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,.. ~~{ , (, '(" ( { 1< 1",,1' liIID® L1ID§l1 §®1ID11 I'll Take Potpourri for $100, Alex round of that conference's tourney matched teams will be competing in Clayton, Pat Flaherty, Bob By JAY HILBERT and go to the N.l.T. (The Nobodys both conferences. The LA Lakers Symanski, and Bruce Cotter to end Spoo.... Edj'''' Interested Tournament). The teams won't be there for the first time al- This NCAA Men's 0-1 Tourna- that do well in the conference tour- most 20 years. Despite the Lakers their 1M basketball season. Team ment has not been as good as I bad naments (Pepperdine, Loyola (Md.), hiring Magic Johnson to coach, of the Year at WMC- I think so. NFL- No more three inch tees, thought. When I saw the seeds two N.C. A&T, Nebraska, and Provi- even Magic can't save them (Kurt and kickoffs are now from the 30- and a half weeks ago, I was pleased dence), get eliminated -In the ftrst; Rambis might). The Mavericks, yard line. Finally we are getting with the teams that made it. Some round. well eight wins are better than none. some where. I was getting tired of teams impressed yours truly. Bos- Other teams work their butts of in Talking about basketball, 1 have all the numerous field goals and the ton College played their hearts out the regular season, where you playa six McDonald MVP cups (yup! even fact that scoring in the NFL was the and Maryland will be around for a long conference slate just to get Bill Walton and his beard). The couple of years. Unfortunately, placed in a pointless conf. tourney. Golden State Warriors have im- lowest in almost 25 years. Oh by the way, thank the NFL for the two- Duke is in the Final Four again. I Examples arc Coppin State, pressed many, despite the loss of hate Duke with a passion. Anytime Gonzaga, and Canisus, of which Tim Hardaway. Chris Webber and point conversion rule. Lamar Hunt, the former AFL king, en- Duke does well in the Tournament, Coppin was the only team not to go Chris Mullin, along with Latrell dorsed this from day one. Now we all lose. They are a bunch of to the NIT for some brain-damaged Spreewell will push the Warriors games will not be decided in over- goody-goody players who show reason. Overall, the extra tourneys into the post-season (Don Nelson- time, if a risky coach chooses to do emotion when they win a game by burt the teams their supposed to coach of the year). so. Fox will have Pat Summerall, 20. help. Hockey- Gretzky broke another John Madden, and Homer Simpson Despite my hatred for Duke, the I am tired of seeing Duke and record, and the Caps management NCAA needs to improve the Men's Michigan always there at the end. I suffers from stupidity. Both the as one broadcast team. AI Bundy D-I Tourney (the women got smart will root for anyone but these two Bullets and Caps should fold. The has been rumored to be another and are at 64 teams- and besides, I schools, yes even Arizona (America playoffs have not started yet-so color commentary guy. think the women's tourney has been is tired of these schools playing for nothing new on hockey. Next issue: We're talking baseball, better than the men's). Eliminate a national title). Intramural Basketball- The and we're talking about my 21st the conference tournaments- As I Pro Hoops- The Bullets (wait! Hawks (#7 seed) did pull the upset, birthday (April 5th- shameless explained in my column in the who cares about the Bullets). Both but then fell in the semis to a good self- promotion yes, but my col- Carroll County Times, conference the Eastern and Western Confer- Skirt team, but regardless, I think tournaments do more harm than ences are very competitive. After the Hawks should be Sports umn, my rules) Quick shout out to Pbillipsburg, good. On one hand, bubble teams the NCAA's are over, watch out for Illustrated's Sportsmen of the Year. NJ; Budd Lake, NJ; Chambersburg, who may get a bid without this ex- the best competition in a while for What a way for Rob Rimmel, Den- tra tourney. usually lose in me first tbe next two montbs, very eventy nts weuce-, Tim Micbaet. Charlie PA, and Chatham, NJ. RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING COR P S SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE ONTBEIRWAY TO THE TOP. If you didn't sign up for leadership training. By the ROTC as a freshman or time you graduate from col- sophomore, you can still lege, you'll have the creden- catch up to your class- tials of an Army officer. mates by attending You'll also have the self- Army ROTC Camp confidence and disci- Challenge, a paid six- pline it takes to succeed week summer course in in college and beyond. ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COWGE COURSEyou CANTAHE. For more information please call Captain Navarro x720 or x7'n or visit our offices, 2nd floor Gill Gym.
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