Page 165 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Forum from page 1 partment dialogue. One student remarked, "It early in their college careers. "We are the only school in sounds almost like a freshman The students will live together, the Centennial Conference that seminar class," do projects. and go on trips, all has not switched to a four- The required cultural com- of which will be overseen by a course load," Fennell said. Stu- ponent is not as scary as it faculty member from that de- dents would only take four sounds. Called 'The Fifth partment who may or may not courses instead of five or six, Course" by other schools. stu- be living with the students. and these classes would count as dents would be required to at- 'This element of our plan is still four credits instead of three. tend 18 campus events by the very vague," Fennell noted. According to Fennell, the end of their junior year. Pos- The first three aspects of the classes would be more focused sible events include plays. plan have already been endorsed SO that the students can learn speakers. sporting events, and by the faculty, but the final as- more and "dig deeper into the many others. "But there are a pect, department dialogue, will subject." smorgasbord of experiences have to be initiated and planned The freshman dedicated that the college has lO offer, and out within each separate depart- course would be a new class re- we want to have a greater in- ment, according to Fennell. Be- quirement for freshmen that volvement from the campus cause the four-course load will would be designed to help them community. including faculty, require restructuring BLARs along in their classes, learning in campus life." and major requirements, the de- technical writing. word process- Similar to affinity housing, partments need to rework their ing, and things that cause bad the experimental learning courses, majors, minors, and all grades because the freshmen are houses would be geared to- other programs so that they can not yet used to college academ- wards specific subjects or ma- fit the four-course load require- ics. "It would be a class for the jors so that students who are ments. kind of stuff you feel dumb going to be in classes together "This is the reason we are not about asking, but are rea1ly im- all four years can get to know instituting this program for an- portant," explained Fennell. each other and the faculty very other year." Fennell added. Fall Registration Sullivan Named WMCR Schedule General Manager April 19 - class of '95 8:00 am - 1:00 pm .. t..~.!['.he executlve":st~ff'fuT the- f~nb"ws:~oew Gene~ill Man-e .....brartan - Ridge~:Knauff:'~ " April 20 ~class df"95 college radio station. ager - Annelise Sullivan, new Programming Direc- WMCR,waselectedonTues- new Station Managers - tors - John Hovanec and class of '96 day. March 29,1994. The old DeAnne Lyon and Mark Rich Thomas. new Produc- 8:00 am - 1:00 pm executive staff of 1993-94 Geary, new Business Man- tion Manager - Keith Remo. April 21 - class of '96 would like to congratulate the ager - T.J. Grable. new Pro- Congratulations to all who new staff for the year 1994- motions Director - Christa were elected and good luck class of '97 7:30 am - 1:30 am 95. Positions were filled as Lawson, new Record U- next year! April 22- class of '97 Don't Forget Room Draw! 9:30 am - 2:00 pm April 26 All registration will take place in the Forum. 6:00 pm in the Forum 1.6 S Monopoly Pizza Hyou -\0heLp SA"e-me A know of anything e\ll~~ $2.00 OFF any large pizza with one or more happening toppings!! on campus, 1~~-'t89-9887. 117 Pennsylvania Avenue call us at _.:., 857-0100 x 8600 Sunday - Thursday IIAM to Midnight Friday - Saturday -lIAM to lAM farthSh.J,e,.
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