Page 88 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 8 Western Maryland College April 10, 1992 Security Act Editorial make a difference. the need for a qualified gynecolo- access to Macintosh computers From Page 3 From Page 4 Take sophomore Marshall gist on campus. The issue was and laser printers for free? If you Price's petition about the Hous- brought to the attention of the think the studio's a hike, the art ings to the victims. tcrs to The Phoenix. signing peti- ing Policy for example. ACC and is now going to be pre- classes at Drexel are a bus ride This act meant that if, for ex- tions and checking out page 122 Four hundred signatures were sented to the Administrative (that's one token or$1.75) away. ample, a rape victim chose to of The Student Gujde/Datebook collected and he generated Council by Dean of Student Af- Finally, 1 admit that the meals prosecute the attacker and he or entitled "Where to go/Whom to enough student response as to fairs Philip Sayre. served in Glar are kind of sketchy she was found guilty, the victim see gain SGA's support. SGA I'm slowly weaning myself at times, but then so is Hom & would not be informed of the It lists contacts for questions posted students letters in Decker away from that phrase "this Hom's Smorgasborg. punishment or even the out- about everything from key re- Center for the administration to school sucks." Afterall,thcreare Think about WMC on the come of the hearing. placement (Student Affairs Of- sec how strongly the student a number of things about our ffipside. If the problems that The amendment, referred LO fice), to studying abroad (A. population opposes the Housing school that I'm going to miss. make this school seem less than as the Buckley Amendment, Carole Arrieta), to the variety of Policy. (No, don't shake your head. I'm stellar are in only backlashes of now permits the administration clubs and organizations Senior Carrie Ward not only being seriousl) our own negative attitudes and to disclose the outcome to the (Mitchell Alexander). started a petition but also sur- I mean, after you graduate, actions, is itreally our school that victim. Voicing our opinions does veyed 179 female students about where else are you going to have sucks? Q The Campus Security Act re- quires that the administration make their findings on campus crimes public to both current students and prospective stu- dents bUL WMC has not made a decision as to whether everyone will receive an actual copy of the report or nOL 0 Bookstore From Page 1 An "Advisory Committee" will be set up indefinitely to help the Bookstore develop and con- tinue in the way the college wants. The committee will mostly be made up of students, along with some professors and That's right! Bachman Valley Inn announces our administrators. Waller, and Jenny MingoleJi, reached the decision that Barnes "geared" towards our W.M.C. friends. and Nobel was the best choice by calling other schools who had Every other Wednesday beginning Wednesday, April 8th, The Valley Bus will arrive at West Main leased to Barnes and Nobel and Street, next to Alumni Hall, promptly at 8:4(JPM offering free shuttle service to the BVI.The bus will asking if they were happy with make pick-ups every 50 minutes throughout the night. Pick up times: 8:40,9:30,10:20,11:10,and 12 their decision. Midnight. Proper J.D. also entitles all "Rock-n-Riders" to a complimentary drink. Our Waller explains that Barnes and Nobel has never really lost a store in operation. "I asked a number of schools equal in size Also features the best in live classic rock-n-roil. to WMC if their contract was up with Barnes and Nobel today, Appearing April 8th and 22nd would they renew it. All said they would," said Waller. RANDOM ABSTRACT Wisnor and Seidel took care of the financial aspect of the de- cision. They tried to figure out a • 4.00 Domestic Pitchers • 3.00 "Stop Lite" Shooters 1.50 Rumple Minz choice would be most cost effec- • 1.50 Jagermeisters 1.00 "Green Terror" Shooters tive for the college. They con- 112Price Raw Bar All Night Free Bar Munchies cluded that Barnes and Nobel • 1.00Domestic Drafts could do more for the Bookstore with its resources than WMC could have done on its own. To better accommodate our "Rock-n-Riders," the Valley Bus will make it's Waller and Wisnor explain final departure from BVI to W.M.C. promptly at 1:00 AM. that another reason Barnes and Nobel was a good choice was All of this "Midweek Madness" is yours for a mere $2 cover. You won't want to miss it. that it was "decentralized." They train the managers to do the work and invest heavily in them. This way the store itself can be re- P.S. No open containers allowed on bus - Must sponsive to the individual needs be 21 with proper I.D. to Rock-n-Ride of the college. Marybell Gring, manager of B.V.I. "Uniquely not a follower" the Bookstore, and Pat Blackman, an employee, com- 4516 Hanover Pike ment that the transitional period Manchester, MD 21102 is going well. They arc striving toleam Bamesand Nobel's ways of doing things. They feel that 374-5050 • 239-4300 Barnes and Nobel has been very supportive of them. 0
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