Page 38 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Bachelors Reflect On Losing Their Floor By USA T.HIU. trial is set and a decision made, several from LG.C., and they had said it was weeks have passed. okay to open the club room to everyone." SOifWri .. , Last spring semester, the Alpha The Bachelors felt that "something On another weekend, the Delta Upsi- Gamma Tau fraternity, also known as the strange" was going on when their trial lon fraternity bad had an off-campus "Bachelors," was brought before an was brought up extraordinarily fast, and party, and many people went back to the LG.C. judicial board on three charges: as much as they tried to delay it, their Bachelors' floor when it ended around 2 I.) starting a food fight, which was writ- appeal trial took place during Finals am. A few people, who were not mem- ten up as hazing, last fall at the end of Week, according to Ed Koening, secre- bers ortce Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, "Hell Week," 2.) using their club room tary of Alpha Gamma Tau. were seen sitting on the roof by Campus after the permitted hours, and 3.) having "It's like Cindy [TOlin] doesn't like Safety. When Campus Safety came up- a keg on their floor. Convicted of all us; she made the whole situation really stairs to tell them 10 get down, they found three charges, the fraternity lost their difficult for us," said Jason Drissel, a keg in an empty room on the floor (see floor (4th floor of Blanche Hall) unW president of Alpha Gamma Tau. TIle fra- #3 above), according to Drissel. next year when the Inner Greek Council ternity feels thaI they are often discrimi- "Since it was less than two weeks to (LG.C.) will decide if they can have it nated against by the faculty and staff due the end of the school year, we wanted to back, and they now have to have special to the reputation set by previous Bach- delay the trial as long as possible so that permission from I.G.c. to use their club elors as being a "big party" fraternity, it would be held over to this fall, and we room. according to Dnsset, wouldn't have to deal with it during fi- According to the rules governing the "I have my own opinion about each nals and ail," explained Drissel. "But group, and I understand their feelings Cindy wouldn't let us; she made us re- ''The judicial board [about the trial], but Ifeel they really did spond immediately instead of waiting tbe it to themselves this time," stated Cindy felt it had to follow Tolin, associate director of College Ac- "The school rail- tivities and advisor to the Greek Organi- through with the rec- zations. roaded us and didn't the "wipe wants to slate ommendations and clean," Drissel as he says, and give the group a find it necessary to with its previous better reputation. However, he says that , Tolin is not. follow the estab- (see #2 incident room .; j warning, or else it above) took place on Greek Day after the lished procedures for The dub would lose its power AiumniGolfOuting. The Bachelors had such an incident." had a couple kegs left over in their club and credibility." room from an earlier party. Whenevery- -Ed Koening, secretary of - Cindy Tolin, associate one returned to the campus, they congre- Alpha Gamma Tau director of College Activities gated by the club room doors at Blanche, drinking and celebrating. Campus • and advisor to Greek Safety came and told everyone to go in- permitted number of days." Organizations side, because they were not supposed to "We always encourage the groups to be drinking and partying outside, accord- reply as soon as possible to get every- Greek community, if one receives three ing to Dnssel. tbing done and over with quickly," said citations, they will be brought up on the "Everyone was trying to get us to Tolin. "Plus, if the appeal trial had been charges before an I.G.C. judicial board open our club room," said Drissel. "Fi- held over to this fall and the decision was and risk losing anything from their hous- nally, we figured what the heck, we had upheld, the fraternity would have been ing to their charter. Usually this process permission to use it, so why not?" split up in the middle of the fall semes- takes several weeks. The party got a little rowdy, and the ter, and that would have been even worse Within three days, a Greek group is fraternity was sanctioned. "I don't un- fortbem." notified that it is being brought up for derstand why they singled us out just be- "Yeah, we deserved punishment," ac- trial. Then it is usually several working cause it was our club room," stated knowledged Nick Speitel, a Bachelor. days before a trial is set and held. After Drissel. "There were representatives "But it's a pain trying to deal with losing the decision, the group bas five days to from every Greek organization. The so- your floor and trying to find someplace appeal the decision. By the time another cial coordinator was there, and people See Bachelors Page 4 Fitness Center From Page 1 The fitness center just recently be- came a reality thanks to Larry Blumberg, WMC board of trustees, said Sell. The orthopedic surgeon gave a gift of $11,000 and challenged WMC to match it. When the funds were raised, he gave another $11 ,000. That $33,000 was just the beginning, Sell said. The $100,000 facility is being funded 100% by gifts, he said. ' Most of the money raise is going to- wards new equipment. Selectorized weight machines and free weights were purchased new, as were four Life cycles and two Life steps machines. However, not all equipment is new. Some existing free weights are being re- used and existing Kieser air-operated equipment was repadded, said Sell. Sell, whose job was to renovate the spaces and purchase the equipment, said WMC's fitness center is geared towards Washington College's facility. "They have a relatively new facility that's really nice," said Sell. He hints tbat WMC's fitness center may be better.
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