Page 102 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 102
Just Ask Why 60 Seconds Persons attempting to find motive in workers wear one glove but Did you notice that Glar serve the the with food this column will be prosecuted; on Campus persons attempting to find a moral in it glove less band .....Why? wa- Why does kitchen water taste better then bathroom will be banished . ter? Why do people play games - with apologies to Mark Twain If you are searching for ad- By HOPE JORDAN floor with cigarettes, coffee, tat- with your emotions? So;rWn,,, tered fingernails, and a bad atti- vice, logic, illogic, a laugh or a By Chiara Berlingo 3:00 am, your mind. mapped tude, you beckon to the muses - reason to procrastinate, write it with questions. Unanswerable Why? down, send your questions to my friend, Why, What are you most looking imponderables. Paging through Wby - a provocative, just ask The Phoenix. too big, no No question weekly enticing, attempting newspapers, forward to this spring? to find answers in Dear Abbey Filling cross between Dear Abby question too small. All ques- and Cecil Adams' "The Straight and Cecil Adams ... tions will be personally an- Dope," all hope drains from Have relationships left you swered. your being. Crippled on your baffled? Fiesta Cubana Comes To WMC "Glar" Adrienne Pugh By CARLEEN ALVFS be a social hour, followed by a this and other fund-raising ef- S~W ..... dinner of Latin American food . forts, $10 worth of medical Sunday, February 13 is Ft- Therost fadinner is $3.00 forsiu- suppplies will be donated to the English '95 . esta Cubana at Western Mary-, dents, and $5.00 focoon-students. US-Cuba Friendshipment III land College, an evening of Between 6 and 9:00pm. tbere Humanitarian' Aid Caravan food and fun. will be a silent aoction ,which will when it passes through Baltimore The admission is free, as it is include items from Cuba. at tre end ofFetx'wwy. They are sponsored by US-Cuba The evening will include the woddng in ibe hopes of raising Friendshipment III Humanitar- opportunity to meet the recent $1,!XXl, which will bring $1O,(XX) Chap- delegation to Cuba. "Twister" ian Aid Caravan (Local Language WMC preview of a photo dis- a to the effon. and will be donaed ter) and the Foreign of WMC and Carroll on bebaJf sneak Department. play from WMC'sJanTenntrip County. Bekah Velazquez The events will be starting at to Cuba and Puerto Rico, and For further infonnation, con- 6:00 on the Dining Porch, lots of Cuban Music! tact Isabel Valiela. WMC. From 6-7:00, there will For every dollar raised for An History '97 evc Job Fair To Be Held Feb 16 Attendance at one orien- Information provided by the Life-Commonwealth Finan- Office of Career Services at cial Group, BioWhittaker, tation meeting is required. Today from 12:00pm - 1:00 Smith House. Dictaphone Corporation, "learning" Glen Mills Schools, Health pm, there will be an orienta- The l()h Annual CmnberIand Care Financing Administra- tion meeting in the Freeman Adam Frey Valley Ccesorucm's Job Fair will tion, Merrill Lynch, TAR- Room (by the pool). If you be beldon wecesday, Febru- GET, Inc., USG Corpora- cannot attend this orienta- ary 16th from 9:30 am- 3:30 tion, Masland Industries, tion meeting, please call English '97 pm. It will take place at the etc .. This Job Fair is a ter- Career Services at x 243. Ramada Inn Convention rific opportunity to obtain Please call or stop by Smith Center in Hagerstown, information, make important House for morc information Maryland. contacts and meet prospec- and directions. Don't miss Some organizations that tive employers! The fair is this chance to meet with will be participating this FREE and open to all WMC representatives from vari- year include: Phoenix Home students. ous career fields! "Coffeehouserockin" FANS J.B. Sanderson @ History '94 .P~ CHINESE RESTAURANT Szechuan' Cantonese' American 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 Telephone: (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876-3166
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