Page 163 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 163
• Perspective • Opinion Control Those Arms Parking Pennits Can Mean Understand where I'm coming BigTroubleAt WMC from. Idon't like laws. I don't trust the state, to tell you the truth Parking is a problem wherever you go, to use it this spring when all other spaces nist ect.). All of these facts with- {~ but the problem on this campus is ridicu- were being used. Nota ticket all this time- I donn't like government (Demo- crat, Republican, Faeist, Commu- lous. I understand that campus safety is do- standing I say this: not regulating \\tl: This is my first year at this campus. -until last week. the buying and selling of guns is 1111 Although the school does not, as the policy ing their job by distributing tickets for vio- lations, but what is stupid. states, give park- the point of ticket- The mantra of the NRA ("guns ing permits to don't kill people blah, blah, first-year stu- Pamela Barry ing a car that is ob- blah ... ) rings hallow with the ris- dents, Iwas able viously not in the ing number of fatalities from adding up. to apply for and way and not in a drive by shootings and stray bul- I hear talk of the second receive a permit. faculty or visitor lets. I have yet to bear of one in- amendment a a across the board Iunderstand that my situation hasmade space? Icould understand a ticket being nocent person injured in a drive- garuntee of gun ownership. it possible for a few privileges that other issued for parking in the middle of a field by baseball batting or a childing Hello, wake up, read that nrst-year studenrs dcn'thave. But, if Ihad or in the way of traffic, but those of us who killed by a stray switchblade from amendment in context. It was known the money and frustration involved create innocuous spaces so that we don't a knife-fight _ written with in parking on campus Iwould never have have to spend the night driving around the the Eric Whitehair a malitia in bothered with a parking permit. campus, searching for that elusive, empty, ~~;e~ mind. At the I live in Whiteford SO I am lucky legal space should not have to be repeat- time there enough to be able to park directly behind edly paying for it. I already paid for a the~:ShOU:~~~ ---------- was no full my building--wben there is space. During parking permit and that seems to have background checks and limits on time army the afternoon, if I need to run out to do been a waste of money anyway. the number of guns purchased. so private ownership of guns some errands, I am usually able to find a Ialso feel that the people who are re- We have permits and required was a matter of national security space for my car when Ireturn. ceiving the full brunt of this insatiable de- tests for driving, and cars aren't (and the right of revolution, My frustration mounts, though, when I sire to write tickets, are those of us who do even designed with the purpose of might I add, tee-beet) return from work at 9:30 at night and work. off-campus. Iwork off-campus be- killing something. Guns are po- Furthermore there are some spend temmnutes driving in circles trying cause Ineed the extra money that can only tentially dangerous objects, and guns that do not need to be sold to tind a space that I can squeeze into. Not be made outside of work study. I. work projectiles, lets not forget that. at all. Wbat is one going to do only is there an obvious shortage of twenty hours a week in order to pay my The reflex answer for gun with an automatic or semi-auto- spaces, but there are some people who in- bills (ones that are not even related to regulation is "but Ihis will en- matic rifle anyway, hunt chip- sist on taking extra space for their car. school costs). I have another friend that large the blackmarket". Where do munks? No offence to the gun They park a litt1ecrooked-just enough so works about thirty bours a week and she spends a hour just driving to and fran work guns come from? Unlike drugs collectors, but don't you think that they are taking up two spaces. If one cannot grow a gtock in a gar- you might be able to do without people would just squeeze in a little tighter each time. In ccnpensce to what she has to den on their property, guns come that AK? No one complains be- (without leaving six feel between cars), face, returning at midnight and sometimes from legitimate manufacturers. cause Grand Prix racing cars maybe we could fit a few more cars. 1:00 am., I am lucky that I an able to return For every other gun on the aren't street legal. I have tried not to let this annoyance