Page 176 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 176
wJm~AWin:_:::7">~~_'':¥P Trustees Dedicate Fitness Center And Plaza Two new additions to the In 1992, Blumberg, who bas in front of the main entrance to campusofWestern MaryIandCoI- also served as his alma mater as a Western Maryland College's lege-the New Life Fitness Center trustee since 1990, issued a chal- Decker College Center was and New Campus Plaza- were lenge to fellow alumni and col- dedicated in memory of Jennie dedcaed dcnng Trusees week- lege friends to improve the Gunn, the grandmother of Dr. end, A(Ii115 aOO 16. college's fitness facilities. He Jennie L. Mingolelli, former Tte new LifetimeFitness Cen- pledged $33,000 in challenge ter, featuring dozens of exercise monies to the effort, which fo- vice president for administra- optionsincludingaerobic:s.rowing, cused on raising the funds for tion and finance here at the Col- lege. and weight-lifting,were dedicated major renovations to Gill Center The plaza. located on the on Friday, Arril15 in the name of as well as the purchase and dona- north side of the college's cen- a prominent Baltimcre surgeon and tion of many new pieces of self- tra1 complex, was completed in WMC alumnus. The center, lo- operated fitness equipment. An 1992. Designed by well- cated in the lower floor of the told, the Lutherville resident's known landscape architect camJX1S'SGill Physical Education challenge has raised $1l1,OOO John P. Donofrio, the plaza's Learning Center, is designed to for the project. purpose is to further define the serve the health needs of the entire Noting that physicians and north side of Decker as the campcs ccmmuaity. health researchers across the College's "front door." Dr.Lawrence Blumberg, We$.- country agree that good fitness born JennieGunn Parke-was em Maryland Class of '67 and an practices are most easily ac- in Okolona, MS in 1896, and Ortbopedic surgeon withCohen & quired by adolescents and young died two years ago at the age of Blumberg in Baltimcre County, adults, Dr. Blumberg said, "We 96. Dr. MingoleUi credits ber was booored with the dedication all require high energy in today's grandmother with providing for his Ieadersbip effortsbenefiting world and the time to start a fit- loving guidance to her family the new center, Others who con- ness program is incollege-a habit throughout her life. tributedtothecenterwerealsobon- that will continue throughout Provided by lhe officeofPublic In- hipat New England Rheumatism As- still trying to figure out the that the earlier time is North Carolina Baptist Hospital in theUniversity ofMaryJand Hospi- best time to start registration. fine, Winston-Salem.,Bethlsrael Hospi- tal in Baltimore (976) and junior CAMIAO% HOUSE ~ n3 WEST MAIN;ornuT S4S·34SS Specials Mickeys Quarts $.99 quarts Milwaukees Best & Light $ 7.99 case cans Coors and Bud $13.99 case cans Miller High Life $10.47 case cans 848-S91!O- FAX-I!16-2081 Buscb & Natural Light $10.47 case cans SSaMAIN srassr, WIlSThlINSTER , MD 211S7 Molsen & Ice $16.99 case bottles Labatts Blue $7,9912 pack E_ELlVERY :::::::.= .J.un J'ANTY I'RHSI'NTIUN
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