Page 82 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 82
"What's the biggest issue at WMC this we complain ebcct each oiber, memore ee We may notliketoadrnitit, butpeerpres- The Phoenix week'!' That is the big qeestonwe askour- racia1 pigs we want tp step laugh at us. Our sure is probably the most influential force in selves when we decide what to write fc- the actions look mere disocganized than theirs! our lives at this time. So if it Is indeed a stu- staff editorial in each issue of The Phoenix. Many students have been heard com- dent or students who are serving as on-cam- This time, there is no question: the racial in- pJaining about how little is being done by pus contacts for racial groups, it is our job as cidents which are occurring on campus bave Campus Safety, the edcunisuation, and fac- their peers to prove that we do not want that Editor-in-Cbier ventured far enough. We wish we could ultytodealwiththeseproblems. wellletus filth in ourscllool. Lisa T. Hill '97 write something 10 make light of this situa- draw your attention to the fact, fellow stu- The Phoenix staff agrees with the studenl tion, but this is no laughing matter. dents. that everything that has been held in body. We really wish more could redone to FITSt of all. The Phoenix staff wants 10 protest of tberecal events hasbeen organized stop these incidents and find those respon- Advertising Manager state its position 00 this issue. In accordance by those who you accuse of doing nothing or sible. But stopping short of starting massive David Weigelt '95 with the majority of people 00 this campus covering things up. witch hunts for anyonewhocouldpossibly be Business Manager (including students, admmistrarcrs, faculty, Sure, it's fine that we pick up the plaid rib- involved, we also realize and must stress that Udeni Dharmapala '95 and staff), we abhor anything that has been bons, pin than 10 our chests, and go around all that is humanly possible is being done by Layout Editor written. done, and mailed 10 promote racial for a day saying how we hate racism. And Campus Safety, the administration, and the Pamela Barry '96 hatred and separatism As an institute of it's great that we can all get together for one city and state police to put an end 10 these News Editor bigber leaming, the staffis very disappointed night toexpressourfeelingsand holdcandles. problems. Dan Schaeffer '94 that such ignorance has invaded Western The newspaper staff fully supports: these ac- Nooneistryingtocoveranythingup. No On tbe Hill Editor Maryland College. tivities. But this issue is rot one that can be one is trying to make it easier for the racial Jenny Daino '95 The global society which is evolving for dealt with in one day or one night. incidents to occur. Nooncwents tosce any- Photography Edilor our generation has no room for those who The other greatest reason that these racial one get burt before any "real" action is taken Aden Moges '97 footer such close-minded beliefs. To use an incidents continue, in fact, why they even by the authorities. Sports Editor old clicbe, sJsin color does not matter; we are began at all, is due to the high level of apathy Al this point, the best we can do is to use Jay Hilbert '95 all the same underneath. on campus. words--written and spoken--to convey our Wecouktgoonandrepeat whateveryone The majority oflhe student bodydoes not feelings on the subject. The test way to fight elsehasbeensaying: "we wish to express our care! Sure, it's fire Ihat five or Inpeopteex- hat is with peace, love, and friendship. members of the WMC commu- press theirconvems., ora small grouporindi- The members of The Phoenix staff were General Starr niry, we will rottolerae this ....wewish to see vidual writes a letter in the newspaper. Butit among the many who supported the ribbon- Aaron AhIbum '97, Virgil Cain '96, more action taken against the perperaors of takes sheer numbers to have any sway. wearing last week and the candlelight vigil Paco Fnsuelos Kromer, Rebecca these acts. ..." All the students eX~1 the adults to deal held this past Monday. Henry '95, Heather Reese '96, But why reiterate what has already been with the problem. So we ask everyone 10 please stop ac- Keith Remo '97, Charlotte Saylor hasbedtodeathbyeveryooeelse? Everyone NEWSR.ASH: WE ARE ADULTS!! cusing each other,join together in support '98, Jonathon Sbacat '98 keepstalkingandtalking.accusingeachOlber We are the ones who have the power to of more such peaceful statements, and of not doing enough, or expecting too much stop these incidents. Think about it 1200 with divine help we will triumph over the Faculty Advisor when all that CAN be dooe ~S being done. students have a lot more influence than a evil being aimed at our brothers, sisters, Terry Dalton Well, guess what everybody: the