Page 42 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 42
Volcanoes Mostly Hot Air Dear Editor: would "provide a handy new where the ozone layer is. It is I am writing a response to surface for man-made chemi- CFCs, wafted by air currents, Greta Powell's lucrative edito- cals-the notorious CFCs-to thai reach the upper layers be- rial, "Volcanoes Are More settle on and start the vicious cause they are water insoluble. Powerful Than Hair Spray" chain reaction that eats away the There each chlorine ion de- which I would like to refute on stratosphere's ozone layer" stroys about 100,000 ozone several levels: I. its scientific (45). This appears in the same molecules. The point remains basis; 2. its overly sarcastic issue where it is affirmed that that CFCs, human-made(mainly tone; 3. its relationship to a human-made CFCs, not DuPont made) chemicals, have broader ideological effort to dis- Powell's "Mother Nature," are the largest impact on the ozone count environmentalism. the largest single source of hole. Sorry Powell, your volca- After reading this editorial ozone depletion. This conclu- noes are mostly hot air. over several times, Idecided to sion is affirmed in the March, The reason Iwrite this is be- check some periodicals to find 1992 issue of Scientific Ameri- cause the cockiness with which out what was said about the re- can-e-check it out, please. Powell is able to "dismiss radi- lationship between Mount Upon reading a few more ar- cal environmentalists" is offen- Pinatubo's eruption in the Phil- ticles, I found sources that sim- sive given the very real in- ippines and ozone depletion- ply concluded that Mount creases in skin cancer in Argen- this is Powell's primary and Pinatubo had negligible effect tina and elsewhere. It is also only basis for refuting the on ozone depletion. In Science offensive because it is part of a claims by numerous scientists (Oct 16, 1992), Richard Kerr new, militant ideological corps, and environmental groups that confidently pronounces in his inspired by tbe likes of Rush chloroflourocarbons (CFCs), headline, "Pinatubo fails to Limbaugh, Dan Quayle, and the human-made chemicals, are the deepen the ozone hole." He New Republic, which seeks to primary source forozone deple- makes the point that the hole in discredit the legitimate environ- tion. Upon checking out the in- 1992 was 23% larger than ever mental problems this world formation available in Discover, before, but that ozone concen- faces in order to defend a status Scientific American, Science, tration was slightly above last quo of apathy. This is sad, and Newsweek, and Chemistry: The years mark. In other words, something which any person Central Science (the text used Pinatubo did not add to or de- concerned about maintaining by WMC general chemistry crease the effect that CFCs in ecological balance in the future professors), I found, no offense the atmosphere already are hav- must be aware of and learn to intended, that Powell was stm- ing. As Michael Kurylo, man- deal with. Environmentalists ply wrong. ager of NASA's upper auno- have gotten clumsy and need to Let me for a moment grant spbere research program, stated, rebuild a broad-based, that Mount Pinatubo had an ef- "the link between Pinatubo and grassroots movement, if they fect on the ozone layer; even if ozone depletion is hypotheti- hope to fend off anti-environ- tbis is tbe case, any depletion of cal." Besides, in the October mental reactionaries. lfmy tone the ozone layer would have re- II, 1993 issue of Newsweek, seems strong, it is meant to De- sulted from the interaction be- Sharon Begley points out that ecological and social devasta- tween CFCs already in the the chlorine atoms (the atoms tion is not a matter of mere sar- stratosphere and the sulphuric that breakdown ozone mol- casm on two sides of a debate; it acid haze of Mount Pinatubo. ecules) from volcanic eruptions is one of action. According to David Berreby in are soluble in water and fall Love and rage, Jered Ebenreck the January, 1992 edition of back to the earth as rain, never -on behalf of the Student Envi- Discover, the acid droplets reaching the upper atmosphere ronmental Action Coalition Hats Off To The Phoenix Tree more to life than that alone. If a nings could be donated on a ro- From PageS Dear Editor, woman cannot participate in an tating basis to a sorority or fra- Iwas visiting the college re- web of the ecosystem, nature and plant trees, it is not aiding cently, and got the chance to intelligent conversation, I ternity. This could take the has found some wonderful ways Earth as much as it is us. Envi- read the two latest issues of The would almost rather be by my- place of a raffle). There might of adapting without animals ronmentalism is not some vague Phoenix. J really enjoyed them. self. I'm sure we have all heard even be space enough for a bar such as the Great Auk, or pas- abstract term that makes us feel Hats off to everyone on me staff that beauty is only skin deep. in the kitchen. I'm sure this would be a huge money-macer. senger pigeons. Technically, good but does not help in the for their fine work. I especially This is only partly true for me. humans haven't actually been long run. It helps us, human liked two of your editorials. My idea of beauty also includes Bob would be a great bartender. around long enough to closely beings, people (Hello!) to live The first one was by Carleen the heart, and the mind, and the r know he's had lots of experi- (and thoroughly) study .the longer and in comparative com- Alves in the September23rd is- soul. Thanks, Carleen, for re- ence listening to people tell him Earth's development. How can fort. So, some say, technology sue, In "Have You Told Your- minding us of this. their troubles!' Maybe the fac- we say that what is occurring-c. will take care of it. Well,what self You Are Beautiful?" she Ialso liked Rebecca Kane's ulty could create special intern- global wanning, elc.-is bad for if technology cannot catch up to certainly speaks for quite a few editorial about the saleofPresi- ships. Business majors would the Earth? And if it is, are we the problems we have spawned of my women friends. I have dent Chambers' house. This ap- get credit for managing the bar, facetious enough to believe that for ourselves? Remember who often told them that most guys peared in tbeOctobcr7th paper. and sociology and psychology correcting the situation involves makes items such as water puri- like women who are intelligent, I would like to suggest a new, majors would get practical ex- us remaining aJive? fiers so that we do not all die of kind, and fun to be with, as well improved game room for the perience by serving as bartend- There certainly is a delicate lead poisoning. Take a good as being attractive. While it is cempusl! Imagine this - video ers. The possibilities arc end- balance, but it really only con- look at the definition that is true tbat a "beautiful" woman games in the front area of the tess!' cerns our survivaJ (Hold on, I written at the beginning of this does get my attention, it is the first floor, pool tables in the Keep up the good work, ev- feel the heated breath of envi- article. Webster's seems to ability to think and to speak in- back room, a foosball game or eryone. Please invite me to the ronmental activists breathing have the right idea calling an telligently that holds my inter- two in one of the other down- grand opening]! down my neck.) Smog is not environmentalist : "a person est and intrigues me. I enjoy stairs rooms, blackjack tables Sincerely, nice to breathe. and acid rain concerned with the quality of being with an attractive upstairs, perhaps even some Mike Marceau does disease the trees. How- the human environment." Per- woman, but for me there is video poker games (the win- Class of 1992 of tbis term is ~~mmuter ever, undoubtedly, the Earth can haps this small mind-shift in the care for its-elf. With humans understanding And Non-tract Lounge out of the way, this may be just what might enable us to be easier to accomplish.What does here a little longer-and I Bob's house could be the with comfy rooms for those of brary at midnight. this bring borne (hopefully) to a would like to be around to see new and improved commuter us too tired to drive an hour Sincerely, few of us? When we recycle, my grandchildren. and non-trad lounge complete home when kicked out of the li- Linda Sue Harrison
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