Page 175 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 175
• Perspective • Opinion Careful What YouWISh For_ The Duty OfThe BJack Grad These are frightening limes to live foremost be a revenge system. Deter- Every year, a graduating class of one who took the time to care for them. in. Reports of shootings, increased rent be damned, this man wanted black students goes to tackle the Ameli- It is only right for that graduate to give drug trafficking, rape, car-jacking, ter- blood. can job market. I think that that says a lot something back to the black community; rorism and the rest. I'm frightened. I I say exercise caution, this is a dan- for a society which made such a thing more specifically to the youth of the in- still walk allover east Baltimore. I stiil gerous road to travel upon. Even more near impossible at predominantly white ner city. I don't mean throwing money drive my car allover the city, and I'm frightening to me are the people who schools just a half century ago. on someone. No, instead what I'm saying cautious. But the crimes themselves complain about the appeal system. These graduates help uplift the image is that the black graduate should become are not as frightening as the reaction of Rush 'em through, they did something. of African Americans, and there is no a mentor to a student., or visit schools and people to them. A deterrent can be a symbol, they don't doubt about talk to students in r invoke the image of tne teen being have to be guilty just as long as it keeps that STILL, the tnner cuy. Irs caned in Singapore. Not to rehash an people in line. that's only half Mark Hughes all about being a overexposed story, but rather I wish to I say exercise caution. Yes, there the battle, be- role model for examine the reactions. The issues of have been and are nations with a lower cause often these kids. I look crime and punishment are another can rate of crime than our own, but I times, these at this service to of worms altogether, especially when wouldn't want to live in many of them. graduates go and live in the suburbs, and these youth as a duty, not a choice of the you throw in other cultures. The thing Beware when the government tells you have little contact with some of their un- black graduate, and something for the that frightens me is the response of the it can solve the crime problem. The derprivileged brothers and sisters in the black collegian to ponder. It's all about members of our community as charac- cure may be worse than the disease. inner city. In almost all cases, the gradu- giving back; making a contribution. Not terized by the They can come ates were helped to make something of waiting for someone else to do it. isn't E 0 WhO h. a slap on Ibe bUI~ ric fte air in and fix the themselves by a relative, friend or some- press. Caning problem, lock we're talking pos- all of the people • letter sible permanent up for good damage, and I hear people screaming (Bill of Rights? BST No Real Threat for blood. What Bill of Rights?), or even better Have we become a society obsessed kill them all (fire up the ovens). What with punishment, order, control? At people am I speaking of"! Why crimi- Dear Editor. flyer which states what one should know what cost? People want stiffer punish- nels, obviously, they deserve it (irmo- Throughout the past months. a contro- before buying dairy products. After read- ments. I suppose the rationalization for cent until proven guilty? What's that?) versial issue has arisen regarding milk and ing this flyer, I became more concerned, this is thata stiff punishment will act as Who are the criminals? Who are we de- daily products. Bovine somatotropin, or not about SST, but because of the inaccu- a deterrent. So that obviously means fining? Confining? Franco's Spain and BST, bas been made available to dairy racy of the information presented. that states that execute more criminals Stalin's U.S.S.R. were very secure farmers across the United States. This One of the most important facts of will have drastically lower rates of places, you could walk down the street has caused many consumers to become which consumers should be aware is that capital crime, right? Hmmm. Then at night with no worries. So just let big concerned with the healthfulness of SST is a naturally produced honnone in there are others who are just screaming brother take care of you. Don't bother milk and dairy products. Serving as the cows. In a report released by Dr. David for out and out revenge. No Kidding! I to take responsibility for your own Maryland Dairy Princess, I have eo- Barano, Professor in the Department of read a letter to the editor in the Carroll community, there are plenty of people countered many concerned consumers, food. science at Cornell University, it is County TImes where the writer stated who will gladly take responsibility for and the questions they have regarding stated that milk from cows given supple- that the justice system shouid first and