Page 177 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 177
Western Maryland To Get INTERNET System purpose of sending educational staff will be given INTERNET WMC in Hungary. lege.,points out that INTERNET By REBECCA KANE: C ... ,,;b>dih,Wri ... gives students access to libraries, material world-wide. However, accounts. The goa] will be "to The other members of the IN1ERNET, a computerized those with an IN1ERNET con- develop an expertise that we INfERNET Task Force are universities. colleges, and gov- network that links people and re- nection also have access to don't already have during this LeRoy Panek, director of foun- ernment agencies world-wide. sources around the world, will be people worldwide and can coming year," explained dation Gifts, Harold Neikirk, di- "This access to infonnation is coming to a few experimental send tbem letters or play inter- Eshleman. As soon as feasible, rector of Hoover Library. Ernie so important in higher educa- WMC computers as early as next active games. additionaJ buildings will be con- Ogle. TeleoommunicatioosMan- tion, almost so much so that a Fall, according to Dr. Linda The Administration bas nected to the network with the ager, Dr. Richard Smith, profes- college can', be competitive Eshleman, director of Computing made a commitment of goal of having the entire cam- sor of Chemistry, Ed Holthause, witbout it," Bishop stated. Services. $40,000 to start this program, pus networked within 5 years, Technical Services Specialist. Bishop believes Presently, students with acorn- according to Eshleman. according to Eshleman. and Wallace Newsome, Sys- INTERNET forms a "virtual puter in their room can connect to Eshleman anticipates that the Once the entire campus is tems Programmer/Analyst. campus" encompassing the INTERNET through America majority of the money will networked, there will be many Wasbington College, a wbole world. "People that you On-Line for a "relatively inexpen- come in the form of a grant from benefits, according to small liberal arts college, has interact with don't have to be in sive" fee, according to Eshleman. The National Science Founda- Eshleman. For example, on been directly connected to your geographical area," Bishop However, Eshleman and a tion and the rest will be "seed campus, professors will be INrERNET since 1992. Paul explained. "I can send aquestion Task Force of others have been money" provided by the col- able to send their classes syl- Bishop, who works in Comput- to Australia and get a response in working since last Spring on how lege. However, the grant will labi via electronic mail, and ing Services at Wasbington Col- 20 minutes." WMC campus computers can not be finalized until mid-sum- students will be able to send connect with INTERNET. With professors their home-work this connection, students. faculty, through the network. This has and staff at WMC could have their the added benefit of getting own personal INTERNET ac- away from the use of paper. Off count campus, students, faculty and INfERNET was originally staff will be able to communi- created under the name of cate with WMC students study- ARPAnet in the mid-60's for the Have A Great Summer!! We'll See You In The Fall. Congratulations! To The New Members Of The Delta Of Maryland Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Marielle Ainsworth Deborah Keys Karen Anderson Susanne Laws Kirsten Borgeson Darla Ledger Elizabeth Brennan Kristine Leonard Monopoly Pizza Joseph Ciatola Karen Litishin Janet Fenhagen Emily Oland Catherine Fritz Amy Pelsinsky ~ John Gazzelli Greta Powell $2.00 OFF any large pizza with Joy Gigeous Kristen Purcaro one or more Krista Haderman David Radosevich toppings!! Danielle Harkins Kimberly Samuels Linda Harrison Julia Simmons 117 Pennsylvania Avenue David Hogans Karl Tomak 857-0100 Malin Jonnson Lisa Wieder Rebecca Kane Maura Ziolkowski Sunday - Thursday IIAM to Midnight Friday - Saturday llAM to lAM
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