Page 39 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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"We wear a tive duties from the residence life coor- lot of different hats," said Arnie. She ex- dinators. plains that in order to provide the core "I'm convinced that services, different people had to take on new responsibilities. what "'J know is developmentally we have as strong a good for students, but I need to know the Frank Lamas. associate dean of Student Affairs, believes restructuring has career services de- best method with our constraints while them squeezing water out of a ~k in some areas. keeping our heads above water," said partment as ever- Arnie. This is being accomplished and by in my job, and t'm looking forward to it missing some of the glamorous things," said Mike Webster, director of Campus she said. with mixed emotions," shifting some of the responsibilities maybe even dropping some of the non-essential ser- of coordinator of international the position Safety. With Nosel's departure, "Small, private colleges are taking it student stonger." vices, like the Graduate School Fair. services was also left open. It was filled on the chin. Imay be the most expensive Judy Hart, administrative assistant to ·Philip Sayre, dean of Dean Sayre, now works half-time as an by Donna Cooper, who is also a resi- secretary on campus because I'm the di- rector of Campus Safety and here I am dence Furtbennore, life coordinator. Student Affairs administrative assistant to Arnie. "By DO answering the phone and dispatching means do I replace Cathy Nosel, hut I Cooper became coordinator of minority The second new position is that of provide assistance to Karen [Arnie]," from Mitchell Alexander, director of cot- calls," said Webster. In addition to needing more staff and residence director, held by Meg saidHart. "I'm actually enjoying myself lege activities. training them more often, Webster sees a Cooper expressed interest in both p0- Gobrecht, a graduate student and termer more because I'm busier and I like the sitions because she hopes to pursue a ca- need for more capital investments on the resident assistant. "With the departure of new challenges of learning about career campus. "In terms of security hardware, Joanne, we've had to decentralize more," services." reer in that area. "I knew that it was go- this place is in the 1940s,"hesaid. Stu- said Gobrecht. The residence life coor- In addition, career services has a new ing to be busy, but there are so many stu- dents have also noticed the shortage in dinators now try to address the needs of part-time graduate intern, Katie dents. I'm always on the go," said Coo- Campus Safety staff. per. students in their areas rather than in the Ruperthall, to help provide services. "There aren't officers to do all the main officc, she explained. Have all "She is greatly helping us, and it is nice Sayre believes tbat career services is work because nearly every time I go these changes in residence life hurt their 10see Judy [Hartl join us half-time," said doing an extremely goodjob. "I'm con- there nobody is around," said Jobn Faris, ability toserve the students? "No, we are MaryannNalevanko, Smith House office vinced that we have as strong a career a senior business major. Others disagree a lot more accommodating and flexible manager. services department as ever - maybe Safety to students this year in terms of bousing," Nalevanko has also taken on some even stronger," be said. and believe Campus is doiPg an adequate job. "Campus Safety has done said Yearwood. "Students are a lot hap- added responsibility by agreeing to be College activities is one area of Stu- weU.lbeyarejustthevictimsofalotof pier this year." the test administrator for the GRE exam dent Affairs that is not as strong as last unfair judgment," said Peveto. Some students agree that they are on campus. 'This is the biggest impact year. Tbey lost two half-time positions The other two main areas of Student happier. "I've noticed that students don't in the restructuring process, the informa- Affairs. student health services and tion desk attendant and the Decker Cen- complain as much now that Joanne ter building manager. These duties were counseling services, have been unaf- Goldwater is gone," said Jeff Peveto, a fected by the restructuring. After three split between Alexander and Cindy senior business major. According to Tolin, associate director of college ac- consecutive years of having to hire a new Lamas, the Student Satisfaction Survey tivities. medical services coordinator, Sayre be- given every year has indicated that resi- "I'd be lying if 1 said that I welcomed lieves that, "Bonnie [Bosley] has done a dence life has done a very good job. these changes because I'm already Unfortunately, everything may not be "There isn't that able to run this smoothly for an extended stretched to the limit," said Alexander. col- "The restructuring hasn't revamped time. "I'm very mindful that a lot otre- lege activities in a better way." warm, fuzzy feeling sponsibility has been dumped on the resi- Alexander said that the level of ser- dence life coordinators and that we have vice they provide to students basdropped anymore, because to deal with that burnout," explained from about 90 percent of their time last Sayre. year to about 80 percent this year. we have too much -Omers point out that WMC is not the "There isn't tnat warm, fuzzy feeling only school that is burdened by the re- work to do." anymore, because we have .too much structuring process. "We are looking at work to do," he added. ·Mitchell Alexander. director a world-wide phenomenon where many The lower morale problem has been of college activities arc scaling back, and we are finding that recognized by many people. "Sinking wc arc hitching up the pants and tough- morale has to do with uncertainty," said goodjob with Joan [Lusby], so I feci that ing it through," said President Chambers. Chambers. "If people saw the end [of the they have stability down there." Another area of Student Affairs that is changes], there would be less uncertainty Some students, however, have ex- toughing it through is career services. and higher morale." pressed concern about not having a male Dean Sayre agrees that, "The counselor in addition to Susan Glore, di- economy has become our planner. Mo- rector of counseling. Sayre has heard Schmitt's~ rale tends to sink when people haven't this concern. "It goes beyond the gender gotten pay raises in a few years, plus they issue. People should have options in 1148.59111JoFA)(·H76·2081 have extra work." Lamas adds, "It's case they don't hit it off well or do not 55 ECMAIN STREET. WESThUNSTER • MD 21157 tough on families and individuals, hut like the method of counseling," he said. you have to remain optimistic." . A male intern was a possibility this
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