Page 18 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 18
September 23, 1993, Page 10 +;~-_>:~JtwL::imW.~A"_-"t:W:::7'n.mWdS:':@i_J. Terror Soccer Terrorized 60 Seconds On Saturday S"1/fWrilu September 11, that WMC's people team was massa- Al- match in which lack of tech- think might Most nique was substituted by the VASSILlADFS By GEORGE power with which and passion cred, but this is not true. on in the shadow of the victorious though the two teams seemed the two teams played. The early goal scored by 51. the S1. Mary's of equal talent, match, football a few people Mary's team forced WMC's team was more effective in its WMC's soc- women's watched team to press on attack and final effort and made the best suffer a 3-0defeat certeam to S1. leave its defense uncovered. So it had. out of the few chances team in its first game of Mary's in the 34th in a counter attack, it was an average Generally, the season. St. Mary's volley from out- ond goal witha team scored its sec- *NEED SOME EXTRA side the area. balf was a simi- The second SPENDING $ ?? lar story. Although WMC's What Did YouThink About team had the ball more it was Have....f!.n Mlile Campus Safety Day? retardaticn to gain assisting ecuj.ta with rrental in still not able to create any big in::'Ieperrlmce tlul:jl livin;J chance or score. The third goal the ccmmunity. came in the 66th minute and it actually "killed" the game. Irrrnediate/flexible part.-q-ure WMC's team did not have ei- Evenings and weekends tber the power or the condition Near Western Mllyland Colleg-e!! or tbe way to react. WMC'steam showed a weak- "I think it was great! *Training Incentives ness in carrying the ball in the at- ] think more people *Canpetative Salaries tack where Mose was struggling should have been *EX.cellent Benefits alone. Extra credit must be given there to support it." to Sara Kephart, the goalkeeper CONTACT: Rick Meana for some outstanding saves. Also (410) 785-3274 Julie Sanders, Arnie Chil~tand E.O.E. the captain Qrnsta Mose had a very good performance. Maragret Oehlers '94 Sociology 1993 Bicycles on sale Sherry Albright '94 . Physical Education 10 % off In Stock "I think Campus Race Pace Bicycles Safety Day was a success. Itgave stu- Cranberry Square Shopping Center dents an opportu- Westminter 876-3001 nity to talk with a numberofindividu- als from campus groups and local agencies. " Frank Lamas Associate Dean of Student Affairs
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