Page 37 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 37
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College By DAN SCIlAEFFER SIdjfWrlM' Now you don't have to join a local health club to get a good workout dur- ingthescmcstcr. Western Maryland College's new $100,000 Life Fitness Center, which opened October 20th at Gill Gymna- sium, offers cardiovascular training to studcnta.statf.andfaculty. "It could meet anyone's needs, I be- lieve, the way it's designed," said Edgar Sell, director of facility planning and capital projects. The Life Fitness Center consists of a newly renovated weight room and an aerobics room. The weight room bas ~ew ~diovasc~lar exercise equipment, Including exercise bikes and step ma- chines, said Sell. Much of the facility's planning was done by alumnus Odd Haugen, who owns several fitness centers in Hawaii and California, said Sell. Planning bas gone on [or about three years, but fund- ing had to be raised before work could begin, said Sell. Dr. leRoy Panek, director of corpo- rate and foundation relations, said Haugen worked with suppliers and before, it was insufficient for students' said Sell. The new weight room, which used to manufacturers to get some discounted needs. Sell said there wasn't enough mirrors $1,000 Stolen and donated equipment. equipment and the space was too con- be the multi-purpose room, has Sell said etget more pieces of equip- nned, making it dangerous. on the walls, ceiling fans, and is car- yet aren't ment will come in the second week of Aside from the complaints about the peter, said Sell. Funds the space, but BY~ .....~~..urrBrrrEL availible to air-condition November. These include leg presses, old weight room, students wanted a place Approxilnak:1y $1,(0) was srolefl from back machines, Olympic benches, and a to dance, Sell said. So, a hardwood dance will be in tbe next stage of the project, aCoca-Coladeliveryl'rld:~ootilie six-station multi-training unit. floor built on rubber blocks was installed Sell said. ofBlarrlJeWardHallonMorx:Iay,C>c:toter Although there was a weight room in me old weight room to provide that, See Fitness Center Page 2 25, 1993 between 1:50 and 2-05 (Ill wten it was repcteo 10the depaltmenl of Cam- Student Affairs "Toughs It Out" pus Safery. man foc the Coca-Cola The d:livery Ccmpany, who wished not to be named, returned to his truckootside ofBIancbeaf- residence life, and the elimination last aren't finding enough good students who sv DA VIP RAorn."EVICH teJ'fillingthesexlaIl'lOChireirnide. It was S~Writ" February of tbe director of career advis- can afford our fees," said President Rob- tbenthatbedi.sooveredlhattbesafeintbe Can the Student Affairs Division ing position, formerly held by Cathy ert Chambers. tnckbsdbeenfcrcedcpen 'Ib!lockonthe maintain the level of quality services Nosel, bas left Student Affairs with a "There bas been a reduction in staff, safe was cut, accuding to this year without refilling two vacant shortage of mid-level personnel. but we've tried to do this while still Thedri-.erimmediatelycoota:tedCam- Due to difficulties resulting in part maintaining the same services," said full-time positions? pus Safety, wbo called Westminster City The answer to this question depends from declining enrollment, the college Philip Sayre, dean of Student Affairs. Police. CocpocaIRuthBarbourandOfficer on which department you ask. The de- has been forced to undergo a restructuring Goldwater's departure was not a result of George venret, fran Campus Safety re- parture thts September of Joanne plan mat has affected every operation of the restructuring. Ramer, it was a per- spoodedtoltx:call OfficerJohnstoooftbe Goldwater, former assistant director of me college. "We are expensive, and we sonal decision to move on, according to Westminster City fulice arrived on the Frank: Lamas, associate dean of Student Affairs. scmeslxxtJy aner Cempcs Safety. However, after her departure, the po-- OffirerJobnstonsaid, ''Thedrivaofthe truckreturJ"mtohisvebidetofiOOtbedoo- sition was frozen. "1 know I can make a strong case for a position to be filled, but had been slid open and the padJock had teen ca'' in me global order of the institution, we The driver reported seventeen bags of have to see where our needs lie in the pecking order of everything," said La- currencymissing. Themissing currency is mas. botbcrinsandooeddla'bi1Is. wttn nobody to fill Goldwater's Jobnstonhadlhesafeandlhetruckdoo- shoes, most the work falls in me laps of dusted foc fingeqxints. me three residence life coordinators, who Accoo:IinglOtbedriver,tbesiidingside have divided the work into committees. doors can beloc.kf:dbutbeha<; never before "The residence life department needs felt ue reed to Iocktbem. When esked if someone to take more of a coordinating bewillbeOOingbisjOOanydifferentlyintbe and spearheading role," said Lamas. future, be responded." I will deftnitely be Jude Yearwood, a residence life coor- makingsmnecbanges." dinator, has taken mat role because be had previously worked with Goldwater If anyone has in/omwJion about this on a number of her daily responsibilities. crime, please coaoa Campus &fety III x202. See Student Affairs Page 3
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