Page 85 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 85
iIlW711K7W:ilP Third Annual Gong Show International student proved entertaining for all sworn in as US citizen logue dealing the controversial By SARAH SNELL five years of residency and proficiency S"ffWritt' topic of racism. She received third By MICAH HUMBERT After its late start, the Capboards place and a $50 gift certificate to C""'ribUlin,W,;,,, in English and American History. Third Annual Gong Show can be Maria's, a local restaurant. On November 18, at the Court House Naturalization officials proctor an oral considered a success. Diane also formed a duo with of Camden New Jersey, Junior Ut Tran exam to ensure that these qualifica- Not evenl-~;';;===="iiijiiiiiOiiiiiil friend Renee to was sworn in as a Citizen of the United tions are met, and, upon completion, States of America. To get to this point one may be sworn in as a citizen. though, Ut has had to do many difficult All of Uts' friends are excited for things, the hardest, leaving bis family. him. Andrea Kolesar said, "He will Ut is a Vietnamese escapee who make a wonderful citizen because he walked from Saigon, where his family understands the struggle he had to go still lives, across Cambodia, and into through to get here." Laos. His long journey was filled with Some are concerned that Ut is giv- danger as he evaded Cambodian rebel ing up a part of himself in this process. can be Bruce Teh, a Malaysian Citizen re- their forces also in the jungle with him. Once in Laos, he made his way to a sponds that "becoming a citizen refugee camp where he lived for three doesn't mean losing your culture." years. Finally, after Ambassadorial In- When asked what advice he was tervention, Ut was able to come to tbe would give to Ut as a new citizen, Donna United States. First though, he had to Bill Spence, Director of the Interna- learn English by working as the assistant tional Students Program proclaimed, to an oral surgeon in the Philippines. "I suspect he knows more about citi- interpretation the Bette Midler Freshman Heather Huffer (front) & gift certificate Ut spent two years in high school and zenship then me. I'd like to know song. "Th sopbomore Missy Summers are members to Walmart. graduated with honors in 1992. He is what advice he has for me!" Rose," Sh: of the Ist place WMC Dance Co. The winners of currently a biology major and can fre- Ut's hard work and relentless de- quently be seen working at the Informa- termination have enabled him to rise walked away with a $25 gift certifi- the night, though, were four ex- to the occasion and travel a great cate to Giant supermarket as the tremely talented members of the tion Desk or in the Hoover Computer distance. fourth place winner with a score of WMC Dance Co. who obtained a Lab. The requirements to be a citizen are Congratulations!! ! nine. perfect score of 15 with their dance Unfortunately the act to follow her routine. The first prize winners re- was not quite as successful. The Phi ceived $100 cash. Mu pledges prepared a country line First year student, Heather Huffer, How different are we? dance to the song "Wild, Wild of the winning act exclaimed, "It was West," which to their dismay was not great to see so many people at the look different, they tend to shy away DliA.AA1APAlA completed as they were gonged. Gong Shawl, 1 had a lot of fun and BY UOONI B""""
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