Page 70 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 70
Page 4 Western Maryland College March 12, 1992 Editorial: No Spare time at all nv BOil KIRKENUALL 1""'08"'1"~ FA"or Want to create a controversy? Conduct a "60seeonds on Campus" featuring students slandering an administrator's personal life. Last issue's "60 seconds" did just that, but it also brought about a few questions in my mind. Not what Joanne Goldwater realty docs in her spare time, rather, why some students see her the way they do. Most students who have something not so kind to say about Goldwater probably have a story or two to tell about how they felt victimized by her. Others may have just formed an opinion based solely on the status quo. But what is it about her that some love to hate? Coming to WMC for most students was the first step away from their parents. College is a place where, for the first Lime, you don't have to eat your greens (or Gtar's cleverly disguised WMC Center for Economic Education: mystery colors), hide your beer, or sneak in at four in the morning after a party. It is a place where you do as you Reaching Out to Over 180 Schools in MD wish and occasionally get to class on time. Once in a while we are reminded that we are coming By TIIOMAS E. QUIRK duce and provide instructional Council is one of fifty slate af- home to someone else's house: Joanne Goldwater's. As S"'ffR'f'Ol1" materials. filiates of the national Joint director of Housing, Goldwater, to some extent, plays Few people know that West- Bruce Damasio, Director of Council on Economic Educa- the role of the parent who waits up for the partygocr and em Maryland College is home the WMC Center for Economic uon. has the "where were you?" conversation over breakfast. for Eco- to one of ten Centers Education, believes that the The WMC Center for Eeo- For many, a dormitory hallway and a clipboard of ci- nomic Education in the Slate of center can be a vital tool for stu- nomic Education receives fund- tauons is all they need to be reminded that someone is Maryland. dents studying education. ing from CEEM. According to watching. "Mom and Dad never fined me $75 for hav- The WMC Center for Eco- Damasio said, "The 1990's will Damasio, Western Maryland ing an open beer in the house." nomic Education is responsible see a big push for economic lit- College provides "support ser- One student was reminded by Goldwater that his for improving the quality of eracy and students who plan to vices," which include the physi- inaliable right to streak naked across campus wasn't a economic understanding in pri- teach should consider using the cal site, a telephone, and office guaranteed freedom of outward expression after all. vate elementary and secondary Center'S resources." supplies and equipment scboots for the entire state of The Western Maryland Col- Damasio encourages stu- If the students arc a! fault 10 begin with, why the sour Maryland. The Center's pri- lege Center for Economic Edu- dents who arc interested in feelings toward Goldwater? mary focus is to train teachers cation is under the Council of learning more about the Center One sophomore who had a recent encounter with her, on economic fundamentals, de- Economic Education in Mary- to stop by 08 Memorial Hall or and who wishes to remain anonymous, said, "It was the velop core curriculum, and pro- land (CEEM). The Maryland contact the office a1857 -2457.0 cold way she went about it. She didn't have to be so in- sensitive." Tuition Now hold on a minute. From Page 1 The Phoenix How warmly do you think you would come across if Since WMC's room and your job meant dealing with disgruntled roommates, vic- board was so low as compared Editor-in-Chief _ Jennifer SCOLl ums of crimes, violators taken before the honor and con- to other colleges, said Thomas, Layout Editor Constanunos Frangos Holland duct board, not to mention the miles of paperwork asso- "it made sense to raise room and Copy Editor Kristine Ed Rigling Sports Editor ciated with all of the previous? It would Lake the dispo- board." Arts & Entertainment Editor Dcmeuios Lambros sition of a game show hostess with the l.Q. of a lint ball However, COSLS for room and Photography Editor __ Bob Kirkendall to have any smiles after that. board arc not tax deductible, ac- Cartoonist _........•... _ _ Mike Jenkins Does the job create a hardened person, or docs it take cording LOan H&R Bleck repro- Business Manager _ _ _ _ Mark Long a hardened person to take on the job? I don't know. scntative, while tuition and Advertising Managers Walt Eife and Bill Michaelsen books are. Thomas said tax con- But what does loanne Goldwater do in her spare siderations were not raised dur- Faculty Advisor .._ _._..•_ _ Terry Dalton time? I am now convinced that she has no spare time at ing the decision making pro- Student Advisor _ _.....• Andrea Covington ill 0 cess, but will be addressed next The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed year. 0 do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. Cheating same words. "Usually you can of not. He feels that the honor The Phoenix welcomes Free-lance submissionson Macintosh or formats. IBM disk in most word processor The editor reserves tell if the student is conscious code, as it is written, is fair bUI From Page 3 what they've done," he added. it must be more strictly enforced the right to edit for clarity, length and liable, and will be that arc one student simply isn't aware." Edward Buzzi, a junior eco- and must be in every professor's published as space permits. Leuers to the Editor publication in page, typed, and double-spaced are guarentccd While "recycling papers" nomics major, said that he per- syllabus so that there can be no the upcoming issue. The editor reserves the right to edit for and copying directly from a re- sonally upholds the honor code question of its validity. liable. source arc examples of blatant but said that others, including "I think it would be taken All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become plagiarism, Losch realizes that professors, do not take it as seri- more seriously if the professor the property of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. some students simply don't ously. Buzzi signs the honor left the room for every test. Please include a name and phone number for verification. know when to cite sources or code to all papers, tests, and This would put a moral strain on Address mail to: The Phoenix have tried LOreword a sentence quizzes regardless of whether the students to do the right 2 College Hill Western Maryland College but have used essentially the the Instructor reminds him or thing," he said. 0 Westminster, MD 21157
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