more couple hundred faculty and administrators. and friends. Eerie silence...about the crimes on campus We are writing this article to express our ing to go a step further. point of view by saying that such public in- dissatisfoction with the the way our adminis- On 29th of October another such act of formation would hurt investigation. We be- tration and others bave been handling the derogatory nature was committed on college lieve that such dismissal of an issue that vio- problem of racist incidents in this "cmunu- property. For sene reason ouradministration lates the safety of many students on campus ruty." Opiruoes bere are shared by sene did not feel that we, as students and those of degrnderl,and_lberightsandUn- The Phoenix is published bi- membersoffacu1ty, statfand students. Hop- us moot targeted. needed to koow about this. pcrtance of the students. However, the first weekly. The opinions expressed do ing that by now most of us are aware of the After interviewing students about the tran- offJCialmailingwas sent to students 00 the 18 not necessarily represent those of The racist incidents that occurred we think that scription and igniting of the word "nigger" on the of November, almost three weeks after Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- on the 31st of theincidenL ministrators of WMC. The paper welcomes freelance submissions on Macintosb disks in WHITE most word processor formats. The editor reserves tbe right to edit for clarity, length and libel and to publish as space permits. All submissions POWER! (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld on1y by the discretion of ness 00 the pert of tbe Editor-in-Chief. administration was a contributing factor. October, we found out that this information was Safety official The Phoenix does not discrimi- What needs to happen to be worthy one' s at- was meant 10 be secret. However, this was saw a few people wearing white robes around nate based on age, race, religion, gen- tention and thought? What needs to happen informally relayed to a student by a staff the vicinity of the tennis courts. Later, they der, sexual orientation, national ori- fortheadministralion to take stepS toinfoon rneIIlbcr. The first half of November passed found the word "nigger" sprayed on the gin, condition of bandicap, or marital the students? IIis of extreme importance that and no infmnation about this wa<; given to courts. Apparently, a tire extinguisher was status. everyone act pragmatically to &low that this students by those responsible in the Admln- used. ignorance will not be tolerated. It is this feel- istralion. The first public information about We feellhal the incidents could have been Mail to address: ing of apathy and carelessness on campus itwasrekasedinI'brenix two weeks afI:a the prevented if those responsible had taken a The Plwenix that is disturbing even mcxe so than the ac- incident and was written by a member of mcxe serious approoch to mobilize the carn- 2 College Hill tual acts of racism committed. BSo. Many students feel betrayed by ad- pus community. We should have shown our WMC In early September scme students on miniSlJation since they withoul this infonna- disgust al such ignoranl acts of violence Westminster, Maryland 21157 campus received articles of a vay threaten- tion could nol have protected themselves againstthestudentsatWMC. Howevff,oow ing and serious nature. In the vicinity of against JX)tentiaidangers. Black students ad- thatwearefinallyinfonnedaboutthiswefeel (410) 751-8600 Winslow Hall the above card wa<; put up. dressed this issue at the Rxum meeting held that apathy exi<;ts among students and others (410) 876-2055. exl8600 Are we going to tolerate these degrading on 11/1610 disaJss social issues on campus. on campus about these crimes. It is our re- messages on premises of higber learning? When the sponsors were asked arout this in- sponsibility asamembern of this community TheDean of Student Affairs, Phil Sayre. sent cident one official of SGA declined to 00- to do something meaningful about this. £$- a letter to students, facu1ty, and staff infonn- dress the issue. Apparently, Phil Sayre re- pecial1y, it is important for the white people ing US of these a:tivities and asking students p~ that students were not infooned of this on campus to give strong support to the oth- Please Recy~le! to help ~ diversity on campus. From incident since he felt thatit would not be "well eIS in this struggle and to show with their acts the later events, it wasclearthattheindividu- received:' Campus Safety Director, Mike that everybody has a place here. aIs involved in these criminal acts were will- Webster, 00 the other hand sup)X)rted this Sincerely. Naida Zecevic & Udeni Dhannapala "
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