Page 144 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On The Hill Wednesday, March 15, 1995 Page 8 "Honors Housing," from p.I Expansion possible from the rest of the class." He recalled [first-year honors students] to live with us you live. The housing gave her an "in- for Honors Program that early in the first semester there was a so they can have the whole college experi- stant family" and she "got to know people barbecue picnic for first-year students to ence in the suite right away." The chemistryl By MICHELLI': HAMILTON get to know one another. The residents Kristi Benson, another first-year stu- math major added, "We talk about all the News Editor of Whiteford and Rouzer were invited to dent and psychology major not in the pro- books we read and [the suite arrangement] Changes in the housing and residence participate in the activity. As far as he gram, echoed her idea. "It takes them out encourages a lot of discussion." halls that are underway are affecting resi- could remember, first-year students in of the experiences that we have," she said In response to the feeling some stu- dents of the Honors program as well. Nancy DMC were not invited. There also were Director of the Honors Program Nancy dents have about being excluded from the Palmer "hopes the Honors program will ex- volleyball tournaments between the two Palmer explained the original ideas behind rest of their class, Nancy Palmer said, "It's pand" and expanding numbers means ex- dorms. honors housing. Through living together, up to the individual [to get involved]. I panding housing, also. No decisions have "My education is important to me, but she explained, the students "can continue see the environment on this campus as been made yet about expansion of space in so is my social life," the political science! the dialogue that they have in class" after small. People need to get out and make DMC. French major explained. First semester, class is over. She also pointed out that friends," she added. She also emphasized The possibility of expansion to other Wilwohl was involved in activities such "these students are highly motivated," and that it is not required to live in honors hous- sections, though, raises concerns with the as choir, Christian Fellowship, and the honors housing gives them a quieter envi- ing to be in the program. Barbara Affinity groups, who are the other residents Program the Honors Dean Currently of DMC. of First Year Students, Catholic Campus Ministry. but he "still ronment in which to work. She added that Disharoon, found various responses to has two sections in DMC, and according to found it difficult to meet people." By the she "hopes all students [continue dialogues honors housing during her Dean's Chats. Dwight Smith, member of the Admissions end of last semester, Wilwohl felt as if he beyond class], this [honors housing] just Suite, that "is enough" for them. Affinity was "living in a box." makes it easier." There were two ways of thinking, she said, groups "can offer so much to the campus" Junior Tim Collins's experiences in First-year student and English major that honors students in housing expressed. honors housing his first year paralleled Ray Walker explained how many people Some said they preferred the better ac- and they also need an environment that al- Wilwohl's. Collins said that when he de- benefited from honors housing. Honors commodations, while others "felt they lows members to live together he added. cided to go Greek his sophomore year, "I students .have "many of the same classes were being penalized," she said. She Smith also pointed out that "there are realized during rush and after I started together" and can "do homework together," suggested that perhaps students could be a lot of new Affinity Groups applying" for pledging that the friends Ijust met already he said. It helps with studying, he also presented with the pros and cons of hon- suites this year, so expansion isn't only oc- had a lot of ties with other freshman." The explained. Walker did not feel excluded ors housing in greater detail before they curring in the Honors Program. sociology/business major added that, "Of from his class. Instead he argued that the make the decision to live there. course, you don't realize that unti I yOll coed environment was "more like the real Disharoon explained that she made themselves in a college atmosphere and leave the Honor's housing." world." sure honors students were integrated work for [the privilege of housing] instead Kendra Jones, a first-year student in with non-honors students during the Ori- of it being a benefit from their high school Nazhin Beiramee, a first-year stu- student Harding dent and psychology major who is not in the Honors Program and housing, ex- entation. "To prevent the feeling of be- work" first-year school work doesn't sug- hon- assigned gested. "High ing left out, I deliberately the Honors Program and