Page 85 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 85
April 10, 1992 Western Maryland College PageS Letters to the Editor: _.,~wdj,,\jjjln:' 60 Seconds Teaching of the students in the class. condoms with a note saying that Honesty ... Any time a case of cheating I would never have a need for on Campus takes place in one of my classes one anyway. Dear Editor, I feel that a special relationship It is obvious, I hope, why I The recent Phoenix article is broken, one that is at the core am angry. I don't understand By Rob Kirkendall and Doug Rettberg "Honor Code Fails to Curb of the teaching profession. After why people can't accept me the Cheating" raises several inter- all, if students are not being way I am. Some lesbians, as esting issues that need to be ad- taught to be honest during their well as male homosexuals, are With 12years imprisonment, did dressed by WMC students, fac- four years at WMC, then what even physically harmed because ulty. and administration. are we "teaching" them? of their sexual preference. This MikeTysonget his due? 1. It seems that none of the Sincerely, is totally unacceptable, and I persons interviewed for the ar- Dr. Vasj/js teiu; Pagonis hope that I live to see the day uclc is satisfied with the current Physics Department when we are treated like every- Honor Code system and how it one else, like ordinary human Shannon Smith '92 .. ~ __ ~_ is implemented. From numer- Sexual Harass- beings. But the truth is, I know Business Admin. ous conversations I have had there is lillie or no chance of that with other faculty there seems to ment ofa day ever coming. "He'll get his duewhen be a dissatisfaction among us Different Sort... Signed. he gets raped." with the way the Honor Code is A WMCSlUdenl written and used. Dear Editor, For example, facuhy do not I am an admitted Lesbian, Response have a choice of dismissing a one of the few females on cam- case but arc obligated to take the pus who has made it public. I'm to The Bird ... students to the Honor Board. hoping that my story of harass- Dear Editor, Those of us who have partici- ment and fear will raise some The April 1 issue of The Bird pated in meetings of the Honor attention on campus to the ever was a trip. Stephanie Grau '92 Board will tell you that it is a present problem that we of dif- It's about time someone tried Communication very unpleasant experience for ferent sexal preference have to a little sarcasm to make the everybody involved. maybe it is deal with on a daily basis. people listen. Maybe someone "No, because IW one time for us to reexamine our I came "out of the closet" in (like those who make the deci- believed the victim at honor Code system. early October of this past year. sions up there) will see that the first ... He should get 2. My understanding is that Ever since that day, I have had stuff (for lack of a better, more the Honor and Conduct cases many people say rude things to appropriate term) that goes on life." and their outcomes are confi- me, make rude sexual gestures, down here is serious. dential, to protect everybody in- and just give me some evil Who has the money to pay volved and especially the stu- stares. Iknew that it would hap- for a table that just sits behind dents. The comments by Ms. pen, but I didn't expect a per- locked doors in the library? Sarah DuVal in The Phoenixes- sonal attack. Who really wants 10 live on ticle clearly violate this confi- For the remainder of fall se- campus for at least three years? Scott Lyon '93 dcnttaltty by revealing specific mester, there was one guy who And who has ever left Glop (I Physical Ed. details about at specific Honor seemed relentless in his slander. mean Glar) truly satisfied? Board case. i started to have nightmares I'd like 10scc a little research "l think it's enough, but I hope that in the future The about him, and I didn't even done on how much money the / don't think he had a Phoenix will be more discrete know his name. But in this pizza deliveries are making off fair trial." on the confidentiality issue. spring semester, because of re- of us (minus the Slices Plus rig- 3. I strongly disagree with lentless remarks and gestures, I ures,ofcourse!). some of the opinions expressed traced down his name. I don't I think the Westminster Post- in the article, especially those of know how he found out who I Secondary School has been at- Dr. Stephen Colyer. I find it was nor do I know how he tending too mnay Daily very hard to sympathize wilh found out that I am a lesbian, Affirmations with Stuart students who cheat and I do not but he did, and he made it Smalley. Ken Hess '93 believe that "honesty is situa- known. Soon, he learned my One night he said, "It's tion specific." address and phone number. I easier to put on slippers than to Communication The student-teacher relation- have received no less than 50 carpet the world." What we re- "Hell no. Put him away ship is based on mutual respect late night prank calls, some of ally need are combat boots. for life." and trust, and the Honor Code which he has told me who he Maybe then things will change system is supposed to enforce was, as if he was proud. I also -c- maybc. this trust. A student who cheats started to get magazines like Signed, intentionally breaks this trust Playboy and Roughriders. He A Chick (no pun and cheating is unfair to the rest even sent me an empty box of necessarily intended) LURD by John Lambros Damon Lewis Biology "Yes.he did. He lost his boxing career. That's "",." good enough." ffLl('OOCr ~----T~ -
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