Page 178 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 178
News ~'Flasher" Incidences Not Uncommon Says Webster By eouc COMBS tial to become rapists. With his one free hand he __ COlUribldi"lWrikr ..Abnost all rapists start out was covering up his face so he Even though you may have flashing people or masturbat- would not be recognized. They been hearing a lot of hype about ing in public," said Webster. then ran away and went directly the "flasher" incidences on Not all flashers progress to to campus safety. Ziolkowski campus, it is just an average more violent sex crimes, but described the incident as "abso- year for them according to Mike virtually all rapists start out lutely terrifying." Webster, director of Campus with minor illegal sex acts. Ziolkowski said she did not Safety. Last semester, Maura think that the man was danger- Webster said the number of Ziolkowski, a senior French ous, but she did not want to take incidences this spring are just major saw a man masturbating a chance of staying around. about average for the past two in the trees between the soccer Ziolkowski helped create a years. In the spring of 1993, we field and the tennis courts. She character sketch, but because of had two incidences. So far this was walking back from Harvey the darkness and the flashers year we have only bad two. Stone with two friends around hand over his face, it is not very "A few weeks ago we caught dusk when sbe saw an older- accurate. a man in the library masturbat- looking man standing at the top Mike Webster said that if ing. We got a positive identifi- of the hill walking back and you are approached by the cation of the Reisterstown man forth. flasher to "get a good look at the and he is being charged with "We could see the man's sil- man and remember what he 'lewdness and disorderly con- houette when we were leaving looks like so you can tell cam- duct' by the states attorneys of- Harvey Stone, but we just pus safety. Do not laugh at the fice," said Webster. A student thought he was taking a walk," man or tease him, this will just saw the man in the library mas- said Ziolkowski. get him angry. Let us deal with turbating and she called campus The man apparently him." safety. Webster approached the watched them for some time Webster also said that a cam- man in the library and appre- before be approached them. As pus such as this one usually has hended the man. they were walking by the trees about this number of incidences Although Webster did not the man was masturbating and a year. We do not have a seri- lot more of these incidences. alert people of the incidences. think flashers are a real danger told the girls "Please don't run. ous problem. If we were at an Webster said the flasher is not If you do see a flasher, call ex- to students, they have the poten- Just watch. Iwon't hurt you." urban college we would have a someone you have to be scared tension 202 immediately or go of all the time, just aware of the to campus safety. Do not try to problem. apprehend the flasher yourself. _, Campus Safety has put up fliers around campus in order to A Giant Leap Of Hope For A Sacred Land Damages A discussion on the latest developments in the from page f Israeli-Palestinian peace process for fines to be higher in the spring fenses but it is not for with representatives from both sides semesters than in the fall. moneymaking reasons," said Last year, the two floors with Sayre. highest amount of damages were Sayre is not the only one who second-floor Blanche and third- feels that stiff fines are needed Wednesday, May 4 floor McDaniel. The floors with "It's the students' fault for all of the lowest damages are usually in the damages. The fines may be 8:00pm Whiteford. According to Resi- sort of steep, but this is to pre- dent Director Meg Gobrecbt, the vent even more damage. It's not McDaniel Lounge fines collected go to the physical the administration's fault," said ptant to pay for parts and labors Resident Assistant Howard needed for dorm repairs. Mackie. The fines are not only for But sometimes it really is the AbdellatifRayan- consultant Palestinian Affairs Center property damage, but also for school's fault when damage oc- disciplinary reasons. "Some of curs and a student gets fmed. Warren Adelmann- Chief of Public Affairs Israeli tnese fines include money col- Sayre is not the only one to talk lected for Ilre-sarety offenses," to if there is a problem. Embassy in the US said Sayre. He added that it costs "If a student gets a fine and the school about $22 to refill a feels that they got unfairly fire extinguisher, but they often billed, then they can appeal the Sponsored by the Department of Foreign Languages and fine a student as much as $200 sanction and we will deal with The International Club . for such offense. it," said Phil Boob, director Some of and grounds. building "Tbese high fines are to deter For more information call Dr. Esa x 462 or NishantTaneja x 8110 others from endangering other students do appeal the fines and students from fire. We want to the school deals with them on an make the fine steep enough to individual basis. Fines are scare people away from the of- dropped if the students has a jus- RAPE MYTH #65 tifiable excuse for the damage. "We will drop the fines if tbe 1£.1iIA1N1J. damage is the building's fault MYTH: A genuine victim of rape is usually hysterical. IN DOWNTOWN WESfJlINgpjf and not the student's," said FACf: The majority of victims feel shock, disbelief and Boob. confusion. This may be reflected by crying, but it may also Sayre said there are plans to result in joking, withdrawal, excessive talking or pretending renovate several buildings on it never happened. People generally handle crime victimiza- tion with the same coping methods they use to deal with any campus in the next five years, but the plans are not complete other major problem. and they are unclear about spe- For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our services are and all inquiries cifics. "Until then, we will have are conftdential. to deal with problems as they arise," said Sayre. Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900
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