Page 81 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 81
Model Lab to be Built in Lewis Hall- Story, Pg. 3 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College WMC Bookstore Leased to Barnes and Nobel By REBECCA KAN~; long as the same book is being SJajJR,por'" used for class next semester. On Wednesday, April I, Over the summer, the Book- Barnes and Nobel Bookstore, store will be enlarged and reno- Inc. began its first day of leasing vated, according to Pazzotare and the WMC Bookstore. Dixon. They arc aiming for the Although for the Lime-being, job to be completed by the time the Bookstore's prices, staff, and the student's return for fall se- hours of operation will remain mester. the same, Lorraine J. Fazzolarc, Fazzolare and Dixon along Regional Manager from Barnes with Frank. Waller, director of and Nobel, and Ben Dixon, Vice Administrative Services, and Art President. plan many changes in Wisnor, assure the planning pro- the near futurc. cess for the changes in the Book- These changes include, in- store will be a mutual decision creasing the range of school store between Barnes and Nobel and supplies and trade section items WMC. (categories of interest outside A special "Oversight Com- class requirements), seasonal mittee" was formed, according to ~!IIIII!IIIII~~~:!__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!f Waller, to decide on exactly what floor for display, ~ special sales, placing class text- way to renovate the Bookstore. books on the and giving a guarantee that all A designer from New York City textbooks sold bock to the store at was scheduled to meet with them --------------------------- the end of the semester will be on Thursday, April 9, to discuss Indecent Exposure in Library bought back from the students for the possibilities. Pg. 8 Col. 1 half of what they paid for it as See BOOKSTORE, By TIIOMAS E. QUIRK According to Campus Safety pus Safety and the Westminster Phone System Slnlffl,po""' repons, the man did not have a City Police". The City Police On Sunday, March 29, a fe- "combative physical appear- were helpful in the situation an in- Proposed for Dorms and male student was subjected to ance". are presently conducting indecent exposure. Director of Campus Safety vestigation. tory rooms and offer users a KIRKl<:NI)AU. According to Campus Safety Michael Webster said that The suspect had visited By nOB P~"'OB"'l'~~ &l~or reports, she was sitting in a "Campus Safety did an excel- Hoover Library at least one A new telephone system pro- plethora of features at including lightly traveled area in Hoover lent job" in responding to the other time on Friday, March 27. posed by the Center for College savings on long distance calls. Library around 9:00 p.m. when situation. Campus Safety and According 10 Michael Webster The $400 thousand installation and a black male sat ncar her. Administration offices were no- the suspect sat near a female and Computing professor supported by cost of the system would pay for Economics Dr. Ethan The male began to read a tified. Officer Shipley was dis- moved closer and closer to her Seidel could provide students itself within six years through will be book and about an hour later patched immediately to the li- until he placed his foot on hers; with a wealth of services includ- student's bills which about $32 per momh. exposed himself. According to brary in search of the man. Of- the female immediately left the ing personal phone-mail. The system is now feasible be- a source, who requested ficer Thompson took a state- area. Under the proposal, the cause of technology that has ananimity, the male started to ment from the woman. Any person who has infor- ROLM system currently used brought down costs. According to masturbate. The subjected stu- Webster also commented mation on these incidents is by the faculty and administra- Seidel. "It makes going 10 Western dent immediatlcy left the area that he was "impressed by the urged to contact Campus Safety tion would be expanded to in- Maryland more auracuve," and contacted Campus Safety. working relation between Cam- at 857- 2202. 0 clude the more than 600 dormi- See PHONES, Pg. 2 Col. 3 Housing Policy Protested; OB/Gyn Petitioned for at ACC By MICIIELLE DAYOT But because of the expressed But before students make the so many empty spaces and 3 security officers on duty at SIo./JR,p"'"''' dissatisfaction, hiring a part- decision whether they can af- prices must go up further. Senior Carrie Ward and time gynecologist or a nurse ford LO stay on campus, Dr. Another issue addressed night. In Sayre's plan, one would patrol the campus and the sophomore Marshall Price practitioner-OB/Oyn specialist Ethan Seidel, of the economics concerned was keeping Decker other would station the security talked 10 the All-College Coun- is being considered. department, hopes that students Center open. Because the li- office upstairs to Decker. cil (ACC) April 2 concerning Asa follow-up to Price's pe- explore options other than the brary and Memorial Hall close Decker Center, the council their proposals for a certified tition, the Student Government obvious measure of applying for OB/Gyn and a grandfather Assembly (SGA) sponsored a financial aid. at 12 midnight, students pro- agreed, could also help ensure to keep Center Decker clause for the new Housing letter protest that was posted in "When people move off posed 24 hours as it was years safety if it is kept open because to all of the it is accessible open Policy respectively. Decker Center. campus the money has to be ago. dorms in case of emergencies. Ward surveyed 179 campus Authored by both upper and made up somewhere and pro- According to women who responded to Smith underclassmen, the letters rep- grams have to dropped. There College Activities Director of On the agenda for the next Mitchell House's previous nurse practi- resenting students' opposition are three new staff concepts that Alexander, there is not enough ACC meeting, to be held May 7 tioner, Marlene Clements unfa- to the Housing Policy revolved we need: DB/Gyn, counselor, staff or money. in Gold Room B, the council vorably due to misdiagnoses, around the same argument- and security but we can't afford However, Dean of Student will be discussing whether more be misinformation and discomfort. money. it," said Seidel. Affairs Philip Sayre is looking cigarette machines should Presently, applicants for a nurse Some students arguing about Another point that Seidel into is keeping the library installed in what has been estab- practitioner-family and adult the 8.3% room hike for next made was that when students lounge and Decker Center open lished as a smoke free environ- specialist arc being interviewed. year talked about transferring. move off campus and there are all night Normally there are 2- ment Students are encouraged 0 to auend. ,--
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