tothecampus by9:30p.m., but I am still not blackmarket you have someone So drop he old arguments and rule my life, but itis starting toaffectotber able to fmd a space. going to a legitimate gun store look around. Urban society is an aspects of my life--namely my wallet. So There are cars in these lots that rarely and buying half a dozen semi-au- increasingly armed one. Perhaps far Ihave received three or four tickets-- move aU semester. During the winter, tomatic guns to sell to someone attitudes will be different when all for parking illegally. In each of these when the snow kept piling up, it was easy else on the street. These people this trend spreads to the suburbs spots where I was ticketed, I was not in to see what cars were actually being used don't care about age or intent or (and it Will). Guns don't kill anyone's way. I would simply create a and those that weren't I'm not saying that background they are just turning people, people with guns kill space so that Iwould not have to drive in people who don't have jobs off-campus a profit. Meanwhile fatalities are people. cin:lesforhalftbenight. Irealize that this should not be aUowed to park their cars is in violation of regulation number six here, but, maybe the school should con- • Letter under the Automobile and Motorcycle sider creating a lot for those students who do have their cars here for convenience Regulations section in our student guide Are You Condom Crazy? and datebook, but this ticket writing is get- and not out of necessity. Ibelieve that stu- dents that have to work nights shouldn't be ting out of hand. The last ticket Ireceived was for park- forced to park in the middle of nowhere Dear Editor: meanymore, Iknow where your minds are. I ing along the perimeter of the lot behind whe~ there are students taking up spaces Is it my imagination, (I notooly are JX=ISOO3lIyfeelthatthewhoiearticlewascoee Whiteford. There is a open area at the close to the dorms and are only using their condoms a "hot commodity" 00 this cam- in very poor taste. edge of the lot between tbe last legal space cars occasionally to go home or just to es- pus,buthave they alsobecomeanobsessoe Whichbringsmetotq:JUlsioonumbettwo. and a huge tree. During this winter it was cape from campus. of our illUSlrious Phoenix as well? In theFelxuary24editionofthepaperthe "00 especially bard to find spaces since snow It just gets frustrating when you work For at easttteseccedtssoe in arow, The Seconds" you chose to spend with the student plows pushed mountains of snow into off-campus to make the money that Phoenix has run pieces dealing with your body around campus finding out what we some of the designated spaces. r started you need for bills and then it ends up friend and mine, Mr. Condom, an in my think aboot "controversial topics that using this space as a last resort when I that you are working 10 pay for the opinionit is gettinga trifkold lrealizethat everyone's talking about," your biting ques- would get borne from work and every- tickets that you receive because you weare all livingin a society which necessi- tion was "What is the weirdest thing you've thing would be filled. I was not ticketed are working. Something is defi- tates not only knowledge ofthcir exiserce, ever dooo with a ccodom?" The obsession all winter for using this space. I continued nitely wrong with tbis system. but usage of them as well L towever, am coennces. Thequestionaftertrutinvolvedthc repulsed at the sight of a conOOm adcming a numbetoflicks ittakesto gettothecenterofa banana on page 11of !he Marth 31 edition Tootse Roll Pop. Again, pertinent topics ot ibe peper, AmIinninth¢bealtb were overlooked in favor of more "thought class? You allowedLisa Hill to fill two col- provoking" ones, which of course ead to lu- umns of precious media space with statistics ridsexualOJlID()tat:ioosanl~. of bow many ccoccnseech RAoncampus Maybe I am old-fashioned. but I was UIl- givesoute.U1 week Pmonally,IcoukIcare dertheassumption lhatthe job of the rewspa- less what the rest of my fellow studentsare per was to inform the public of the rews, doing with their condoms. The boncm lire Obviously Iwac; mistaken, because The Ptoe- to this article and feamred photo is that you nix is beginning to look more like Hot Talk as a publicationareableto sbow a picture of Magazine 10 me. a condom 00 a banana, you feel thc need to Sincerely, show the rest of us that you have the guts to EJaineEennan '97 do it You ooe't have to prove ~ything to Psychology
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