. Kappa Mu Epsilon, feel free (KME), the national ueoergreduate the interests of mathematics in ICS. KME will be celebrating the to contact any of the members. honor society in mathematics. those schools which place their pri- New members are inducted in 30th anniversary of the Maryland The current officers are: The local Maryland Beta Chap- mary emphasis on the undergradu- the fall and spring semesers when Betachaperttus Apnl, highlighting President Robert Brown, ter was established in May 1965, ate program; 2. to help the under- they meet certain academic require- several alumni and their careers. Vice-President Emily Snyder, and currently has over 250mem- graduate reaIize the important role ments in their completed math- The keynote speaker will be Dr. Secretary Kari Dunn, Trea- bers. Advisor Dr. James Lightner, that mathematics has played in the ematics classes and rank in the up- Howard Eves, who is nationally surer Kathy Gaston, and His- the National President of Kappa development of civilization; 3. to per 35% ofhislber class. recognized in the area of geometry torian Christina Pratt. Mu Epsilon from 1977 to 1981, develop an appreciation of the The local chapter is extremely and the history of mathematics and If you have any questions was awarded the George R. Mach power and beauty possessed by busy this year planning and cocrdi- holds an honorary degree fJOOl or comments, contact Robert Service Award from Kappa Mu mathematics, due, mainly, to its de- rating many exciting projects. So Western Maryland College. The Brown, Box. 122 or call Epsilon in April 1993 in recogni- mand for logical and rigorous far, the group has inducted three rest of the celebration will include x8296. "How Different Are We" from p. 5 A transfer student from 'brothers' "thought tbat I will simply not make the ef- friends with someone who to celebrate tbe differences. Catonsville Community was different. But then they fort to make friends with in- bas something in common I don't think they stick to- College, Flores emphasizes saw that 1 was no different ternational students. How- with them. For example, all getber. They have a broad that she had as many Ameri- and were surprised." He ever they would not reject international students have base of friends," he said. can friends as international claims to' relish the experi- you if you made overtures. made friends among Ameri- As for understanding and friends before she came to ence of brotherhood and They are generally friendly, cans who have travelled or learning from the experience WMC. "The other school but you have to take the ini- have an understanding!curi- at WMC, "the few American had ... more diversity:' She "[The Phi Delt tiative." osuy of people from other friends I have, I'm happy believes the main reason for Bill Spence seemed to countries. with. I don't have to know lack of integration is that brothers] thought support this view when he Jude Yearwood, the assis- the entire campus,"said international students have that I was differ- mentioned that maybe it is tant director of resident life, Gautam. On this point Bill different value and belief "unfairly" up to the interna- was a student from Guyana Spence feels that it is a loss systems. Flores observed ent. Butthem they tional students to take the who graduated from WMC for the campus and not so that most international stu- initiative to talk to American in 1985. "It is nice to have much to the international dents have become close saw that I was no students. other international students students. friends with people who are different and were strangers to this country more so than with American surprised." CARRIAGE HOUSE students. "This is a phe- --Arman Latif nomenon that occurs to ev- LIQUORS eryone who goes abroad. Bangladesh 113 West Main Steet They feel a sense of alien- 848-3466 ation:' she said. However, this is not true has sincere belief that his for all international stu- foreign friends would enjoy WORTH DRINKING TO: dents. A few have assimi- no less. lated into the American cul- On the issue of assimila- ,\\llwRltlme's lIest &. Ulilit ~~7.99cs, CaliS ture by taking tbe initiative tion, Flores tbinks that "we ,\\Id(ies ,\\aU &. Ice .!III/.~. to join a fraternity or soror- have to understand and be ity, such as Arman Latif open minded. But I don't Itullllill Ittlcl( j~1'1.!19es, htlttles from Bangladesh. Although think we should give up our I~illialls Ited j~1'1.9!tes, Imttles he believes tbat the "cultural value systems to assimilate. Ice UIKlse ~~1jl.9!1CS.Imttles differences naturally sepa- I fundamentally despise rate the two groups like oil thai:' But it is not that 1IIIscilU!lld &. Nahlral ~~!I.!I!Ies, CRIIS and water," he was curious simple to assimilate into the I[eyshllle Ice &. Amher U!lllt ~~n.!19es, COIlS to experience the fraternity American culture for most Lahalt's ~~7.!19/12Ilk htlttles "culture" and took the leap students. On this point that only a few have taken Bruce Teh, a student from £tltlr Itellillar &. U!llIt ~~12.!1!tCS.CaliS SO far. Asked whether he Malaysia and a R.A. in IIltd Itellillar &. Ullilt ~~13.!1!tcs. CaliS broke down any misconcep- Rouzer, pointed out that ,\\tltlsellead ~~n.'19/12Ilk. htlttles tions about international "there is a substantial group students, be said that his who are indifferent. Who
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