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,;;&It.PIl8';'t:wi:~7;;- t~~=~;;~=J~rt}::;;~i~~?l Four ,Wins In 24 Hours For Green Terror 'Softball . ' ,", . .. '. By JAY HILBERT in with a one-out double. "She traveled to SporuUlO< • [Johnsoo] isjust crushing thf ball- Washington The Green 'Teiror softball shot after shot-it's like a tomado," (Md). Inthe squad was 'forced to play two says Dix. first game, doublehead~in'thep.¢odor24 Once again, Marilyn Naas the Green boors. Whatha~ned? Thekam pitchedagreatgame,allowingonly Terror sent. steppedupand sweptbolhWash- one earned run. "Marilyn takes fifteen 001- ington and Gettysburg. 'The four care of business. Sbe is such a ters 10 the suaigbt wins raised the team's fierce competitor that she knows plate in the recordto7-1overaUand6-0inlhe wbeuodo." WhileNaasisagreat top of the Centennial. pitcher,Dixseesberasaverygood fifth, which Saturday's twin-bill with fielder. "Marilyn Is one the best resulted in an Gettysburg was key in detennin- fundamental players we have. She tl-run upris- ing bow tbC Green Terror would knOWS: What to do afterti:Je pitch." ing, en route get out of the gates in the Centen- The second game bad the bot- to a 20-0 mal. tom part of the Green Terroc line- blowout over Coach George Dix sees his up come through in the clutch. Af- the Lady club being very prepared for ter a Laura Everhart single, Kelli Shoremen. games such as this. "Nothing Bowen doubled, and Carolyn Most of the phases this team. Theycco'tcom- Ketseyknockedmarwo-nmsngle runs oc- plain, they don't worry, they just to push to lead to 3-1. Ttnkeallyes cwred from Carolyn Kelsey ,shown bere against Catholic last season. went two for four in go out and take care orbusiness." then singled again, Christa Mose w a I k s , the Green Terror sweep of Gettysburg last week. The first game saw Western walked, and both Jen Stewart and singles, and Maryland blow a 4-2 lead, but Sandra Johnson would bring in Washington you could pick anyone Marilyn Naas Named rally in the bottom of the seventh runs by a single and a grourxI out errors. The contributioo offen- 10 win 5-4. respectively 10 make the Green sively- Jen Stewart led ott the bottom Terror lead at 5-1. from tbeGreen Terror line-up. during the five-in- Centennial Softball of me seventh with a double. The lead stretched to 7-1 going Naas allowed only two Sandra Johnson, who was 3-3 intotbe seventh, wben Jen Stewart baserunners with two doubles and a triple, got into trouble. Gettysburg ben- rung affair. One was by a sec- two-base er- Player Of The Week drew an intentional walk. Jen efitedfromtwowalksandtwoer- and-inning single, the other was Prowinski lapped a single to right rorstorallythesccreto7-6. Coach by a fourth-inning to 10011the bases. Sarah Kephart George Dix then brought in Naas, ror. then hit a grounder to short, and whoretlred twooutoftbree balm The second game was a lot Marilyn Naas, Senior Pitcher, Co-Captain the Gettysburg shortstop tried to sbe faced to earn the save. closer, but the Green Terror . throw Stewart out, but Stewart ..Jtwas nicetosee the bottom of needed a five-run fifth inning to The Little Engine that Could from the Big Train's high school ::~~in!~e:~- :~~~i:~=!O~~~ij:~YS::;it~:e~~~: I ftu~!~~::::n~;~~:k~~~s::f::tdili~~~~=:-~~t~~~nw~~ Gettysburghadtiedthescoreat game," said Dix. Although they ing runs in the second. fifth, and Green Terror's season opener. Her game-winning two-out, bases 44 in the fifth 011 the strength of did sweep, Coach Dix knows the seventh. Stewart also helped bet loaded single in the bottom of the seventh was her second hit of three Green Terror miscues. Both the errors will have to decrease. own cause by collecting four hits, the game, and extended WMC' s winning streak. at the time to nine teamssa:redonceinthefltst,but "Wedoneedtoworkootheerrors- while driving in three runs ina row, dating back to last season. The award was for the week Western Maryland took the lead bcnbeerrorswemedecenbewcrk Christa Mose went three-for- ending March 27,1994. 2-1 in the third, when Christa 00 in practice." three with two stolen bases, Mose reached frrst 00 an error. The first doubleheader ocurred while scoring five times for Provided by the Sports tnformauon Office. SandraJohnsonlaterknockcdher on Friday as the Green Terror western Maryland. By JAY HILBERT "It's great to have Higgs, Coccia, s,x""U;M and Marsico all having increased offen- Western Maryland's Dean Coccia sive productivity." and Mike Marsico scored three goals Marc Bronco had another clutch apiece, as the Green Terror defense game between the twine. Brunco al- held Swarthmore in check en route to towed.only four to go past, while stop- a 12-7 victory in their Centennial ping 18 shots. Conference opener Saturday at Bair "Our defense is starting to get it to- Stadium. gether, along with our offense, which is The victory was the Green Terror's starting to produce," said Bronco. third in a row. "Bronco was just phenomenal in After entering the third quarter goal. When the offense was having with a 3-3 tie, the Green Terror shut- some shortcomings, Brunco held up out Swarthmore 6-0 in the third quar- during that stretch," said Reitenbach. ter to pull away for good. Three of the According to Reitenbacb, Ryan six goals occurred within :38 seconds Winship, who has started the last two of each other. At 14:03, Coccia scores games, has come up big. "He courtesy of Higgs, putting the Green [Winship] has really stepped up defen- Terror up 7-3. At 14:26, Coccia sively. He has played solid defense and would be on the assist-side of Scott added an enthusiastic along Reitenbach w~2"2r~!>a!!~!t~~ with a ag- Hall's goal, pushing the lead to five. gressive approach to his game:' As a With just :19 seconds left in the quar- result of Winship's play, ter, Higgs knocked one through, put- has used Keith Abel and Pat Bonner at runs and 10 hits in losing boIh ends of a Cen- to could on1y muster one run in the fourth. In the nightcap. the Green Terror led 2-1, Conreeoce enntar ting the lead at 9-3 Western Maryland defensive midfield. and 6-2. OOublebeader Coccia was the high poinbllan on The Green Terror held the advantage Haverlcnl3-1, when the Rxds rallied for two in tre fourth, the day with seven total points (three in ground balls with 57 (Cutler 6; Despite the sweep, both BrettKehkr and andtbree inthcfifth IOPJt Ihc game away. goals-four assists). Marshall Brown Coccia, Marsico, Hall, and Volk 5), Matt Marcbese pitched well, with both of Marchese gave up six runs on seven hilS. was second on the team in assists with while outshooting the Gamet 32-25. Umttossingrunpleregames. Kehlcrpit£:bed Green Terror Chris Mills had the team's two. a five-hitter in !he opener, but gave up one run only extra base hit- a double. in the ftrst., secood, and third innings, to give Provided fly Sports/n/onnation
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