Page 78 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 78
,§Lggg~w.}r WMC Players Honored By JAY HILBERT GTE representative Julia Spicer will give out the Academic All-American Five former Green Terror athletes will awards to WM softball's Jen Stewart "The defensive line play has ference opponent Washington and be inducted into the Western Maryland Cot- (first team), women's basketball's Sue catty improved, picked up a lot. Lee, in their finale, this Saturday, lege Sports Hall of Fame this Saturday Head (first team), and football's Paul ere starting to rotate and their night McCord (second team). McCord com- is no drop of the level of play," Notes: The quintet are (in alphabetical order): pleted his teaching certification last De- ays Symanski. • With one week to go, WM's Denise Frech (Class of 1983)-Swim- cember, Head graduated magna cum "One of the key factors has place in the Centennial varies from mmg laude this past spring, while Stewart is een that we (the defense) has being tied for second with Richard Klitzbcrg (Class of 1963)-Ba5- currently a senior and should graduate in een able to stay healthy," said Gettysburg to fourth place. ketball. Klitzbcrg is now a member of May. etensivc coordinator Dave Hopkins, who beat F&M last Satur- WM's Board of Trustees. Stewart's teammates will be pre- Seibert. "We're just focusing in day, could end up tied for third with Clifford Lathroup (Class of 1937)-Foot- sented with their award for being Cen- n how we have to get better each WM with a win. If G-Burg loses to ball. Lathroup was a halfback on the 1936 tennial Conference co-champions, with week. We're comfortable with last-place F&M and WM wins, WM ream that won the Maryland State Intercol- Gettysburg, last spring. ach other as a group, and with would end with their highest place legiate title (7-3-1) under the great coach Women's track and field will be pre- that, they are starting to establish in the standing since another second Charlie Havens. sented with their championship they orne pride as a result of their sue- place in 1990. David Martin (Class of 1962)- Basket- won last May at Gettysburg. css." ·WM is now 3-0 in the past tw ball and Tennis. Ted Speers, the Centennial Confer- n the fourth quarter. with the lead years after the bye week. Vernon Mummert (Class of 1975)- Soc- ence heavyweight wrestling champion; still at 28-6, Abron look a short "The rest, no question, helpe cer and Lacrosse. Mummert also worked in Brian Barry, individual golf champion ass from Van Deusen (16-31,192 us ... The way it was explained to Drew University's athletic department for for the CC; and the individual track and yards and 3 TD's) and, with some me, by Dr. Carpenter, is from here well over a decade. field CC victors will also be honored. ifty footwork down the sideline, on out. the rest won't occur in week but six week urned a short yardage catch into a eight, start in a week earlier or and seven. play We'll hit the l-yard Western Maryland College eft crossbar touchdown. Dinh point to five or six games, then the rest. r on his extra eave matter at 34-13 WM. The think it is significant," Football Celebrates Milestone ouchdown in his rookie campaign. of Keating. latest record up- was Abron's third • Van Deusens he season "I'm a little amazed at how I date. With three more touchdowns, since 1979, when they won 9-0. ave played at this level," said the junior QB is now just two scores By JAY HILBERT Western Maryland won the first brcn, who is playing football for away from breaking Bruce This Saturday will mark the 100th game back in 1894 by a 16-0 score. the first time in ten years. Bozman's (1966-69) record of 3S The Terror in a career. anniversary of the Western Maryland- This season, Hopkins is 3-6 over- scoring last three Green two plays touchdowns thrown Swarthmore. Van averaged drives In the win over Johns Hopkins football rivalry. the all (3-3 Centennial) and is coming for 41 yards in 26 seconds. DCIIscn cctipsco the 2.000 yard most frequent match-up between off a 16-7 win over Franklin ami Swarthmore would round out mark for th.: secane str:Ji~ht season. Maryland colleges. Marshall last Saturday in Lancaster. Every year since 1947, WM and Pa. he day's scoring on a Nick