you. theuseofBST. mental BST contains no moee BST than Recently, here at WMC, SEAC has milk from cows not given the supplement. taken action to infomt the student popu- There are no differences in nutrient con- • Opinion lation of some information about BST. tent or sensory characteristics of milk from Most notably is the Consumer Warning treated cows. The level of BST in milk Where Does Our College Tuition GO? remains the same-the extra BST is used by the cow. Another issue of concern is the claim Just when we thought that there were trash cans by all of the fountains? I venting us from eating meals elsewhere. that SST can make you sick due to the in- enough luxuries on campus, we receive thought that the school had no money. Besides this, we can't have microwaves creased amounts of bacteria found in milk. the added benefit of paper cups by the Is it the extra from students' meal tick- (tell my neighbors that.)! But, if there is Consumers need torealize that in America water fountains in Memorial, in Lewis, ets that isn't spent on food (well, be- such a big fear about power surges in we have the highest standards for food and various other public buildings. sides athletes, how many of us actually such an old building, with everyone us- products. Milk. undergoes one of the high- What a nice idea. Paper cups. I'm as- eat $6 worth of food in Glar at dinner?) ing a microwave at one time (on a bad est and strictest processing procedures. suming that this has been done to pre- I wish I knew where this went. Glar Glar night-one can tell this by noting These tests will not change. Farmers will vent the spread of sicknesses such as services, right? that half of the lights are out in the still have inspections, and undergo pas- mono on campus through these facili- Then why do we lose money when we windows) ... why not just provide us with teurization-ajt of the processes that elimi- ties. People will use these cups, thereby don't eat in Glar? Arewestillpayingfor one communal microwave? That way, nate any harmful bacteria that may be leaving a clean fountain out of which Glar services? I see people who go in and there will be only one, as opposed to 50. found in milk. we may all safely drink. just eat ice cream because the card needs Besides, Whiteford is protected by Finally, the use of BST will not cause So, why did it take someone else point- to be used. We lose $6 every time we go the fact that there is someone watching environmental hann. Dr. Barbano states ing it out forme to out to dinner with the door from 9pm-12am every night. It that the use ofBST will reduce the amount notice the dis- our families ...$4 wouldn't get stolen with this kind of se- of animal waste per unit of milk produced pensers? I watch Carleen Alves every time we curity. and will reduce the amount of feed re- to see if anyone sleep through This is all because we need to spend quired to produce a unit of milk. This is actually uses brunch on the money on smarter investments, like pa- because the cow-more efficiently produces them ... students weekends. And per cups and trash cans by all of the wa- milk, thus leading to environmental ben- vaguely notice the cups, and proceed to of course we all have money to waste, be- ter fountains. Ihave a better idea, why efit. bend over and slurp as usual. Fascinat- cause we're students, and our parents are not offer water coolers? This is a good Again, consumers should realize that mg. paying for our education. idea. Use all of the extra money that the milk and airy products they will be I guess this must have been a wise Don't worry about the students that comes from students opting for pizza buying in the grocery store win be safe and expenditure-except for the health indus- have to work for their education, and runs because they're Sliding out of Glar just as nutritious for them to drink. Regula- try. I mean really, shouldn't the school barely make it though each on the grease. Hey, if you're going to tory and scientific bodies in at least twenty be supporting them by providing conga semester ...taking out loans so that they offer a luxury, just go all out. countries including the US, the United King- lines of students into doctor" s offices can eat here. Imagine-money from loans Or maybe just put them all over dom, Canada, and Germany have authorized with various communicable diseases? going to Glar services. Well, money is Rouzer-has anybody seen tbeir foun- milkand meat from cows supplemented with Think of all tbe WMC medical students money. tains lately? Or their walls ... maybe BST as safe for people of all ages. missing out on possible income. This must be why Whiteford doesn't that's where the mysterious funds are Sincerely, Where exactly docs this money have a kitchen-so that the school can hidden. Yeah. Dawn M. Downey come from, that we can afford cups and help us from wasting our money by pre· Maryland Dairy Princess Class of 1997
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