Page 71 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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March 12, 1992 Western Maryland College PageS Letters to the Editor: 60 Seconds Phi Delts Ask for Ros. What gives you the right actual circumstances surround- Contributions, .. to: I) criticize something that ing Slices Plus™. "I can imag- on Campus did not begin until after your If you will note, the second Dear Editor, column was published. 2) write paragraph begins: The brother's of Phi Della an article on a topic to which ine what it's going to be like." Theta would like to graciously you have no previous knowl- My column is a critique at- By nob Kirkendall thank everyone who donated edge of, yet attempt to be tempting to persuade others on Do you think Black and Women's food and money to the Carroll knowledgeable, and 3) deceive campus to take action on an is- County Food Sunday. the public by not conducting sue that they may consider im- History Months achievetheir aims The collection on February appropriate research for your portant, and was not meant to of increasing awareness? 22 was a big success. We col- topic. degrade individuals involved lcctcd many bags of non-perish- I work as a delivery person with the delivery of pizza. able goods and $72.95 in cash. for Slices Plus (you failed to get I have done some research, These donations were given the name right). Slices PliJ.Sis as you suggested, and have de- Bruce Cambosos '95 to the Carroll County Food Sun- not trying to lake away business cided that there should be an ar- Psychology day to be distributed to the from the other pizza companies. ticle written about the positive needy in Carroll County. Phi In the past, delivery persons and negative aspects of the "I think they heard the Delta Theta would like to make have been robbed by students, Slices Plus™ program. message we were por- this food drive a monthly and vice versa. I still sec major flaws with traying, but for most it project. With your continued Slices Plus does not involve the program. went through one ear support, WMC can make Lhisan any cash transactions, and If the Pub is not concerned even larger success. therefore is a more safe method with "stealing" business from and out the other." We look forward LOyour of delivery. I suggest you do a other well-known pizza places, gifts of food. follow up story with some re- I strongly suggest that the col- Sincerely, search to find out what it is re- lege approach businesses within Phi Della Theta ally about. town and ask them to allow stu- Margaret Oehiers. Class of 1993 dents to use their express cards Marie Pawlowski '94 Everybody there as well. Psychology/ Comm. is a Critic ... Critic Responds ... Then deliveries can be made "No, / think a good to dorm rooms in an equally Dear Editor, Note: My article was written "safe" atmosphere as Slices deal of the campus I would like to address this upon the rumor that the pizza Plus™ suggests it does. wasn't interested and letter LO the Critic at Large, Jim delivery was starling, not the Jim Ros. Critic at Large didn't see the point." Complaints the restaurant does it to encour- served that the students are good age people to come other nights. for local businesses. From Page I According to Johannsen. the Senior Johnny Micka said Champs is to blame for the van- number of students coming to that relations could be improved dalism. Neal feels that the bar Champs has actually dwindled if more Greek organizations Sean Smith '93 encourages excess drinking on over the last few years; college would get involved with com- Thursday nights with an all- students are only a small percent- munity service in Westminster. Business/Econ. you-can-drink $5.00 special. age of his business. He said he Mayor Brown said that the "No, February is too However, David Johannson, never sees any friction between only way for relations to im- the general manager of Champs, students and townspeople, but prove would be for both the short a month to cover said that the bar conducts its added that the two groups tend to town and the college to make it Black history. r II get business responsibly in accor- stick to themselves. a priority, but both groups have back to you when dance with the law. Champs re- On the other hand, Debbie more pressing business. Women's History quires two IDs, at least one of Finch, another Main Street resi- College president Robert Month is over." which must have a photo, he dent, said that she has had al- Chambers agrees, and said, "I added,and the bar is required by most no problems with the stu- hear drunk kids all the time." He law to not serve people who are dents. Finch noted that students added that the college has started intoxicated. get noisier as the summer gets many programs to improve rela- Jennifer Cormeny '93 As far as serving under age closer, but said that she is for- Lions, including the Carroll Social Work drinkers, Johannson said it does giving of it. Heavy trucks on County Scholarship Program and happen, but not intentionally. Main Street bother her more the WMC Associates-a group "No, not for the entire WMC students are better at than the students, she added. to improve communication with campus, but for those sneaking in because they have Commuter student Alison local businesses. who are honestly con- the equipment to make passable Lowe noted the community Still, Chambers said that cerned." false driver's licenses, he noted. work of students, including WMC is powerless to control He also said that the bar does Sigma Phi Epsilon's adopLion of students' behavior off campus. not really make a profit from the the part or Md. Rt. 31 that bor- "I'm not going to follow people Thursday night special and said ders the campus. She also ob- down to Champs," he said. Q Keith Nelson '93 Business/Boon. "Yes.those want tofind OUi more about Black history and women's issuescanfindousabou; them." T--
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