Page 81 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 81
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Racial incidents trouble WMC community By lJsA T, Hn.L ThenlhegoIfcoursevandalism they are trying," said sophomore problems," said Mike Webster, bascdoo the colceot tus/ber scn. E4wr-;".OJi4 occurred on November I, followed Lineberger. Director of Campus Safety, who With the first kind of activity. !be Overthecourseofthissemester, by the sighting of two white-robed Sayre said that WMC had no learned of these things at the JX'OPle involved are merely tracked bate mail has been distributed figures on the golf course and Ihe way of preventing the mailings monthly meetings of the Intema- and their activities are closely moni- around campos and racial epiteths vandalism of the tennis courts 00 from being distributed because they tional Association of Campus tored. In the second situation, of were wrinenon the golf course and November 22. were mailed legally. ''Everything Law Enfcrcement Administra- course, legal action is taken. tenniscourtsingasolinebummarlcs After the first incidents, Sayre was coming from outside the cam- tors. Webster is not sure how the city and fire extinguisher foam, respec- seuocralener o tbe suderabody, pus [at first]," said-Sayre. "But The Baltimore County State police documented the golf course tively, according to Campus Safety but be said that a lot of the flISl re- someone at least knows who lives Police have been brought into the incident because the victim was the and the administration. spooses were lhatstudents "hadn't where." matter along with Westminster college. "Ibecollege isnotaperscn; Dean Sayre of Student Affairs beard of it yet" Thesearenotisola1edincidents, City Police and the FBI. "They it's not black or white." he said said that severa1 international stu- Sayre said they held the Open according to Campus Safety. Last [Baltimore County Police} spe- He continued by explaining that dents in Rouzer were individually Porum to show their support for the spring, Gettysburg and Montgom- cialize in this stuff [whereas] we as a campus law enforcement body, targeted wi!b the hate mail the first students targeted in Rouzer. "We erycollegesexperiencedsimilarra- dollOt."statedWebster. WMC Campus Safetyreports crimes week of school. A week later, an- don'twanttbesenewstudentswbo cial incidents. The members of Webstersaidthattherearetwo through the local police department. other leaflet was found by Winslow aren't used to college yet to have Montgomery College attempted to ways bate activity is counted in "If the city police don't classify the Hall bearing a swastika Catalogs such a terrible experience," he said deal with the problem with a Maryland under the Race, Reli- golf course as a bate crime, 1 don't were bulk mailed to random stu- Calvin Lineberger, president of candlelight vigil similar to me one gion,or Ethnicity Law (RRE): 1) want to seem to be minimizing it," dents from a racial group off C3Ul- the Black Student Uruon (BSU) heldhereooNovember28,accord- a legal activity but hate is a com- Webster stated. "There is only so . pus. Inanswertotheseincidents,an said that he thinks the adrrunisrra- ingtoPresidentCbambers. There- ponent, for example, themailings much I can do ..1am not a specialist Open Forum meeting was beld on lion is trying to do what it can, but sults of the problems and how they andlbepostedswastika(underthe in this area" September 19 to discuss the prob- he doesn't think Campus Safety is were ultimately dealt with is Erst Amendment freedom of Whereas Sayre believes the hate lem and make the statement that doing as much as it could "Yeah, unknow, Chambers said speech); and2)a hate-bias crime- mail is all originating off campus. these incidents would not be toler- it's true the adminisIration got a ''Much more liberal colleges in -an illegal act in which the person Webster said that it could be from ei- ated. slow start, but we're happy to see the area have experienced these bas to feel Slbe was victimized see "racial icidents," p.8 Schindler's List survivor shares horrific experiences ing of security, but most of all, he gards to Oskar Schindler and his gltsb major said "Although pen agam By JONATHON SllACAT AND gave us our dignity back:' said actions. He mentioned the fact Mrs. Silber didn't talk for very Mrs. Silber continues to JENJ'I.'YDAINO SJqffWri",olo.n"lIi//£di'", Silber. She added "one does not that Schindler was "a rake and a long she was very moving. 1I's have ocastonat nightmares On Wednesday, November have to be a saint 10 do saintly privileged playboy [who] chose remarkable to see and talk to but will never forget the face 16, approximately 250 faculty, things." the good over the evil" by saving someonewhounderwentsucba and kindness of Oscar students, and other interested Mrs. Silber's descriptions of the Jews. President Chambers horrific experience, and is still Schindler, a man that, out of guests attended a special lecture Auschwitz were few. but asked Silber what she thought able to speak and inform his own kindness saved 1,100 by Halina Silber in McDaniel ditictivly vivid. When speaking was the cause of his actions. She younger generations, because Jews. She added that. "I have Lounge. Halina Brunengraber of Auschwitz, she said, "when did not have a reason and said we must never forget what hap- no desire to go back now, but Silber spoke of her experiences we arrived it was dark out and we "we don't ask questions, we eel- pened to the Jewsih people, I would like to go before I as a holocaust survivor and as and must never let this hap- die" ====-.:==~ ebrate [his ac- an employee of Oskar tions]". Schindler. When speaking Students voice concerns about At age 13, she volunteered with President herself to work in Auschwitz, a Chambers after WMC social life at Open Forum prison camp where her brother the lecture he SARAH SNELL "suitcase college," where students was located. She claimed that said he thinks Sk>8w,;
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