Page 86 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 86
Western Maryland College April 10, 1992 Werleybirds Upset Sig Ep I 46-38 to Claim Intramural Basketball Title The recent wave of events in the sports world has surely two-time defending champion By PATRICK DONNt:LLY what appeared to be a comfort- given all the sports junkies enough to feed off of. Poor old SI<>/fR,p""" and favorite in the champion- able lead, 30-24, with 12: iO re- Iron Mike has faded from the media forefront, giving way to The Werley birds used a ship game, but Ken Werley's the NCAA and opening day hoopla of the major leagues. steady offensive attack, strong team had other plans. maining. the final momen- However, However, I have heard some rumors that Tyson has refused defense, and some last second to eat and wants to lose fifty pounds or so. heroics to upset three opponents Sig a Ep I started the game tum shift swung to the side of I believe the NCAA tournament's final games were the and capture the 1992 intramural with full-court press that the Werley birds. They began to best games I have ever seen. It is thrilling to have close title away from Sig Ep I on worked to their advantage for break the pressure of the Slg Ep most of the first half, buta three- buck- and consecutive defense contests, especially coming off that anything but exciting Marchl l . point bucket with 2:15 remain- CL<;by Werley (11 pts., 5 rebs.), Super Bowl. I don't know what it is about Duke, but even After heating the undefeated ing gave the Werleybirds a 16- Gatllzzo (9 pts., 4 rebs.), and with fractions of seconds remaining, fate intervenes. R+B Hornets in the first round 13 lead. The three-point lead again by Werley tied the game I also eyed the annual Bobby Knight chair throwing the Werley- would remain with the first half contest. It was not close. The winning toss sailed clear by seven points, to the finals with ending with [he score 19-16 in at thirty. birds advanced across a courtyard on the Indiana campus. Anyway, I The Sig Eps did not regain a last second bucket in a one favor of the Werleybirds. the lead or composer for the re- needed to see something that had absolutely nothing to do point victory over the nu A- The second-half brought a maining 6:32 in the game, but with the Orioles. I respect the Orioles and all, but I believe learn. Sig Ep I also earned their tum in the game. Sig Ep I tal- they did have opportunities in all this hype about Oriole Park at Camden Yards become spot in the finals with victories out of control. over the Faculty/Staff and the lied eight unanswered points the last two minutes. The epitome of this all came as I was reading the Balti- capped by Mark Getemy's two Their shots fell through the undefeated Bachelor I team in free-throws for a 24-19 lead basket and they could not take more Sun recently and came across a graphic percentage the second round. with 18:30 remaining. The advantage of the late Wereley- breakdown of specific pests that will bother spectators. It The Werleybirds entered the Werley birds countered with turns out that those pigeons yielded the highest figure. game with an 8-3 record and five straight points to tic the bird turnovers or chances at the Maybe once the season gets rolling, more substantial figures were the last team to qualify for game 24-24, but the Sig Eps charity stripe. This resulted in a will be focused on. Maybe something like a pie graph the playoffs in the South divi- were equal to the challenge and 46-38 upset and the crowning of breakdown of the most ideal facilities and their locale uti- sion. Sig Ep I (10-1) was the scored six of their own to take a new intramural basketball 0 lized by fans at the new park. champion. Does anyone really care besides myself that the NHL players decided to strike? The was the only year that my New Softball Beats F&M in Double Header York Rangers were on top of the league and they have de- when early cided to forego the season. Ishouldn't have started collect- By WRNDY ROLUNGER Maryland scored led off the first The Terrors took their mo- C"",,;/noJi'WR
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