Page 174 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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.~ditorial The Phoenix Good Luck 1994Grads! 1500 copies every other Thursday Editor-in Chief As graduation approaches, seniors are SA. Sommer '94 busy mailing out announcanents to fam- ily and friends. Many may be planning Adl'ertising Manager celebrations or getting "psyched" for se- Sue Farrell '94 nior week. but all are preparing to walk Business Manager across the stage to receive that little piece Arman Latif '96 of paper that they have each spent the last Layout Editor TBA four years and $80,000 striving to achieve- News Editor a Bachelor of Art's degree from Western TBA MaryIandCollege. On the Hill Editor Whoarethesepeople?The are football Jenny Daino '95 players and hOOOlS students, presidents of ers, businessmen. ponticaes, and doctors. WeatThePhoenix wish thernluck.and Photography Editor organizations and members of social They will carry the name of Western Mary- success in all their future endeavors. Con- Gary Creighton '94 groups. Whoever they are now, Western Iandwherevertheygo. WMCwillalwaysbe gratulatioostothegnduatingclassof 1994. Sports Editor Maryland College bas helped shape them. a part of them, just as they will always be a May you always cherish your days at lay Hilbert '95 pencrwesen Maryland WMC. These graduates will be our future teach- .Opinion Cartoonists Aaron Ahlburn, Jeff Sharp Common Courtesy InThe Fitness Center? General Starr Carleen Alves. Pamela Barry, Tracie ness center andapparenUy someoneanswered Boggess, Virgil Cain, Lisa Hill, Mark Why is it thai. every titre I walk down to fort leveL I'venevertumeditdowntoolow, and said they would tum down the music. Hughes, Joshua Foster. Scott Lee, the fimess cener Iget blasted with music tbe just low enough that I could bear my music When Igctbackcownstairs, Robert Magee, Jonathan Nelson. Keith minute I step into the lower level from the in my walkman withoot turning the volume the music was Remo, Dan Schaeffer. Annelise stairs? Does the music need to be so loud? all the way justas loud as it had Sullivan,EricWhitehair Does everycee woo works trere have a bear- been before I went Photography Staff ingproblem? Idon'tthinkso. I'veneverre- UPT h e Annelise Sullivan upstairs to talk to Erich Wagner other day, the building man- Proofreaders ally liked there choice of music either, but 1looked", ager. Carleen Alves. Pamela Barry, screoee's classic is another person's crap Maybe there should be some common Tracie Boggess, Lisa Hill, and lkoow Ihat so I'veonIy asked them to tum ask the desk attendant to tum it down and I courtesy involved in the weight room. I it down. couldn't tell woo was waking. So I asked Faculty Advisor Most tares the person werking there has aroond. Nooreseemedtoknow, Sol went don't think I'm asking for that much and Terry Dalton politely saidsureanddJne ithimorberselfor upstairsmdaskedlhe building managerifhe I know I'm not the only one who feels told me Icould rum it down 10my own can- couldrumildown. Hecalleddownlolbefit- this way. • Perspective What We Believe. The Phoenix is published bi- weekly. The opinions expressed do Is America Still The Land Of The not necessarily represent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- Free And The Home Of The Brave? ministrators of WMC The paper welcomes freelance that these things happen because of submissions on Macintosh disks in "The land of the free and the home longer aspire to be the "land of the free good intentions. It seems that it is of the brave" and we and tbe home most word processor formats. The of the brave" was Francis Scott Key's lack direction. Freedom is word that is quite natural to want to help our fel- editor reserves the right to edit for eloquent description of the United low man when he is down on his luck. States of America some 180 years bandied about and waved along the clarity, length and libel and to publish It is very basic toexerctsc good judg- ago, when be described a nation that side of the flag when the fourth of July as space penn its. All submissions was struggling to maintain her freshly comes around each year. When our ment and choose words carefully so (excluding self-addressed diskettes) grandparents were off fighting World that no one is offended by our vo- become the property of The Phoenix won independence from European War II, they were defending freedom. cabulary, but is it necessary to es- and cannot be returned. domination. Now, 180 years later the and they bad a very clear notion of tablish institutions that will estab- Please include a name and phone obvious question facing our nation is lish the correct patterns of speech number for verification. Names will whether this description still holds what it is and it made their battles even and government run institutions 10 could more look They important. be withheld only by the discretion of true. around and see a world where peoples control the population? Freedom is the Editor-in-Chief. As a nation we have fought to tame were systematically denied basic no where to be found in this sce- The Phoenix does not discrimi- the wilderness, to build a nation nario, but that's alright because now nate based on age, race, religion, gen- founded on principles of democracy. rights and liberties, and know that they everyone will be so fulfilled and to defend torches der, sexual orientation, national ori- sundry freedoms. and the free market must take up their fulfilled their obliga- happy and all the worlds problems They freedom. gin, condition of handicap, or marital in business and in ideas. Our Consti- tion to posterity and it seems that the will be solved. Yeah right, and I of an the establistunent tution forbids status. have a bridge I'd like to sell you. official church of the state but re- tim e has come once more for the serves the opportunity dedicated of our generation The fact is that government system- Mail 10 address: for all to observe their Viirgil Cain 10 follow their lead. If we atically usurps the freedom of its The Phoenix own faith freely in an can overcome the legacy people so incrementally that it be- 2 College Hill open society. This of the hippie generation comes acceptable. Only on the WMC glowing description of and all the assorted verge of disaster does anyone send Westminster, Maryland 21157 America makes the truly conservative whackoes it brought with it If our up the red flag. Riots and mobs may gleam with delight and the ACLU generation follows the example of the not be the answer to problems in our (410) 751-8600 types cough and sputter with harsh re- generation before us, freedom may be- system of laws and alleged thinking (410) 876-2055, ext. 8600 bukes. They would claim that come an antiquated concept replaced leaders, but being an active partici- America has not followed t~ p~ with politically correct language and pant in the system is, and it should that was envisioned at the outset and the thought police knocking at our be a requirement of all citizens. We birth of our nation. Have we gone doors, as well as a huge bureaucracy to must take responsibility to ensure astray? handle ail of our worldly concems from that we preserve the freedoms for Please Recycle! which our forefathers fought, and Perhaps Mr. Key is looking down cradle to grave. on us and cringing, because we no But the worst part ofthis prophecy is our parents betrayed.
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