Page 145 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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,.O;_n_T_h_e_H_i_II~~ ......:w.;,;e~d:.:;ne::;:S:;;::;day,March 15, 1995 Page 9 Thnnpeters' Spotlight: WMC profs brave the Arctic Order of Omega cookies each. Joining the professors on the By ERIN JENKINS coeducational in 1977. excursion was WMC student Contributing IVriler the honor society has expanded to The Order of Omega is a Na- over three hundred chapters in the tional Greek Honor Society that United States. was chartered on Western The requirements to be a mem- Maryland's campus in 1993. Since ber of Order of Omega at Western then the organization has contrib- Maryland College are: a minimum uted much 10 the social, academic, grade point average of 2.8, and ex- and philanthropic climate of the tensive involvement in ones Greek campus. organization, as well as other cam- The Order of Omega was pus organization involvement. Only founded at the University of Mi- 3% of the entire Greek community ami in 1959 by a group of frater- can be selected into this organization. nity men who felt that the individu- Currently the total membership num- als in the Greek community should beris 14. New member applications be recognized for their service to are being reviewed currently. So the fraternity system and the Uni- look to see who the new members versity. The organization became are in the next issue of the Phoenix. New professor joins sociology dept, to become chair next year ter. They both helped gather data to ascertain which neurotrans- By LAURU: OCERO went on the earn her Ph.D. in sociol- mitters were related to certain SlaffWrilef ogy from Iowa State University. amino acids in the "You, of course, are going to be a It was while studying at IowaState help ===== teacher." This is whal:Dr. Debra Lemke, that Dr. Lemke realized she wanted to body, which the can relation- identify whojoinedthe ~Csociologydepart- teach. There, she worked with under- ship of blood levels of ment this fall, was told by her high graduates as an instructor and adviser. the amino acids to school history teacher. 'That's when Irealized that class- mood states and ex- ''No, absolutely not! No way am haustion. They did this t:~r,;:rr===n==O............... ~:i~;rt~~~~ iiil by taking a diet analy- sis and blood sample at was not until years later that she the pre-race meeting to would come to discover her see what type of mood love of the participants were teaching. in. The procedure was Dr. Lemke is a native of Georgia. She grew up in repeated the end of the Wrens, a small town near Au- The race started on gusta. She earned her Saturday, February 18, bachelor's degree in zoology at 10 a.m. From the and master's degree in exten- starting point at Big sioncducation at the University Lake, Alspach and of Georgia. Case 'traveled to each She studied to become a checkpoint, including Trail Lake, Rabbit Lake, and fi- we trained well for this. I nally Skwentna. They ran side by side for 36 hours with just an ter. in terms of time." sues. However, when Dr. Lemke graduated, there was a hiring said Dr. Lemke. "I really like teaching. search. Currently, she and a ing. They made a real effort to don't feel like I'm new anymore." freeze in her area. I've always liked sharing what Iknow colleague are working on "re- include me and make me feel Recently, Dr. Lemke was asked She turned her focus to the rela- and helping people understand things." defining power from a feminist like part of the family. I feel that to be the next sociology department tionship between what people know Dr. Lemke also points out that her perspective, to define power in because of how warmly welcomed chair, replacing the retiring Dr. about the environment and their atti- students contribute to her learning. a way that is not coercive, or I've been by the faculty and the stu- Franklin Ashburn. She will assume tudes toward it, which she tested in her "Every class, I learn something from violent, or aggressive." dents, that's one of the reasons I this position in the Fall. master'sthesis. Thcresults showed that my students - a different way to un- In her spare time, she en- "people know a lot about the environ- derstand the material, or aquest.ion that joys playing with her 3 year- ment and what they need to do to pro- never occurred to me." old daughter. She also likes CAPBoard Calendar tect it, but they weren't doing anything Prior to joining the WMC faculty, being outdoors -taking walks about it." Dr. Lemke taught at Drake University and gardening. Before her April 1 -- Concert: "Soul Coughing" ''Why is it that we know a lotabout in DesMoines, Iowa Then,she worked daughter was born, she en- the environment, and yet, we don 't be- as a visiting assistant professor at the joyed participating in her fa- opening act: "Angry Salad" (alternative) haveany better?" she questioned. This University of Northern Iowa. vorite sport, soccer. She also students $10; public $15 8 p.m. in PELC is what led her to sociology. Most recently, she was a visit- likes to travel. Her husband is April 7 -- Third Annual "Moonlight Cruise" In 1985, she moved to Iowa and ing assistant professor at West- German, and she has visited leave PELC at 9:15 p.m, (coach buses) for enrolled in Iowa State University's en- ern Carolina University. family in Germany. Dr. Lemke BALTIMORE vironmental sociology program. Upon Currently, she teaches In- also has many friends in for- her arrival there, she discovered that the troduction to Sociology, Socio- eign countries. Someday she board "The Spirit of Baltimore" at 11 p.m. environmental sociology courses had logical Theory, and Gender would "like to do a world tour" sail until 2 a.m. take buses back to PELC not been taught there in years. Roles, a new course at WMC. and visit her old friends. CAN BUY TICKETS FOR BOTH MARCH 13.14, ''But I became very interested in Dr. Lemke feels that WMC MARCH 27ยท31 IN FRONT OF GLAR OR IN THE theory and community and other areas Dr. Lemke's concentration is the warmest, most close-knit STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. of sociology, and realized I had found areas are theory and gender, campus she has ever been on. my niche in life," said Dr. Lemke. She which she focuses on in her re- "The faculty was very 'accept-
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