lives in plained that "if you go out and do things," mean anything if you can't maintain it Whiteford, said, "It would be better for then you will meet people despite where ors students to diverse groups during Ori- entation," she said. This initial contact was in college," he added. also followed up by the peer mentor pro- While Walker admitted that "hous- [leta 4- 'Bit 01 r/eWice ... gram. This way, exposure to all students ing is a key benefit Nancy of being in the hon- ors Palmer empha- program," occurred the first day of school. not Another perspective of students 4fl~S~ Whiteford and Rouzer is that honors hous- in sized that they "were promote] interested pro- in using [to housing the ing is a privilege that other students are gram." What advice do you have for the denied. be able to handle the same students vealed While that this "a lot of people Jones they re- Benson may be {rue, also said honors pres- "should said be in the Honors Residence Life Department? sures [in a dorm] as we do." Also, she wouldn't for the housing." Program if it students, OUi that other wasn't like those pointed who have weak study skills, need "an en- While there are many different vironment that encourages [the type of] viewpoints on this issue, Disharoon I. "Residence Life is out of touch, in- 10. Directed toward Mark Holfelder: competent, and the student body has lost "Loosen up on social events, your job is to learning" that the honors housing provides. seemed to be able to give the best solu- Communication faith in them to say the leas!. My advice help students, not screw them."-Mike suggested that maybe major honors Matt Harding tion. "Listen to the students," she said, yourself housing "Make accessible." is for them to duck because the brown stuff Eves '95 should be reserved until the sophomore Palmer agreed. "I would just like is about to hit the fan."-ThreeToed-Sloth II. "Start a better policy on cleaning the year. "Students should be able to prove everyone to be happy." '96 dorms on weekends and be more consis- 2. "Leave the doors unlocked until the tent with punishments and leniencies."- regular time and step up the amount of Stephen Hallowell '97 Irr======================="'"'i1 hours that RA's are on duty."-Elton 12. "I think that the RA's should lighten up HOUSE OF LIQUORS Banks '97 and get to know the people in the building 3. "Replace all the older beds and improve a little bit better, that way you can form a "Everything in Spirits, the lighting in the rooms, so that way I mutual respect with them."-Duke '97 PLUS Courtesy & Service" can see."-Jeremy Mercer '98 13. "Get your heads out of space, get in CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPIN"G MD 4. "Look more closely at the background touch wlth reality, and stop spending 100 CENTER, WESTMINSTER, of the potential RA when they are apply- much time at the Blue Oyster."-Derrick (Rt. 140 and Englar Rd.) ing for the job. Interview people who Ray '96 848-1314 know the person who is applying to get an 14. "I think that the RLC's should use Meg Lotto & Lotto Headquarters objective opinion."-Sophie Furr '97 Gobrecht as a role model because she gets FINE WINE & SPIRITS * THE PERFECT 5. "Make it easier for independents to live involved with people personally and helps SALE! GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS with their friends."-Sarah South '98 them out with problems they might have, 6. "Have the RA's walk around with Lysol this is very effective."-Carrie Gatton '98 NEW! National Bohemian Ice.... . $6.99/case cans to get rid of the stench of puke and human IS. "Try to make it easier for freshman to or National Bohemian... . $6.99/case cans waste in the hal\way."-Andy Kalisperis live in housing other than Whiteford or Keystone Light & Icc... . $8.99/case, $4.99/12pk '98 Rouzer. Don't segregate the freshmen from Milwaukee's Best (Reg & Lt) $7.99/case r-------, 7. "Improve and maintain the dorms bet- the upperclassmen."-Jessie Watts ''98 Heineken & Amstel Light... $9.99112 pk bottles Killian's Red ter. Allow juniors to live off campus if The Residence Life Department has its r-------, $15.99/case, $8.99/12 pk bottles they choose."-Lori Fleischmann '97 good side and its bad side. The good side 8. "Try to make the dorms something is if you have a problem and you are per- I Natural Light I I Coors Light I worthwhile living in."-Richard Thomas sistent, then they will find a solution. The '95 bad side is that some of their solutions might :or Busch Light: : or Bud : 9. "Make housing more accessible for stu- not be suitable to the students' desires. I I $12.49 I dents who aren't Greek. Give upperclass- There are always a few bad apples in the I $8.99 Case Cans Case Can, men more than one day to move into the basket and there is nothing that you or I can 1 with coupon 1 I. with coupon 1 donns."-Dawn Downey '97 do about it. J.O.S.
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