Page 66 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 66
Cl"O.SS Country Races inConference lieves that the team ran well, but mance, but the team did their By DAVID RAOOSEVICH SiJJjfWri", added, "My personal perfor- best under the conditions," said The WMC cross country rnance was O.K., but I can do tbe education graduate student. team attempted to outrun pour- better." Weible has placed well in the ing rain and more experienced One freshman who ran admi- conference meet the last four competition in the first ever rably was Jim Holford. After years despite fighting off persia- Centennial Conference Cham- passing the half-mile mark, he tent injuries. "Even with my pionship Meet, held October 30, slipped and slashed his knee bealthandnagginginjuries,Iran at Carlisle, Pa, open on a rock. "I knew my leg my best," she said. The men's team placed fifth was bleeding, but I got right Junior Erin Jenkins placed out of 11 teams and the ladies back up and sucked it up," he 44th with a time of 22 minutes finished eighth out of eight said. Remarkably, Holford then and 40 seconds. Senior Kirsten complete teams. "Overall I was went on to be the second Green Stockel ran her final cross coun- pleased with our performance. Terror to finish, crossing the try meet in 23 minutes and 40 considering the conditions," linc in 28 minutes and 19 sec- seconds, placing 45th. "Even said Coach Doug Renner. onds. The nasty cut required 16 though the scores didn't reflect Haverford College ";"onboth stitches after the race. it, the team came together and The men's team has a the individual times improved," the men's and the women's races by big margins. nucleus of young runners, in- said Stockel. Haverford's men team is ranked eluding five freshmen and three Coach Renner hopes tbe ninth in the nation. Runner-up sophomores. Freshman Shane men's team can improve for the in the men's race was Franklin Brooks finished the course in 29 regional meet in Allentown, Pa., and Marshall College, who is minutes and 2 seconds. Sopho- on November 13. "The men can ranked 23rd in the nation. more Pat Metcalf finished one run better, and we still have a WMC's Greg Davis took second behind Brooks. chance to improve going into the 15th place as the top finisher for Kendra Weible placed 12th meet," he said. the young men's team. He cov- in the ladies' race, as she cov- Freshman Davis agrees: ered tbe five-mile course in 26 ered the 3.1 mile course in 19 "The team has a lot of potential minutes and 58 seconds. Davis, minutes and S6 seconds. "I was if we stick together. The bottom a freshman biology major, be- very disappointed in my perter- line is that we work hard." WORD PERFECT MAC $79 - WORD PERFECT DOS $99 - WORD PERFECT WIN $99 - ILLUSTRATOR MAC $149 -ILLUSTRATOR PC $149 - PAGEMAKER MAC $199 - PAGEMAKER PC $199 - FREE- HAND MAC $149- FREEHAND PC$149- NOR TON UTILITIES MAC $75 - NORTON UTILITIES PC $90 -CLARISCAD $199-CANVAS MAC $199 CANVAS WIN $199 PHOTOSHOP $279 PHOTOSTYLER $199 SUPERPAINT $99- MACDRAW PRO $139 - PERSUASION MAC$125-PEASUA- SION PC $125 - SUPER ATM$75-PREMIEAE$249 - CLARISWORK$ $149- MOREl TOWsOrt COMPUTER Discounts apply for all college 102 W. Pennsylvania Avenue faculty, staff, students. K·12 Towlon, Maryland 21204 faculty, staff only. Call for Contact MIlle Glaller 887-2150 x 28 current pricing and catalog. FAN'S @ 1 £lIAlNST. CHINESE RESTAURANT IN oo'lfNTOWN WfSTJIINSTER Szechuan. Cantonese· American 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 Telephone: (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876·3166 1Ull-5$SI Malty Rtpa[rs wflik You Wait 876-13$4 ,~ ,', •.•.•. ,' ~.,-."" I .". ~ I' 1"'"...n,...,', ~ 'I',",q' t 11~ r.'·•.·~~..'~',' -',\.\- :. -or' ;i.~ 'Y;; ._.,:, "i.f..,.";j-.:,' _;','" ij " ',' ,'..,:~:;,' ,t' 'r' !;, ~-~. .,.:, .i .-:'i,;','~ (~- "'f' I: ;.0' .:' 'r ..< ,"' ... ' I-
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