Page 101 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Art Exhibition r----------, A Day In The Life Of Siouxie The Cat. Jeffrey Sbap.asenor artaOOartbisUxymaja- -There will be a Maryland March e, 1994 beginning at [--------------1 fioot Sykesville, Md. will be exhibiting "Anno- ucation Commission Meeting 9:00am. spbere," aseriesof self-portraitpbotographsa<; part n February 15 at 9:00 am in the The race will begin and ofhissenior artprqect. th Floor Conference Room at 16 end at Maryvale Preparatory Sharp's pbotogrnpbscms.istofimages which be rancis St. in Annapolis Mary- School, located at 11300 Falls says represent his life and inner feelings, He said and. For information call 410/ Rd., Brooklandville, MD his photographs are a sat of progression fiun his 4-2971 21022. freshman year throogh his senior year and consist Pre-registration cost for of uese as well as the seasons oombined. aduJtsis$l2, and$15 the day of Sbarpfeels that ee pbotographsare notentirely ibe race. ofhimselfandwisbesthatpeq:llewill view his rna- For more information call togmph<; with obiectivity so ma the truth may be Dave Cooley at (410) 377- reecbed. oetry Contest, send one original 8882. Sharpsaid, '1 wantJX!OP1e101Iy togetauniver- m, any subject and any style, to All proceeds benefit the sal feel. it's not just me." . e National Library of Poetry, Kennedy Krieger Institute and His photograph<; can be seen in Erncr Lounge 1419 Cronridge Drive, P.O. Box the Maryvale StudentScbolar- Siouxie the Cat ~stiU missing in the Jan Tenn inDeckerCoIIegecentcr through February 15. 04- YD, Owings Mills, MD ship Fund. snow. H you've seen Siouxie, let us know x8600. mmoreinfrnnation contact the Depenmen of 1117. -Attention Business Majors: Anand ArtIDstooy 31857-2599. The poem should be no more The Maryland Association 20 lines, and the poet's name of Certified Public Accountants d address should appear on the Educational Foundation will Campus Safety Blotter of the page. Entry is free and again provide scholarships to pen to all. Entries must be post- accounting students. arked no later than March 31, Applicants for scholarships All infoonation has been pr0- tling 3rd week of Dec- Property 994. mustbave acumutauve GPA vided by the Department of DoCS EMT to CCGH by 1116/94- 12:53 a.m., BWH- -Attention AU Earthlings: of 3.0, demonstrate financial Campus Safety. ambulance Destruction of Property- e Student Environmental Ac- need and meet other speci- 1/8/94 - 1::20 a.m.- BWH - Windows Broken 'on Coalition (SEAC) will have fied criteria. Students must 113/94- 2,17 p.rn.. ANW Fire Alarm 1119/94 - 3:53 a.m.. BWH elr meetings on Thursdays at have completed at least 86 4th rloor- Larceny Theft- 1/9/94 - 12:43 a.m.- WHF 3rd- 2nd floor- Noise Violation- :OOpm in the Freeman Room. total credit bours including $100 from unlocked and Violation of college pro- Disorderly conduct and medl- II are invited to come. For more 12 hours in accounting unattended room. scriptions - Disorderly Con- cal, black eye ormation call x8226. courses. 115/94 - 7,22 p.m.. WHF- duct 1120194- 9:50 a.m.- PELC- De- For more infonnation call Indecent Exposure 1/11/94 - 1:11 a.m., G/A structionofProperty (410) 296-6250 0' 1-800- 115/94 - 9, 14 p.m.- PELC #2- Accidental Fire Alarm 1121194-12:06 p.m.- Tbomp- 782-2036. - Medical- Back & Cervi- 1111/94 - 5:31 a.m.. Smith- son Hall- Medical- Chest cal Spine Injury- Wres- Suspicious Condition pain- DoCS EMT ambulance 1/11194 - 1:51 a.m.- 10 CCGH ANW 3rd f1oor- Loud Noise Com- I/t4jij4'_ 12:12 a.m.; plaint Decker- Tampering with 1114/94 - 1::25 a.m. - BWH Fire Extinguishers 3rd floor- Loud Noise Com- 1/25/94- 12:41 a.m., Rouzer plaint 3rd floor- alcohol violation 1/14/94 - 1:28 a.m.. BWH 2/1194- Winslow- Medical 1st floor- Alcohol Viola- 2/2/94- 2:36 p.m.- Lewis- tions (2) Theft- unattended wallet left 1/15/94 - 2:30 a.m. - BWH in bag in hallway. $18.00 re- 2nd floor- Medical- Facial ported stolen Injuries to two by accident 2/2/94- 10:40 p.m., DMC- DoCS EMT treats Suspicious condition 1/10/94 - 11:05 p.m.. 213/94- 11:36 p.m.- WHF- Rouzer- Medical - Pulled medical- glass in foot Muscle - DoCS referred to 213/94- 1:09 a.m.. ANW 1st New for Spring of '94!! Smith House floor- Medical Emergency and 1117194 - 12:58 a.m.- McD lst floor- Destruction of Disturbance- DoCs EMT trans- by ambulance ports to CCGH Be safe, don't be sorry. Sunday Live Music with no cover charge. Monday Monopoly Pizza All You Can Eat Steamed Shrimp for $7.99 Tuesday $.15 Wing Night. with Live Music and No Cover Wednesday ~ Ladies Night - 1/2 Priced Drinks for the Landies 9:00-Closewith DJ and Dancing $2.00 OFF any large pizza with Thursday one or more Country Night - Learn Country Western Dancing all Night toppings!! with DJ Billy Bob - 9:00 till Close Friday and Saturday Dr. Death Plays Your Requests 9:00-Close 117 Pennsylvania Avenue 848-1334 857-0100 In Cranberry Mall Sunday - Thursday llAM 10 Midnight Friday - Saturday IIAM to lAM
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