Page 76 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 10 Western Maryland College March 12, 1992 A Word is as Good as a Vote in All-College Council scntauvcs suggested hiring an Because of senior Kim By MICIIU.LE DAYOT the council was the sale of ex- items will bediscussed: student S"'/JR.p""'" mtem. Bergen's concern of residence cess school furniture in April. satisfaction survey, Decker The All-College Council BreLL Cohen, a senior, re- floors being open and vulnerable Interested students and facuhy Center hours, hiring an on-cam- (ACC) met for the second time quested mal the council fine stu- to vandalism, the option of lock- should contact Margaret Bell pus licensed gynecologist, resi- this semester on Thursday, dents violating the school smok- ing floors was made available to for specifics or refer to the ad- dcncy requirements, and results March 5 in the Freeman Room. ing policy in response to the re- any organization on a group ba- vertisement that will be pub- of Sayre's meeting with Cohen Established about two years cent campus tires caused by sis. The possibility of residents lished in "WMC This Week." about establishing a smoke-free ago, the council invites students smoking. Cohen proposed to accessing cleaning supplies is The next ACC meeting is donn. Due to the increase in at- to participate un the meetings have dormitory smoking rooms also being considered. scheduled for Thursday, April 2 tendance, the council is looking scheduled the first Thursday of restricted to smoker floors, Another mauer discussed by at 11:50 am. The following for a new location to meet. 0 every month. separate from non-smoker ar- Though only council mem- CAPBoard Applications Being Accepted bers have voting power, stu- Senior Krisu Towers re- dents' opinions arc encouraged, marked that not allowing smok- By J.;NlIolrER HIU, gramming Board is an organiza- views will be held March 24-26. said secretary Michelle Kloss. ers to smoke in their residence S"'IfR,p""" tion which coordinates social, After the interviews, CAPBoard She said she thinks students rooms is violating their rights. CAPBoard is now accepting cultural, and educational oppor- will vote on March 29 and no- sway VOleS. Sayre recommended dealing applications for their executive tunitics for the college commu- tify the new executive board Hiring a part-time drug and with smoking offenders on an positions. nity. members. alcohol counselor to assist Su- individual basis, the same way The offices of president, According to Chris Cutler, Students are also urged to san Glore was recommended by that all campus rule offenders vice-president, secretary, and who presently holds the position join the various CAPBoard Andrea Covington care of a re- are treated. Sayre is planning to treasurer are open as well as the of films, the organization in- commtuecs. While each com- cent SGA vote. In order to meet with Cohen and a housing positions of performing arts, volves about 70 studerus. mittee needs one person to head accornodate school budget, representative to discuss the films, second stage, mainstage, Applications are due March its activities, many students are Dean of Student Affairs Philip possibility of initiating a smoke- promotions, and special events. 13 and after the present execu- necessary to make the activities Sayre and several student repro- free dormitory. The College Activities Pro- tive board reviews them, inter- work. 0 Clements to leave for an investigation," important, loyalty In the physi- one for not diagnosing gallstones March 20, and he hopes to have she said. From Page 1 Sayre confirmed that cian or the health and well-being but if someone had just offered the position filled shortly thercaf- of the students?" me some kind of help, I would ter. dents, as well as the danger of li- Clements did bring her com- Margaret Oehlers. a junior, have been happy," she said. Concerning the future of gy- ability to the college and my- plaints to his office. believes that thehea1th of the stu- One of Clements' main con- necology services, Sayre agrees self, if anything went wrong," "The matter was very thor- dents should definitely be the cerns is the college's commit- that this is a major concern, but she said. oughly investigated. We con- school's first priority but she is ment to the students. She fears he insisted that all other pro- Clements said, in her opin- ducted two outside medical not convinced that the school that there is not much of a com- ion, that wrong medications evaluations ... which said the agrees. mitment to continue the things grams and services Clements the was involved in will remain had been handed out to students, complaint was not correct," he "Until they can show me that she began