Van Deusen is now at 2,1-13 and can Hopkins have met in the season-finale, - With the- finale of the. Hopkins illigan two-yard run, break the mark he set last year fo with the exception of 1963 because of game, Western Maryland would Green Terror Irosb Bill Parks most yards thrown is a season President John F. Kennedy's assassi- have completed 100 seasons of foot- ecorded 10 tackles while playing (2,31 S) vs. Hopkins. nation. ball. WM is 414-381-47 heading ith a broken hand. ·WM's win over Swarthmore i Hopkins leads the series 37-31-4, into Saturday's action. As for Schaffer, his first quar- only the second in six tries in touchdown-which winning nine out of the last II encoun- Eric Frees (Class of '92), WM's er rs early 7-3 lead- tied gave WM Westminster. home The Green Terror las th in the domain won him with over ters. WM won the most recent game, a all-time leading rusher (5281 yards) Garnet in 1990 by a 15-14 margin. 20-3 victory last year in Westminster. and holder of tbe most touchdowns Andy Steckel with eight touch- • Symanskis 108 tackles arc th Green Terror head coach Tim in a career (45); and Class of '52 owns in a season. Steckel set the Terror by any Green Keating on the rivalry: "I don't think graduate Mitch Tullai, who is more ark back in 1991. second '90's. best Jim Webster is tops in in the it matters if one team is 10-0 and the known for running the athletic pro- Swarthmore took an early 3-0 145 stops, other is 0-10, this is one of those rival- gram, and coaching football at St. hen, after a Malt Lecorchick the decade with set in ries where anything can happen." Paul's, will be two of the past Green fumble, Minero kicked his first 1991. The Green Terror will be trying to Terror football greats who will take 36-yarder through the uprights. win in Baltimore for the first time part in the ceremonial coin flip. Left guard Tom year away from football and have been per- By JAY HILBERT Gruneberg has forming up to the task as key men off the Three of the best wloeouts in the Centennial played in 18 straight bench. Conference. 800/0 of the starting offensive lire, games after corning Co-captain running back Malt two steady defensive players, the main running back from major Lecorctuck moved Irom the defense to the rock, and both the starting punter and kicker. knee surgery that offense too this year, gaining over 500 yanls Add them all up and you get 12 'important kept him out all of his on thcground. Green Terror players who will end !heir career sophomore year. Kicker Dung Dinh moved from the de- this Saturday, Gruneberg injured fensive backfield to his current spot in '92, LastSaturday's game with Swarthmore was the knee during the earning all-Conference first team honors. the final appearance in front of the Bair Stadium historic trip to Russia Rounding out the dozen is punter Eric crowd for the 12 Green Terror's. En ter ing 1992. Landseadel, who waited behind CC CIfSI.- Saturday's game, from '91 to '94, Ihe team went team Paul McCord for three years before l0-8-! intbeconfinesofBairand 18-18-1 over- getting the full-time job this year. all. Head coach Tun Keating regrets their Wide receivers Alan Pietkiewicz (co-cap- departure. lain), Butch Schaffer, and Carmen Felus willall "I'd take them all back; everyone that would want to come back. Butch, WilZ ~~ =~:w:g::: ~timerece= WR Alan Pietkiewicz (#4) and K Dung Dinh (#28--on (Pietkiewicz), and Carmen, it's obvious why. left) have both been starters since their sopbomore year, for caoches in a career at 127, Schaffer has set backer this year, I think meoffensive line is havinga 101 offim; seasonal records for yardage and is tied for 38th straight game on the offensive line on while Ramos cracked the lineup last sea- r think they enjoy being coached by wach son. touchdowns. With four more receptions, Felus Saturday,theonlyseniorintbis_grouptostar! (Tim) Britton. Lecorchick has come so far will be fourth on the carea catches list in every Green Terror game since his arrival Both of thc defensive playen;, Charlie from when \vc put him there (m running ten tackle Rob Nightingale will start his in Westminster back in 1991. Clayton and Greg Corv.dl. relllmcd after
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