Page 51 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 51
15 Always On Call: WMC Sports Trainers By IlEA THER REFSE der the supervision of Dr. recognition of injury." an easy job, as student trainer C...,rib"""'¥W .... , "are experts at what they do, Daniel W eHi ver. Nibbelink and Lauret are as- Scott Stem explains, "The hard- which contributes to the train- Tbey can be seen on the They are in charge of the sisted in the training room and of a student sidelines of every Sporting organization and adminla- on the field by a number of stu- est trainer part is being being cognitive of ing room being the most im- event played by Western tration of the training room. dent trainers. Because they can your skills and letting your portant aspect of all of the Maryland." sports at Western Maryland College, watching skills take over." However, it as intensely as any coach or ~e;ddi!~:~ 'The hardest part of ~~;~a~~:: does have many rewards. He also feels that the student trainers are a valuable asset to fan in attendance. They are ~~~n:r~ being a student :~n~~Ud: Denlinger, October the training room because Allison the Green Terrors athletic Student Trainer of the Month, they help Nibbelink relieve trainers and their job is nei- qui, k 1 Y trainer is being cog- ;~:pon~~~; meeting all of the new and Lauret when the training enjoys ther easy nor simple. people and learning about the room gets busy. Gregg and niti ve of your skills ~~:tm:~: aware of in- different injuries and how to re- Being an athletic trainer is n Rochelle Lauret are the habilitate them. Denlinger, trainers an athlete sees ~I~lati~~~a- and letting your ~~:n ia~ :n- along with several other student ajob that requires giving a lot of time, for low pay and little when he/she has a sports re- trainers, developed and interest lated injury. Their job is ~~~sbel~a~ skills take over." ~:~:;~~ recognition. in athletic training Laurel's much more than taping a prevention -Scott Stem sess the situ- jury of her own. after an in- considering advice for anyone a career in athletic player's leg. Nibbelink and of injury is the most important anon and notify Nibbelink and/ The trainers are well like and why is , "Remember Lauret oversee the entire aspect of his job, but is quick to or Lauret about the situation at respected by the athletes. training there. The reasons you're Sports training program and add, "the second part that needs hand. Trevor Sellers, senior football have to be m ore intrinsic than all of the athletic teams, un- to be addressed seriously is the Being a student trainer is not co-captain, feels that the trainers extrinsic." "They're Just Athletes- They Aren't Smart!" By MARK HUGHFS cided the game: Chris Webber the game, but people began to Washington, Temple and Ken- them win by four points. In- S'<>ffW';,,,, grabbed the rebound off of a question the intelligence of tucky. I'm not a big fan of stead of giving Portland credit Remember last year's missed foul shot and dribbled Chris Webber and the rest of Michigan (I prefer for a good season, the media NCAA Division I-A Basketball up across half court, where he the "brothers" on the Michigan Georgetown), so don't try and claimed that they were a bunch finale between Nortb Carolina called a time out that Michigan squad. Well, if you feel that say that I'm sticking up for my of athletes, and that they didn't have. The result was a way, then Iguess you are really team. If the Michigan Fab Five weren't a smart team! belittling the teams that Michi- was just a group of athletes, they Why is it that when a team gan defeated in the would have never been to two features a starting five of all toumament.Namely, Coastal straight cbampionships. black players, they are consid- Carolina, UCLA, George Let me take you further ered athletes, and aren't sup- back. The 1992 NBA Finalsfea- posed to be smart. The black tured the Portland Trailblazers athlete DOMINATES U.s.A. _ I games, cago dominated tbe first five it's time to stop questioning to basketball at each-level, ~__I._against tne.cmcaaonuus. Chi- an"' ... but lost two of tnose his intelligence. Thanks games due 10 lapses at critical Jordan and times. Many expected Chicago Michael Chicago Bulls the for 1992-93 . to come out running and blow proving those people out Portland in game six, but the wrong. As for those who opposite happened in the first 30 continue to talk the non- minutes. Portland took control, sense about black athletes: and had a double digit lead at be honest and admit that the half. That lead swelled to what you say shows preju- ..&••~~"" • .JI.~J..... nearly 20 points in tbe third dice, and with it, then that's if you feel com- quarter, when the Bulls bench fortable ~ ,...~.,. brought them back and belped fine. ~, A"., ~ PUfJle" Sports Writers Needed ' Contact Jay Hilbert Delicious Burgers X 8600 Over-Stuffed Sandwiches CAroUACE HCU$E FreshSalads _iiE IJQUCrt$ ColdBeer - Plenty Of It! ~ ..2__ n3 WE3l' MAIN $TEET '.:...:2.-=-~_: Plenty Of FREE Parking $-t$"3~ SPECIALS MilwaukeesBesl& Light $ 7.99 case MickcysQuarts $.99 848-1334 Bud.cOOfs, High Life Lighl& Drafl $4.9961f11:bollle. Miller $12.99,... """,, Miller $1O.47casooan. Moosehead Schaefer NalUralLighl & Lighl $ 6.99 caso<>n< $9.99011>< I.:n. Cra.:r:tberry lVJ:a11 Becks $7.99 $9.99IZpack Killians Winsor Canadian 7.50 ml $5.99 WHlU:; SUPPUES LAST
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