Page 32 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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\sNetws!xEditorials Dating From Page 4 "It's not a question of policy, but irs a on the issue." question of certain aspects of the tacuny- Some believe that if the sanctions student relationship. So we should con- were severe enough, the policy might be sider everything between an outright ban enforceable. "If faculty were immedi- and dating anyone. The two extremes ately dismissed and students expelled, are bad, so a policy in the middle is at- they would think twice," said one parent ways tricky," he said. According to a publication by the Asso- Others believe thai a policy goveming ciation of American Colleges, Hamp- faculty-student relationships would not shire College in Massachusetts may ter- be in the best interests of WMC. "Out- ruinate the contract of a faculty member Jawing dating between two people is an for such an offense. unwarranted intrusion into the private However, some believe that such a sphere," said Regis. "It's stupid for rae- sanction may be 100 severe and focus in- uhy to date students, but you can't oUI- stead on educating the campus to an law stupidity," she added. awareness of the complications in- Parents also have mixed reactions on volved. "I would hope faculty would the topic. One mother of a WMC sopno- have the sense of propriety not to do it. more said, "There should be a policy bc-' They would not want to be compltcit cause you can open a great big can of with a relationship that is unequal," said worms if you allow dating. I don't see Dr. Zepp. how you cannot be biased as a teacher if Several faculty members agree that you are dating a student. It may get a people need to be better educated about little iffy, but a student is a student and a dating and gender issues. "Culture has a professor is a professor." One father of a romantic sentiment for women, and for female student said, "It's like going out men it is more predatory. These two con- with your daughter." flicting myths are out there to be recon- On the other hand, one parent of a ciled by a young person who has little WMC student admitted to dating profes- experience coping with these vices," ex- sors in college. "J feel that it is like any plained Regis. "If it is through a faculty relationship. It depends on the individu- member that a student tries to gain this als involved and "'their maturity levels, experience, then that faculty member is interests, and personalities," she said. playing with fire," she added. "However, as a parent, I would take a Theissueoffaculty-studentdatingre- double-take if my child brought home a lationships bas taken off like ftre re- "It relieves the school of liability be- in order to provide counseling services professor for Sunday dinner. Instead of cently. "It's pretty clear thai there is a lot for students who may be on both sides of relying on good human judgment, we try more sensitivity to gender relationships. cause they wouldn't have to stand behind the issue," said Susan Glore, director of to legislate everything to tell us how to This is just one issue thai points to the the teacher. The risk you run when you counseling services. act," she added. - overall awareness that all relationships skate out on that thin ice could end up As far as me number of incidents on If a policy were to be adopted, every- should be based on a foundation of badly," said Regis. campus, Glore said, " I can't say if any- one agrees that it would be difficult to equality," said Dr. Seidel. Are there people skating on thin ice at one has been to see me because it is con->' enforce. "The institution would have to Furthermore, it may be a response to WMC? "I don't think it's a real problem fidential." enforce it on the faculty because they are the media attention of exploitation and here," said Colyer. Seidel added, "In According to the Student Guide and an employee, so they should be the ones abuse. "This is a response to date rape quantitative terms, Ihave no idea. There Datebook, students may go for readily reprimanded," said Arnie. and sexual harassment. Sex is danger- is no question that it exists." Students available consuJtation to the director of echoed the same sentiment. '" don't The sanction for a violation of the ous. Thinking that it's not is just bi- personnel services, the director of coun- policy would be equally difficult, Micb- zarre," said Regis. think it is a problem bere at WMC," said seling, or two full-time faculty members elle Zepp, a sophomore music major, Another reason colleges are adopting Linn. However, if a problem does exist, stu- appointed by the Faculty Council for (who is not related to Dr. Ira Zepp) a formal policy is to prevent possible two-year staggered terms. Students can summed up the general consensus: lawsuits. "Colleges are being asked to be dents have several people they can rum also file a written claim of sexual harass- "Good luck in enforcing (be policy," more clear about what they expect from to for help. Counseling Services in ment with Campus Safety or the dean of Smith House can provide students with DeGroot added, "People would go un, their employees. for their actions," said help. "My job is to be impartial and open student affairs. They are being held with it, but it would be good r-----~~~~~-----------------.Game derground more responsible Arnie. for the college to show where th.ey stand From Page 7 WORD PERFECT MAC $79 - WORD PERFECT DOS $99 - WORD· Besides the bias in attention and grading, problems arise PERFECT WIN $99 _ ILLUSTRATOR MAC $149 whe~ eith~r the student or professor decides to end the dating .ILLUSTRATORPC $149 - PAGEMAKER relallon.shlp. If a student terminates the relationship, then MAC $199 - PAGEMAKER PC there Will undoubtedly be tension between the student and the $199 "r FREE· HAND MAC $149- professor in and out of class. Furthermore, a student may FREEHAND PC$149- want to end the relationship. but may feel that the professor NOR TON UTILITIES MAC won't let himlher end the relationship. If a professor termi- $75-NORTON UTILITIES PC $90 nates the relationship, then the student will probably be hurt _ CLARIS CAD $199 - CANVAS and he/she will wonder what he/she did wrong. In addition, MAC $199 CANVAS WIN the student may be unable to face the professor, so helshe will $199 PHOTOSHOP stop attending the class and may even drop the class. $279 PHOTOSTYLER Clearly, there are important issues to be considered in the $199 SUPERPAINT $99- teacher-student dating s~nario. Regardless of your particu- MACDRAW PRO $139 - PERSUASION lar stance on the issue; neither party should be made out to be MAC$125-PERSUA- SION PC $125 - SUPER the villain. Professors should not be viewed or treated as sex- ATM$75-PREMIERE$249 - CLARISWORKS $149- fiends preying on innocent young college students, and one MORE! TOWSON COMPUTER should remember that students do not always fall into the cat- Discounts apply for all college 102 W. Pennsylvania Avenue egory of "innocent victim." faculty, staff, students. K-12 Towson, Maryland 21204 While adopting a regulatory policy is pointless, it is cer- faculty, staff only. Call for Contact Mike Glasser 837-2750 x 28 tainly necessary to provide services for both students and pro- current pricing and catalog. fessors who find themselves in one of the previously detailed untenable situations. S0 be advised that you can always ad- .. .I conveniently located in Smith House. to Counseling Services, anJ concerns dress your problems
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