Page 41 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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leaving a box of recyclable nons, we'll choose the ones that 1i>1lfWrl,u products on the corner every pertain to this subject): "deter- By CA:RLEEN AI,YES Of course we know it meet its current needs (There's It seems thai there is a bit of Monday. It may even entail mined by nature: not artificial; does, caught everyone. It is not enough space 10 give a good example.) Iam sure many of us true-it is fine for the environ- confusion just now about exactly using nothing but natural prod- pertaining 10 nature. So, ment. The Earth will figure out have seen t-shirts and bumper what being an "environmental- ucts. assumedly, plastics and the like ways of handling plastic. We stickers with the statement ist" really means. Sure, we can Here is where we see the con- would not be considered natu- have been taught that we affect "Save the Humans" written on use the dictionary definition, but fusion starting. Wc can also ral, since they are man-made. nature, and we do, by cutting them, and it is true. As a very it's pretty generic: " a person use tbe dictionary definition of Once again, here's where down trees and the like. But, we religious, New Age kind of per- concerned about tbe quality of the word "natural", but this things get a bit sticky. Humans have also been led to believe son, Ilike to believe that we are the human environment." How- doesn't really explain how our are natural. Plastic is made that we have some power over all, in some way, more than bio- ever, being "environmental" en- culture defines it. Immedi- from a natural substance-con. the Earth's rejuvanatory system. logically connected to our compasses a much wider scope. ately, one would think that this Since humans are natural, and The Earth has, and can, care for planet. However, when we This can mean becoming vegan, means all products coming oil is natural, shouldn't plastics itself (or Herself, for the Gaia speak of environmenlalism, using only recyclable products, from nature. Let's look this up be natural, t001 See, so that tovers.j Plastics do come from think about who (and what) we and having a home that runs on in our handy-dandy Webster's makes it safe for the environ- the Earth, and our planet has are saving. Within the delicate solar energy-cor it can mean (since there are nine defini- ment. amazing ways of adapting to See Tree Page 6 Looking For A Place To Study ----~By~D~'~••~IE~K~E=Y'~-- This student has the noblest of the radio cranked up to seven, cenlly discovered while at- C~""ibMli"8Wrl.", intentions. She is seeking a and since it is not quiet hours beautiful, but it is not much usc to catch up on some Once upon a Saturday, a lone place to study, but no sooner she decides to go elsewhere. tempting reading one Saturday if the doors are locked to stu- reserve WMC student walks across red does sbe crack open a book: Hopelessly, she wanders look- afternoon. I soon realized the dents. Sorry, I must go now; square headed for none other than "flash" go' the lights ing for a place to study. She library was closing at 4:30 p.m. the computer lab is closing. than that elaborate building with above her. Yes, the library is ends up in Lewis until she is After inquiring as to the rea- the plusb carpet and mahagony closing. Thrown from this ha- asked to leave by some men in sons for this change in hours tables. Yes, you too have been ven, she returns to her room green and khaki ... Tbis is not from last year, I was told that Phoenix Staff there before - Hoover Library. only to find her. roommate has a far-fetched scenario, as I re- tbe library budget bad been cut, and the library does indeed Edilor-inChief close at 4:30 p.m. on Friday Rebecca Kane '94 and Saturday, though the com- Managing Eduor mons stays open until 10:00 S.A. Sommer '95 p.m .. Business Manager True, Friday and Saturday Arman Latif '96 are not big library nights at Advertising Manager WMC, but there are still many Sue Farrell '94 students, myself included, that News Editor would like .to se,e the hours ex- L" Karen Downs '94 tended. This is an educational Conunenbtry EcUtor institution and asking the li- Greta Powell '94 brary to be open at least as long 'On the HiD' EdItors as P.E.L.C. (6:00 p.m.) is not Jenny Daino '95 absurd. The bours could at Kristin Vick '95 least be extended to 7:00 or SportsEdUor 8:00 p.m. so students could . Jay Hilbert '95 work up to dinner. For many Layout Editor commuter and non-traditional Jodi Harman '95 students, Friday and Saturdays may be the only time they can Photography TBA Edilor do some researcb, and these students do not have a room to Copy Editor Lisa Hill '97 conveniently walk: back to. Business Staff There are students willing to work later on Friday and Satur- Karen Beamer '96 day but WMC seems to be Layout Staff sending out a messa~e: When Lisa Benecke '96 money gets tight, student ac- Randy Ryner '97 cess 10 academic facilities gets Rick Tarr '97 cut. The library sure looks Photography Staff Chiara Berlingo '96 Aden Moges'97 Rick Rodriquez'97 Copy Staff Carleen Alves '97 Jessica Casalaspro '97 Jill Marron '97 Faculty Advisor Terry Dalton v..P"....:.isJlll_~~.n..~_ .. tpoceptntiIl.AII....,... -(<1y""- ~P';_":'" ~Jqoli.ll Cartoon By Beth Daigle W__ .Mlzy_2!!~
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