Page 84 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 84
WMC students and faculty support Cuba march n Marcb was important because it high- lights Cuba's importance to those inter- By JERED EBENRECK ested in democracy. Cuba is a step to C""'rib......gWri'" true democracy ... democracy without Several students and faculty from capitalism," The students had been organizing Western Maryland College, frustrated trip to join the march for several weeks. the with U.S. policies toward Cuba, took This organizing process included meet- part in the National March 011Wash- ings, informal conversations, and the ington to End the U.S. Blockade of Cuba on Saturday, November 12. presentation of material which helps clarify the situation in Cuba. Since the They joined approximately 3,000 other people who marched from Revolution in 1959, the U.S. bas pursued a policy designed to isolate and persecute Malcolm X Park to LaFayette Park across from the White House ... all to Cuba for attempting to be an indepen- dent. sovereign. and socialist nation. protest U.S. Policy towards Cuba. This policy is responsible for much of the This policy, which has been condemned crises Cuba currently faces. repeatedly by the United Nations, has Western Maryland College's new exacerbated the economic problems in "Think Dangerously" slogan was well Cuba and is primarily responsible for the at the summer's crisis witnessed represented by Carla DeSalvo, Steve refugee With a coherent understanding of end. Monks, Drew LaPorta, Anna Hrybyk, how U.S. policy towards Cuba is flawed. march was very international and multi- Furthermore, the march has cata- Candy Craig, Gabriela Flores, Naida the WMC group was able to understand generational and very inspirational as a lyzed Gerard Millan, Steve Monks, Zecevic, Jered Ebenreck, Gerard the importance of supporting Cuba in result ... this was a march for common and Drew LaPorta to organize the Pro- Millan, and Erin Nolan. Additionally, sense." gressive Students. Monks, the presi- this march. faculty members, Christiana Leahy, Drew LaPorta pointed out that, "the "The march illustrated how pervasive dent of the group, states that the group Norberta Valdez, and Isabel Valiela, the need for a just policy towards Cuba will, "foster open forums to voice march allowed me to meet a number of joined these students in the protest is," said Steve Monks," As a newly opinions, whatever they may be. We Cubans, so I could hear first hand how which was covered by CNN, among conscious student, interested in the want to create spaces to express views life bas been in Cuba and how U.S. others. experiment that is Cuba, I.was dis- without malice. We'd like to sponsor According to Gerard Millan, "The policy has been affecting the nation. The turbed by the lack of media cover- speakers, spread information, and help age, considering the importance of politicize the campus, to challenge the this issue." (The event drew little campus to articulate their thoughts and press from the mainstream media). act." The WMC group which went to Millan, the vice-president, hopes that the march was also influenced by Progressive Students can help, "mobi- the knowledge of those students and lize the student body and support the ef- faculty who have helped make an forts of other progressive student orga- understanding and publicizing of the nizations like the Black Student Union Cuban situation a regular event on and Allies, among others." campus. Norberto Valdez and Isabel All around the march proved to be a ..III Valiela have been responsible for learning and motivating experience for ~ bringing many speakers to campus to those involved. It was a unique oppor- j discuss Cuba and they were the co- tunity to meet others similarly interested ~ ordinators of last Jan-term's Carib- in social justice and to carry a message t bean Contrasts Tour which included a back to WMC'scampus. This message ~ lO-day stay in Cuba. Carla DeSalvo, might best be summed up in one of the ,==::=:==::~==:=:===================f ~ Jered Ebenreck and Gabriela Flores marching No'ยท slogans ("Cuba used, Yes, "Cuba Si, Btoqueo Blockade then. Gabriela Flores and Naida Zecevic protesting in Washington, D.C. :~;tnd~~~:~t :~fi~~~i~yav:f~~~isds:~~~ No!"). Time-ly Gifts and Clocks 30W.Main St. Westminster,Md 21157 876-6650 Lava Lites reg. $59.95 sale $49.95 Stand-Ups reg. $29.95 sale $19.95 Come in and browse. WMC students 20% off all merchandise not Hock's Florist Fall Is In The Air RAPE MYTH # 17 Flowers For All Occasions! MYTH: A qanuine victim of rape is usually hysterical. 10% Discount with college ID t FACT: The majority of victims feel shock. disbelief and confusion. 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