Page 33 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 33
Sports '7 Terrors Upbeat Despite Slow Start not show.' Keating empha- sizes that the team must concen- Dcspuc a 1-2starl,whichha~ trate on "cnmmattng mistakes seen a injury to defensive cap- and keep up the positive desire tain Trevor Sellers, a 306-yard to win.' performance by Urstnus's Bill Junior Wide Receiver Sedgwick and an offense that Carmen Felus (transfer from totals 359 yards a game (includ- Loch Haven) feels that "we still ing 483 yards against have several more important Gettysburg) hut only has aver- games ahead of us. Even aged 22 points, Coach Tim though the first two out of three Keating still remains upbeat and have not gone our way, we still hopeful abouuhe rest of the sea- believe we will be very com- son. petitive at the end of the sea- In the Ursinsus game, which son." Carmen has been a nice saw the Terrors down 28-7 at additon to the Terrors team as a the half, Keating felt that they wide receiver, who has caught were "flat in the first half." In 14 passes for 170 yards and a the third quarter, the Terrors touchdown this season. Keating scored 20 unanswered to knock welcomes his "maturity and his the lead to eight (they would get past experience with the run and no closer, losing 42-33), shoot." Along receiver lines, Keating felt, "the team adjusted Keating has also been im- and played inspired football." pressed by the play of Alan Keating has not had a problem Pietkiewicz, who Keating feels with their effort saying that "ev- is a "quality wide receiver who with every game, and the re- ery player has given it his best comes very determined to ceiver corp with now three qual- so far his receiving output has nual homecoming game at Bair effort. These guys are trying as play." ity recievers. The offense still been excellent. stadium. Kickoff time is at 1:30 hard as tney can day in and day This Terror team shows a lot needs to captialize more on On defense, Bob Symanski, pm. This game marks the mid- out. They should not feel down, of promise. On offense, Terror scoring chances inside the Ted Speers. Dennis Walker, point in the Terror year and five there is no need, they should be Quarterback Brian Van Deusen opposition's 20. Tailback Rob Rob Rimmel, and Joe Krcma, more games to go, the Terrors proud of the effort they are giv- is maturing nicely at the helm, Johnson needs to be used a little along with Sellers replacement face the class of the league in ing, which the scoreboard does the offensive line is improving more on running situations, but Dave Miller have stepped up, Hopkins, Dickinson, and but if the team is to contend, Swarthmore. The Terrors could they must lower their net yards still prove to figure in tbe race if allowed per game: they defeat one of these three This weekend, the Terrors powerhouses of the Centennial. host Randolph-Macon in the an- Improved Intramural Program --7MA~RK~H~U=GUES=----' staff members would oversee Sltif/W>i,u Intramurals, because Keith is In 1992, a committee was also the coach' of the Western appointed by President Cham- Maryland lacrosse team. Since hers to report to the trustees his appointment, Keith bas about the often criticized Intra- hired student workers to referee mural program. The report was games. This would decrease called the Trustee Commission the chances of someone referee- Report on Athletics, and it made ing a game in which they are four recommendations: partial to one side. Keith has 1. better trained referees also tried to get more input from 2. full-time coordinator the students on what other 3. involvement by coaches sports should be offered. This 4. a student committee on led to the introduction of floor Intramurals hockey into the program, which Traditionally, Intramurals according to Keith "was due to has been focused on athletics. undergrad demand." Among the aims of the program Right now Keith 'is organiz- has been to promote athletics for ing the Intramural Advisory those who can't or won't play Council. So far, only two for the school. It is estimated people have signed up for it. He that at least 85% of the student would like to see more people body participates in the Intra- on the council. If you would mural program. Lately, like to get a sport listed on the Intramurals has begun to in- Intramural schedule, then bring clude sports other than just the your ideas to the advisory coun- traditional coed volleyball, cil, or to Keith Reitbenbach touch football and badminton in himself. He is very open to new the fall, and basketball, softball, ideas. The first of these meet- and volleyball in the spring. ings is October 12th. Some of the new sports offered Look for more improve- are soccer and floor hockey. ments in the Intramural pro- Last year, Keith Reuenbaes gram under Reitenbach's direc- was appointed as the new direc- torship, and an increased com- tor of Intramurars. His appoint- mitment to Intramurals by the ments insured that a full-time school.
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