Page 73 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 73
March 12,1992 Western Maryland College Page 7 Parting the Waters: Buffy Burke and Alison Denlinger 200IM(2:18.1). Her tong term to compete in the Middle Atlan- By KF.NDRA WEIBLE S"'/fRO',", Heather Hyland, and Denlinger the women's team has the po- (1 :59.41),500 freestyle (5: 19.7), She sat out much of the last "The Western Maryland to a third place finish and a tcruial to improve on an already I()(X) freestyle (11:15) and the part of the season, but was able swim team did an excellent job school-record time. Burke pro- outstanding accomplishment. at MAC's considering its small pelled the same 400 free relay With only eight swimmers into a fifth place reflected size," co-captain Golf Coach Moyer and his team. luck As Trevor Wysong at the conclu- evening, on Saturday the men couldn't large expect to com- with any golf tournament, teams pete with like and chemistry have to be right sion of the 45th Annual MAC Meanwhile, Denlinger Gettysburg. However, senior From Page 6 fora victory, but Moyer asserts Swimming Championship held pulled in her share of the points. co-captain Malt Cook made his men keep looking better, they "we'll match up with anyone." at Widener University in She placed 10th in the 50-yard competitors work for their understand that makes the The keys to the WMC golf Chester, PA. free, 4th in the 100 backstroke pomts. whole team beucr." team's success will include Compared to dominating with a new WMC record, and a Cook was one of only two The Terror linksters have many factors, but pressure will teams like Gettysburg and F&M well-earned third in the 200 WMC men to qualify for finals been practicing since February not be one of them. With a with20memberseach, Western during the three day meet. On 3, and hope that the extra prac- schedule that includes many Di- Maryland's 10 MAC women the opening day, Cook sprinted tice "in any weather," according vision Iand IIpowerhouses, the qualifiers although not taking "The Western Mary- to a fourth place finish in the 50- to team members, will help. Terrors do not feel that they will up much room on the bench did land swim team did an yard freestyle. Junior Jeff Dierks, ranked be intimidated by any of their manage to overpower some of On Saturday, amid stiff com- number one on the team last fellow Division III schools. their bigger opponents. excellentjob at MAC's petition from Swatbmorc's year with a 77.7 average, looks Going out and proving them- Overall, the women Terrors considering its small Adam Browning, not only did forward to a competitive sea- selves is the main goal to team finished seventh out of 15 teams size." Cook break his own school son. "We've been pulling in captain Ken Werley. According edging out Widener by one record in the 1DO-yard butterfly, some pretty good practices, and to him, "the only team that can point. Freshmen Buffy Burke -Trevor Wysong but he also glided into 5th I hope it'll payoff with suc- beat us is ourselves." and Alison Denlinger led WMC place. cess," he said. Western Maryland begins its to its best finish in seven years. backstroke which also broke a Cook concluded his college Just what are the chances (or season with a tournament on Burke captured third in the school record. swimming career with an eighth the Terrors to win the division March 16-17 at Eton College in SOO-yard freestyle event which At the same time, senior co- place time in the 2oo-yard but- again? Very good, according to North Carolina. Q set a new school record of captain Valerie Shearer quali- tcrfly. 5:19.79 on Friday. fied in the top 16 of the The only other finals quali- On Saturday, she once again women's 50-yard freestyle en- fier was sophomore Mike LARS HVIDING, JR. (301) 526·5447 challenged Gettysburg's Lynne abling her to swim in the conso- Jekogian who captured 14th in Cassidy, Outstanding Swimming out-touched two opponents She to the individual 200 free event lation heat in the evening. the David B. Eavenson and who led the 800 free relay Sr., eu_PrlIIhHIs,..- r·';1I4:;b$@W:J Award second free. place and sprinted the capture 14thplacc. Shearer also consisting of Trevor Wysong, to recipient, Matt Cook, and Jason Dnsscl in the competitor was a tough into during a new school record. 100 fly and 100 free. 200-yard Burke finished up the season Sophomore Anna Jakubiec On the mile swim, techni- Printed Appc;uel, Athletic Uniforms, Jackets, etc. with another strong second managed to squeak into the top cally called the I650-yard place finish in the 100 freestyle. 16 in both the 100 and 200 yard freestyle.junior Matt Gebhard's 2920 DE DE RD.• RNKSBURG, MD 21048 In addition, Burke swam the breast stroke events. performance earned him 12th first leg of the 200-yard free rc- With only two seniors gradu- place. 0
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