in Health Services. same. patient charts were sometimes said. they have some competent For example, she is worried that Since her forced leave of ab- mishandled, and that in general Clements maintains that she people, Iwill stay home and take the gynecology services she of- "the quality of care was not handled the situation in an ex- care of myself," she said. fered women are "in jeopardy." sence, Clements said she has had with the campus and no contact good." She attributed most of tremely professional way but Oehlcrs said she went to Stu- Sayre, however, said that an the students. She feels a sadness the difficulty to Dr. Daniel docs not think that the college dent Health Services last year ad has been placed for a medical at leaving without having the Welliver, the college's physi- was as careful. She believes feeling very sick. After numer- services coordinator and his or chance to say good-bye, she said. cian for the past 18 years. that the investigation was not ous tries over a period of about her duties will include all of Currently, Clements is still Welliver declined to com- thorough enough and needs to three days, she was finally able to Clements' old duties. Sayre said employed in health services at a rncnt on the specific incidents be continued. get an appointment with the col- that the deadline for applying is new job doing clinical work. 0 Clements menuoncd but did say Sayre, however, feels that lege physician. that there were "problems with the results of the evaluations Oehlcrs said she was diag- Correction: our working agreement." speak for themselves. "My nosed with a viral infection and "By state law, a nurse pructi- main concern was: Is the qual- was prescribed bed rest and Flu- The Phoenix erroneously re- uoncr must have a working ity of care good?" he said. "And ids, but no medication. ported in the February 28,1992 tainer rule. The current rule states that students cannot have agreement with the college phy- I continue to believe health care The next day she went back to issue that the SGA voted down empty alcohol containers on sician and I rescinded my work- was good and will continue to Student Health Services but a proposal by Associate Dean of campus. The modification ing agreement," Welliver said be good." found them closed for lunch. She Student Affairs Frank Lamas would allow containers serving Welliver cited his long- Sayre said that he looks into then took her concerns to Sayre and Dean of Student Affairs a practical purpose or mementos standing comm iunent to the col- all complaints to find out exactly who was not in either. Philip Sayre which would call 10 be exempt from this rule. for a complete ban of alcohol on The SGA passed a motion lege and community as proof what is going on. He noted that "At this point Ibroke down," campus. This proposed ban saying that they will approach enough of his competence as the Student Health Services is evalu- the sociology major said. After never existed. Student Affairs and have them college physician. ated annually and will continue another hassle, only this time The SGA had voted to send abolish the container ru1c, since Welliver, a WMC alumnus, to be carefully watched. with Campus Safety, Ochlers a letter to Lamas asking him to stricter drinking rules make it o has been involved with student "I had hopes that theadminis- was finally taken to the hospital modify the existing alcohol con- unnecessary. hea!thfor34ycars. Heis on call tration would see their wrongs where she was told she was suf- to the resident assistants 24 you can see, the physician fering from a gall bladder attack. hours a day and feels a strong is sun there and we are gone," "We need a doctor who is ac- Fitzgerald's Carriage House Liquors connection to the college, he Clements said. "Which is more cessible. I'm not blaming any- r.\113 West Main Street· 848-3466 said. "I am very upset and hurt by \:;J Specials... ICE everything that has happened," Welliver said. • Extra Income '92 • Coors, Light, Extra Gold ca8e--$13.99 According LO Clements, who Natural Light (cans) ease-$10.49 spent seven and a half years at Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing Schlitz (cans) case-$8,49 WMC, when she and Skozilas travel brochures. For information expressed their concems to Keystone, Light, Dry case-$10.49 Labatt'86-pack-$3.99 Sayre "the tables were turned." send a stamped addressed "I became the problem. We envelope to: Travel INC., P.O. Sol 6-pack-$4.99 raised the issue because we Box 2530, Miami, FL 33161 Moosehead 6-pack-$4.99 were concerned about the stu- Numerous liqlUJrs at cUJSe-()utprices. Cash and carry while suppliis last. dents and then we were forced
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