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Kephart- Bright Spot For Women's Soccer Despite Dismal Season since it is a sport she still her teammates. When she By JAY HILBERT Spon,fdi,or loves to play and does on a has something to say during a Despite the frustrating Intramural basis. game or a practice, team- season, the Green Terrors When she first began to mates often listen," Women's Soccer team has play goalie, Kephart had to When you see Kephart had one bright spot. Goalie start from step one. "My playing, you will often notice Sarah Kephart bas faced goalie coach started me out Ihe black hat. Kephart over 180 shots in 12 games, like a five year old, because started to use the hat after earning the respect of ner there was so much Iunda- seeing Terrors Men's Goalie teammates, her coaches, and mentally I bad to learn about Malt St. Jean use a hat on a opposing coaches. What the position." very sunny afternoon. most people do not know is In the brief time she has "Sometimes in the game, that Kephart has only been started as goalie, Kephart there are times where the sun playing goalie since last fall. admits she has received ac-' glares in hard. At first, I When an incoming fresh- colades from other coaches, used black liner under my man, who was slated to be wbo are "impressed at the eyes, but that only ended up the starting goalie, decided amount of time I have spent on my jersey. The hat blocks not to attend Western Mary- in goal (two seasons). Some out a lot ofthe sun and makes land, Kephart got the job. of them feel that I have had it easier for me to see the She was the only other op- to have been a goalie a lot bali," she said. non, though her experience Kephart also plays second was limited to one _,.".,- base for the Green "She [Kephart] is very im- Terrors Softball occasion- a tour- nament her fresh- portant to this team. She is ~::h~~t~~l~pr~~f~ man year at WMC where she ended up very well respected among ~~:~:~;~~~i~?C!~~ as goalie. Kephart, a na- the players and coaches." ~e;;;~~e ~~~~Ie ;t~ tive of Hydes, Md. lantic Conference was dis- and a 1990 graduate of Loch continued in favor of the Raven -High School, first longer than wo seasons." larger Centennial Confer- started playing soccer her Senior Fullback Carolyn Freshman year because "it Low said, "She [Kephart) is Reminiscing, Kephart was a good way to meet very important to this team. said, "Last year when Jen people and I did have an in- She is well-respected among [Prowinskij scored the win- terest in soccer despite the our players and coaches. She ning run to win the MAC's, fact that I played when I was bas a lot of skill and proves there was a sense of pride, younger and ended up to be a safety net on de- and chaos, with a touch of breaking my foot." fense." madness. We are ready for While at Loch Raven, Despite the number of the challenge to win another Kephart played J.V: for only goals she bas given up, Low title." a year. She spent her re- feels "that the statistics do Kephart is a Business and maining three years on the not show the true play of Economics major with an varsity team playing For- Sarah." Accounting minor. After she ward and Sweeper. She Assistant Coach Michelle graduates, Kephart would also started for Varsity Girls Jolly praises Kephart for like to become a C.P.A. She Basketball and Softball "being a vocal team leader spends her spare time, run- teams. She regrets not play- who despite the score is snn ning, swimming, and reading ing basketball for WMC, shouting encouragement to Danielle Steele novels. - AN'" _ f'1" @ CHINESE RESTAURANT Szechuan. Cantonese· American 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 Telephone: (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876·3166
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