Page 170 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 170
Women's Lacrosse Off To Its Best Start InSix Seasons occasions, wbichsometimesarenot By JAY HILBERT sidering the youth of this squad," mentofthe bellona shot, and also between Baker and Baily, not to indicated by the fina) saxe. We Sporr.£di"" said coach Kim Easterday, makes it look so easy," acarding mention the rest of the defensive 'Tbe last lime the Green Temr On olfense, the contribution toassistantcoacb MichelleJolly. package, it's good to koow that need to step up our play fum here Women's Lacrosse team went have been well-distributed. Gina "We have great oontinuity on wbentheGreenTerrorwillbeplay- on out," Easterday said. undefeated in its flfSl. six games Cappi is the prototype captain woo the offense, the all-around team ef- ing the conferencebeavies, anexpe- Despite the injuries, Easterday for the sea- was when they went to the Divi- is rot afraid to take the scoring fort has been a nice feeling fer us," renee unit will be protecting Goalie still has high optimism siooIDnationalsenlifinaIsin1988. upooberself. Exhibit 1ofCappi's saidCappi. Maroe!lelahoz. SOIl.'1 feel very confident, barring Rightoow, the 1994GreenTer- contribution was the Washington "We have a very-well IOUIXIed Last weekend's break gave the injury, that will be an excelentaed roc ladies Lacrosse squad is now game. Washington was a team sccdng group,"sad Easterday. ladies a chance to beat- which is exciting season. We have to keep 6-9. But right oow the team is rot which WMCbeatsoundly lastsea- The defense seems to havegreat sorrethingtheydoneed. ACOJIding plugging away." concerned with past success. SOIl.Tbe earty part of this year's' oontinuity. The return of Heather to the team, mostoftheinjuriesdeal Overall. with Franklin and Despite the record, the Green game wasdictated by Wasbington, Baily bas seemed 10 make a differ- with shin splints and tendinitis, Marshall, Johns Hopkins, and Terror ((lust now face their tough- until the second half when Cappi enceifyoutalklOro-captainSta::ey which are not serious, but will stay Oickinsoncoming up. tbetestofthe est tests. Within a week. Western went wild, scoring seven goals (a Baker. "It is totally different with around for the rest of the season. Green Terror WOOlen's Lacrosse Maryland will face a strong personal careerbest) and givingthe Heather starting back there. Ilmow The roster, which was at a good will be at these points. The Ieada- Dickinson team, woo returns ev- Green Terror the spark to break lhatifIamin trouble, sbe will be ncmber eaty.tas b:Dned into a unit ship "Cappi and Baker bas had a erybody from last season, and a al- away from the Lady Sboremen in theretopick..up- it's nice 10 have a that had ooIy one substitute at Ihe contribution in the success of the team. Sarverwillrakeupnicenum- ways tough FrankIin and Marshall thesecondbalf. "Webavebecome greatplalttbacklbere,"saysBaker. wasbmgeegarre.Eadyseesonca- team. Following these two games, more of a second ha1fteam," said Other defensive stalwartsin the sualties includedRachei Homeman bets. Baily's retwn has obviously the Green Tenor will face rival Ceppi, back 10 help Baker and Baily are (knee), DanieUe Miller(mono), and complemented Baker's play. Both Johns Hopkins, wbom they have If you mention offense, you can Heetbe Seaburg.Anrel.arsce.aod UsaPauley (knee). ladies krows where the other will not beaten in three years. not leave out Denise Sarver. defensive wing Jill Grosso. Easterday stillseesroomforim· be.erdrbatmekestcegreatdelense. ''We have a very young team- Sarver, who most recently was There is 00 qcesnoe that this de- provenent "We reed to wodc: on DeJahoz has improved bet game nicely. This team is not done yet with only two seniors, The team named Centennial Player-of-the- fensiverack is running m aU cylin- our nanslton gane," Easerdey They can play with anyone in the bas shown a lot of tharacter COIl- Week possess "excellent place- adds, "We have been flat on some With such great team~ ders. Ceoterutial. Ladies TennisBreaks 20-Year Losing Streak To Gettysburg By JAY HaBERT