Page 75 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 75
Page 9 Body Images isMoving Angc, a high school all tcacbcr By KIM (hTROW S"'fJFI,p"'''' that ancnds graduate school at "Women and Body Images", WMC. According lO Angc, this a sculpture composition re- helped add to the intensity of the cently on display in Decker Col- message. Memoirs of an Invisible Man. Starring: Chevy yeah, it's "PG-]3 sex," but that's what you get for lege Center by senior Kelly The shattered mirror added Chase and Daryillannah. Directed by John Car- $6.00. I also felt I wason a roller coaster with this Schoen, made a shockingly to the effectiveness or this com- penter. Nick Halloway (Chase) becomes invis- film; one moment the audience was watching powerful statement. position. In seeing their reflec- ible after an accident at Magnascopics lnc., an ex- Chase escape from the "bad guys" and the next IL portrayed women's tion the viewers became partici- perimental center on nuclear fusion. He tries to moment we got to see him digest his Chinese struggle with distorted self im- pants and were brought face to escape from the clutches of a sinister secret gov- food. ages and the pressure put on faccwiLh their own self-images. ernment official while attempting to become vis- Lambros: Iagree. The movie didn't "flow" right. them by society and their own Susan Tcgtcr, a graduate ible again. He receives help and romance from Someone probably got confused and left all the cxpcctauons to have an "ideal" Liberal ArL<; student said, "It Alice Monroe (Hannah). good scenes on the cutting room floor. body. expresses the extremes women This movie was reviewed at the Cranberry The exhibit, which ran go to trying to identify who they Man Cinemas. Bucher: On a positive note (finally'}, the major March 3-11, consisted of three am theme of the movie was ironic. Nick Halloway life-sized figures of varying Schoen hopes the work Bucher: Ireally was kind of disappointed with the started off as a nobody- an invisible man in the weight with a shaucrcd mirror helped viewers to reflect upon movie because Chevy Chase didn't play his usual world- because he ignored his job, and he had no behind them. the "true" vision of themselves. "funny man" role. The script was written for an family or friends. Once he was physically invis- Continuity was achieved By showing how thc three actor who is better suited for an adventure role. ible, the world finally took notice of him, and he through the upward movement physical aspects arc within us Lambros: The script also seemed weak. The was better for it in the end. In addition, the use of of the arms, which gave the all, Schoen said that people may movie had good actors, and an experienced direc- a flashback was effective for this movie because whole composition unity and be able to understand that "ulti- tor, but it lacked the strength of a good adventure it tied the beginning and ending together. Over- rhythm. The reclining figure on mately we arc in control of our film. The music attempted to tell me, "This is re- all, it would bea good movie to rent in the future. the right was heavier, weighted. bodies; if nothing else." ally exciting! It's really good!" but the visual Igive it two and a half froggies. Her arm reached up and the line The poster advertising ac- imagery failed to move me. The weakest part of Lambros: I felt the movie was pretty "cheesy" appeared to flow through the tivities for Women's History the film was the 'romance' if you could call it one, altogether. What could have been a very interest- placement of the arms of the Month this March shows a between Chase and Hannah. Within the first len ing and exciting movie became one that spent too more idealized central figure sketch of Schoen's composi- minutes they were having "PG-13 sex" in the la- much time and money on us special effects, rather and continues to the painfully lion. dies' room. emaciated appearance of the Concerning the theme, than working with the talent. Rcgreuably, I give Bucher: But, the romance really wasn't that bad- it only two froggies. 0 figure on the left. Schoen said, "It's something "The inward tum of the hand that's been inside of me," and directs the flow of energy back she was overwhelmed with the Writer's Block into the composition" said Ann success of the opening. 0 "'~WE'VE CORNERED~~ Please submit original poems to The Phoenix through campus mail. Due to the volume of requests, poems cannot be returned or guaranteed printing. THE MARKET Ode to shel silverstein or ON CREATIVE the cold by 300 B.W.H. I've got a pair of long undies, OK Iwent round with my paper SUMMER COURSES. my seats, four sox andahat and I got them to sign, one and all Pratt offers summer courses that do a little more than but l can't sleep 'cause I'm freezing cxceptforthat"macho"fraternity you'd expect. That's because our students, the most and what can be done about that? the fourth floor of BW. Hall talented and creative people in the country, set high from sessions my windowsthey rattle Icall and Icalli get nowhere standards. During our two summer 14* we're offering 2 and July 6-August May 26-July my doorknob is cold they say the heats been on once or twice, hundreds of undergraduate, graduate and professional there's ice on my bedframe the beats on at six a.m., right courses designed for creative people. so ...tell me who can be told? but by eight, my room is all ice Choose from programs in architecture, advertising, they tell me to start a petition oh, Dr. Chambersplease help us art education, book arts, city and regional planning, Iwould but my fingers arc numb oh, Dr. Chambersplease call computer graphics, construction management, creative engineering, arts therapy, facilities manage- drawing, Ican't hold the pen or the paper Iknow that if you slept in my room ment, fashion, film, fine arts, graphic design, illustration, for 17.5 (1) this is dumb the heat would be on in Blanch Ward Hall industrial and interior design, jewelry, information and I ask forso little from WMC library science, painting, photography, printmaking, thrce squares and a meal with some meat By RJ. Measday sculpture, urban design, video telecommunication, and are also available. visual studies. Summer internships a liberal rutseducation and maybe... asrnall bit of warmth for my feet TRAVEL/STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS TO ITALY, JAPAN. DENMARK AND SPAIN. Avebury 1991 GRAPHICS. FINE ARTS. PROGRAMS DESIGN. AND IN- MASTER'S SUMMER IN COMPUTER GRAPHIC To find We walk inside the bounds Of the land, FORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE. (7IB) 636-3453, out more. return the coupon or call: Of this magical ring, Arc we hauntedby the beating ext. 713. Followingin the footfalls of centuries, Ofbuman hearts through time? Enduring the soft swish of grass Unaware, Pratt Institute - School of Professional Studies And the pat of not-quite dry land A chorus of laughingchildren 200 WWoughbyAve .. Brooklyn, NY 11205_ (718) 636-3453, ext. 713 To meet the embrace of the stones. Weave their path Please send me information on: 0 Summer Courses Recognitioncomes by instinct, Through the mothers of stone, o Summer Master's Programs 0 7tavel/Swdy Programs Bythc fertile,grainy scent Echoed by ancient chants which, Of summers' wheatfields In the nightof our darkest dreams, And the passing breath We all remember. Of the not-too-distant rain. ...ยท....--P,Qt~t--~ Sensing the unfamiliar rhythm By Mary Esther Judy
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