Page 77 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 77
60 Seconds 111«' s..1'1. s"","" Pulp Fiction moll (Rosanna on Campus Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarauno's now getoutta here now!" Travolta), Lance (Eric Stoltz), and critically acclaimed thriller falls flat WiJlis on the other hand is per- Lance's Arquette) in ICrT11S of entertainment. mined b y the scnpuo act, but does argue over who is going to first get Although it won at Cannes last not take advantage of uiis first op.- the adrcnalin shot and then who is spring, this pop cultural potpurri at- porumny to show his talents since going to administer the shot to By Lisa T. Hill tempts, but does not suceed, in clev- his stints as Mr. Addison on TV's Mia Wallace, played by Uma erly linking three tales of violence, Mooniigluing. Butch lacks the Thurman (even cowgirls ge the Should the rights of smokers corruption, drugs and divine inter- added dimension of the sennmcn- blues), who is ODing from vention. tal man whoreaUy wouldretum to snorting heroin which she be limited on campus? Samuel Jackson who portrays face death in order to retrieve his thought was cocaine. Marcellus wallaace, the gangster farner's gold watch. Overall, Pulp Fiction lacks "If college is meant to whose provides the link between the In this otherwise dismal movie, the satiric edge necessary to a prepare liS for the out- stories, brings a new dimension to a few bright spots do exist. truly humorous look at pop cul- side world, WMC cannot the usual vision of the movie tough Amanda Plummer's portrayal of ture. it falls short of cleverness, guy. Unfortunately, his character is !.he hairbrained and harried would- presenting too much blood and exclude us from the limi- so limited by a bad script that the berobberbdngs laughtertotheau- gun nrc without action sequences tations that we will face most acting Jackson can engage in is diencebriefly. to even be considered a good ac- elsewhere. " his predictable response to Butch, TIlls member of the audience tion film. Don't waste your prorrayed by Bruce Willis (Die couldn't help but dissolve in laugh- money, wait for the video. 1give Hard, Hudson Hawk), "we're cool, ter as Vincent Vega (John Pulp Fiction a 0+. Donielle Long '97 Political Science "Magician" from page 1 "As long as my room doesn't burn down, produced satcuitc radio very impressive and put the Menu, II magazine for magi- people can do whatever broadcasts wttf popular art- audience in a state of awe. cians. thev want!" ists such as Mick Jagger. Sisti said thai his favorite Sting, Duran Duran, andPat Jim Sisti has been per- (rick of all ta cne in which an Benatar. Robinson has writ- forming magic for about ten asks an audience member for Anthony ten books and other publica- years. He is a nationally ac- a ring and he mysteriously Fitzpatrick '98 tions including "Rock, Roll claimed master of the art of puts it on a key chain. He undecided & Remember" and The Vil- close up magic and cur- usually does Ihis trick in a lage Voice. rently performs at popular restaurant and is only a few His illusions are not al- restaurants on a weekly ba- feet from his audience, He ways what they seem. "I sec sis. thinks that close up magic is just about every medium as Sisti has written books "especially intriguing be- capable of being manipu- which are read by other per- cause the audience is per- lated to create something formers and even starred in sonally involved in the im- that wasn't there when I an instructional magic possible things that happen started" says Robinson. video tape. He is currently during the performance". Many of his illusions were tbe editor of The Magic HOUSE OF UQUORS "Everything in Spirits, PLUS COurtesy & Service" CARROLL PlAZA SHOPPING CENTER, WES1\INSTEI, Jot) 21157 (Rt.l40arrclEnglarRd.j "No; if YOII like to do it, 848·1314 you shold be able to Lotio & Lottery Headquarters smoke wherever you want FINE V>1NE& SPiRiTS, mE PERFECT GIfT FCil ALL 0CCASJ00IS to. " Sale Beer! ............ $6.99 case cans John Torpy '97 , " $O.99/quart ,.. , $9.99 12 pack Business .............. $7.99 12pk bottles Molsen Ice ... ........ $8.99 12pk bottles * Bud Light Ice ... , $9.99 case cans * Coors Dry .... . , ,$10.99 case bottles "Yes; not to limit their fio%-,(ffil fNati'J;;iUghtlfMilwaukee'sl rights is to limit the " rights of nonsmokers. I I I & Busch I I Best I I Any purchase I I I I I I Excluding sale I I $8.99 I I $7.49 I April Johnson '96 I items and tobacco I I I I case cans wi coupon I I I case cans I Communications I __ I I" ===-==----=L::_:-:_::-:_::-=-=-:_-.=-_-__ L p_rod_u_cts__ ..J "0 limit ..J -"L _ ,!lO_IWl.!.. _ ..J I
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