Page 164 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 164
SeidelNamed W~m Maryland's ChiefFinancial Officer Dr. Ethan Seidel, professor of ecooom- Foundation's Teaching Excellence and ics and business administration, bas been Campus Leadership Award. In 1988 named vice president for administration Seidel was among a select group of col- andfrnance. lege educators nationwide to receive a spe- He replaces Dr. Jennie Mingolelli, who cial salute from the American Association recently took a similar position at of Higher Education, the Carnegie Foun-. Gettysburg College. Dr. Seidel's appoint- dation, and Change magazine, for his fac- ment was effective March 24. ulty leadership. The vice president's responsibilities Seidel's scholarsbip has covered a include the management and direction of wide range of topics, from an analysis of the fmancial and physical resources of the low income housing needs for the city of college. As principal financial officer, be Westminster to the effect of credit card use leads in the preparation of the annual bud- on the demand for money. get, approves all contracts, directs pr0- He bas twice served as president of the curement procedures, and oversees all college's chapter of the American Asso- auxiliary enterprises including the ciation of University Professors and has college's bookstore, food services, facili- been elected to every majorstanding com- ties management, and others. The main- mittee at Western Maryland. often as an tenance of all physical property owned by officer. WMC is directed by the vice president, as Beyond campus, Seidel has been a are personnel matters for all non-academic leader of the local Junior Achievement employees. program, where he involved WMC stu- In 1988 Western Maryland honored his master's in business administration A native of Baltimore, Seidel has dents as advisers for high school stu- him with a Special Achievement Award from the Wharton Graduate School of taught at Western Maryland since 1969. dents in the Carroll County evening pro- for developing and expanding the J.A. the University of Pennsylvania two later, and He is a two-time winner of the college's gram. For this work, he received na- program, as well as for initiating a Junior years in 1977. his doctorate from Distinguished Teaching Award. in 1991 tional recognition in the form of the Achievement Scholarship at the college. Hopkins and 1981. In 1990 he earned Western 1982 Leavey Award for innovation in Seidel received his bachelor's degree Maryland's first national Sears-Roebuck economic education. from Johns Hopkins University in 1963. Supplied by the offICeof Public Infomuuion. SEAC Plans Vegetarian Camp Challenge Offers Students Fun And Training Dinner and Concert For thatwill total tuition Earth Week Celebration can also compete for more money in the 11C;;;;~;;;;;:~S;;;-;;;;;~;:"fonnofscbolarsbips. I just a little bit ligbter at Western Marro land. That's right, if you are a U.S.Citi· The Student Environmental Ac~ a meal plan can eat free). April zen between the ages of 17 and 23, a full non Coalition events (SEAC) is proud or or- to of On Friday, including 22, a number bands, sponsored announce "Those IC~~:~:::;g, time student pulSUing a BaccaIaureate De- ganized prior to or during the eel- Melvina" from Connecticut and gree with two years remainingin school I is a six week program (with at least 54 credit hours canpleted by ebratlon of Earth Day on Friday, WMC's own "Devil's Crotch," credit for freshman and the end of the SJYing 1994 semester), a 20 April 22. will assist in playing tribute to GPA and are medically qualified. you can On Sunday, April 17. the culi- Earth Day beginning at 6 pm in the anerdtbe Army's Camp Ctallenge. nary efforts of very enthusiastic ·Forum. The cost of admittance to But wait tbere' s IDCKe. When you gradu- SEAC members will be presented the concerts is $2. ate and canplete tbe ROTC program, you at a vegetarian dinner guaranteed Wrapping up the weekend will can compete fer an active duty curunission to satisfy even the most discrimi- be an afternoon hike, held on Sun- as a Secord Lieutenant in the U.S. Anny, nating palate. The doors to the day, April 24 which is open to all. U.S. Army Reserve or Anuy National dining porch will open at 5:30 pm For more information regarding Guard. This year a Second Lieutenant and all are encouraged to attend. this or other activities, please con- will receive a (approximately) $24,500 The cost of tickets will be $5 for tact student coordinator, Chiara salary, plus full medica] coverage and a nonstudents, and $3 for students Berlingo at ext. 8226. generous retirement program from the without a meal plan (students with Information courtesy of SEAC. ~~~~::~~~~ r--------:~~~;------C---A1UtUUlE-------~----~-~-----, many different cuItures. ........ ...,.,. So if you want to have a summer of ad- ~ =a;:t:~;~~!~!.~ 113WGT MAIN m1EET bocklOscboohngreatshape,lbencalldle $4$·~ Military Science Department 0(720), ask forCaptain Navarro or talk to an Rare ca- det on campos about taking advantage of SPECIALS !his oppa1U
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