doubles victory over the Centennial. SporuEdi_ Gettysburg's Wendy Ward and "There was no way going The last time Western Mary- Abby Line. into the match, that I thought we land beat Gettysburg in Kelly Houghton won her could sweep Ursinus. No one Women's Tennis, most of the frrst match of the year with a 7- has swept Ursin us, including current Green Terror players 5,6-2 victory over Ward. Franklin and Marshall," said were either in diapers, or were "I am really pleased with the coach Chris CQnklin. not even born yet. Their coach unexpected manner we are win- A fact lost in the victory was Chris Conklin was tbree years ning our matcbes. We have that the top four singles players old. players winning in flISt and sec- all won in straight sets. Last Thursday, the streak ond singles, and our third Despite the current success, ended wben Western Maryland doubles has been really success- Conklin is cautious, but yet 0p- defeated Gettysburg 5-4. ful," said Conklin. timistic. ''The York loss "It was an important win for The victory moved the Green seemed to work to our advan- us psychologically, especially Terror record to 2-3 overall, and tage. We can't get too overcon- after the loss to York," said 2- I in the Centennial fident about our success." coach Chris Conklin Conklin saw the doubles pair Amie Chilcoat moved her Green Terror Sweep Ursinus of Stephanie Hood and Kelly singles record to 4-0 with 7-6 The ladies of West em Mary- Houghton return with a success- (7-5), 6-3 victory over land tennis continued their rise. ful debut. "Both ladies are very Gettysburg's Cynthia Hoenes. with a 9·0 sweep of Ursinus on smart and well-positioned play- Abron Shines At In doubles. Chilcoat and partner Saturday. ers. I have seen them start to Karen Fulton raised their record The victory moved the ladies confuse more opponents," said to 4-1 with a 6-1, 6-2 second record to 3-3 overall, and 3·) in Conklin. Shippensburg HOUSE OF UQUORS Invitational ~Everythingin Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service· CARROU PlAZA SHOPPIlG CENTER,WE~ST!R, II) 21157 At the Shippensburg Invita- Also at Shippensburg, senior (Rt. 140 CWldEngtar Rd.) tiona1last Saturday, they gave the Kendra Weible seta school reccrd 848·1314 participants who placed in the top in the 10,(XX)meterswithalimeof lotto & lottery Headquarters four, t-shirts, If you would like 40 minutes, 18.42 seconds, while RNE fWNE & SPiRiTS, THEPERFECT ClFT FCIl ALL IXCASICNS one of these t-shirts, go talk to placing fourth. Donte Abron. He might let your Sherry Albright placed third in CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! borrow one. thejavelin, whileJulieCoxhadthe Abron placed in the top four Milwaukee's Best...... . $7.99/case in three individua1events to high- highest finish for theGreen Terror Stroh's.. . $10.99/30 pack light the Green Terror's perfor- women, coming in second in the Coors Winterfest... . $13.99 case bottles mance at a very windy 100 hurdles. $3.99 6pack bottles Kent Ughtboum finished sec- $9.99 case cans Busch (Reg&Lt).... ' . $0.99/quart Shippensburg. ond in the400 hurdles andthe400 The freshman Abron, finished meters. Mickey's Ma1t Liquor... r-------, r---:'A!!'p~=.~ WrI~U.2P!!!S=!l:__ , second in the lOO-meter (11.44 Tobel fmished third, while Al In theMen'sJavelin,CarI Von seconds), fourth in the long jump (21 feet, 6-1/2 inches) and fourth I 10% Off I I Natural Light I I NEW I in the triple jump (41 feet, 8-1/2 Welch finisbedseveoth in the long jump and the triple jump, Shane I I : $8.99 :: inches). Abrom a1so ran on the Brooks placed eigbth in the 3COO I Any purchase I Smirnoff : 4X 100 relay team of Rob John- Steeplechase. I Excluding sale I I I case cans I I Vodka Mixers I I son, Bill Tyrrell, and Kevin Toni Smith had an impressive I I Wong. $2.99ILiter : items and tobacco : I L with coupon .J I I L Save$1.00 I .J Tyrrellplaced secondin the 110 pIacing in the 50(() meters, finish- ingflfth. L_.J'~~~S__ .J meter hurdles, while Wong fin- There was no team scoring for ished seventh in the 100meters. this meet
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