Page 69 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 69
March 12, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 3 WMC Helps House Needy Families in Maryland gives students and [acuity a By KRISTIl\'E HOLLAND family life. He said that the developing student and course income bracket points to a CopJ/iIJ.i'a. chance to be involved with rural school is considering conduct- involvement, the group will be a larger problem in society. Students and faculty from issues of poverty. There arc nu- ing studies before and after the funnel for grants that will be "Critical need for decent afford- WMC are joining with the local merous chances for faculty re- families move into the housing. distributed to the five counties able housing is a symptom of Western Maryland Interfaith search and student internship ." While Disharoon does not in Western Maryland. WMC the growing gap between the Housing Committee and nation- Last spring he look his idea believe that obtaining housing will also be the mediator be- rich and the poor," said wide groups to build 1000 to President Robert Chambers. will totally change family life, tween the banks and the con- Lancaster. "It's a symptom that homes for low-income families Chambers said he was excited he thinks living in a house will tractors and people who need many people don't sec because in Western Maryland before the about the idea because he saw the homes. they don't look." ycar2000. the project as a chance to create "I just try to picture According to Lancaster, In- Disharoon wants to sec more Mark Lancaster, the new di- morc studentinvolvemem in the terfaith Housing has already student involvement in the rector of Religious Life on cam- community. the kids...happy com- started to build houses. In project. "I'm tired of seeing the pus, established the link be- This year acommiueeof stu- ing home to their own Allegany County they arc re- same people do things," he said. tween WMC and Interfaith dents and faculty formed to ce- building 50 units, and in Wash- "This is is a good way for a Housing. Lancaster has been ment relations between the In- house." ington they arc starling to build broad range of people to work involved with the Interfaith terfanh Housing and the school. -Grant Disharoon a community. In 1991, they together and do some good to group almost since its inception. Grant Disharoon is onc of two raised close 1.0 $20,000 from help someone else and to get He developed ties between students on the commiuce. A stabilize many children's lives. churches. Currently, they have away from campus. " the college and the Interfaith junior religious studies major, "A least it's a starling place. If raised over $300,000 from Robert Hartman. Ira Zepp, program before he became Disharoon was asked by you live in a shelter your home- many sources. Rosemary Maxcy, Henry Reiff, chaplain. "I thought that this Lancaster LO join Lhecommittee work and progress as an indi- Western Maryland Interfaith Karen Cochran, Ronald Tait, would be a wonderful chance because of his previous involve- vidual is bound 10 be affected," connects Garret, Allegany, Karen Atkins, Joe Center, Del for Western Maryland College ment with community projects. he said. "l just try to picture the Washington, Frederick, and Palmer, and Deans Philip Sayre and Interfaith Housing to give Disharoon thinks the project kids ... happy coming home to Carroll counties with a pool of and David Seligman are the Iac- each other something very will show people studying soci- their own house." resources and technical assis- ulty and administration on the unique, " said Lancaster. "It ology me effects of housing on Lancaster said that besides tance. This widescale project committee. David Rodosevich helps the individual communi- is the other student on the com- Honor Code Fails to Curb Cheating ties develop appropriate for their mittee. interested in becom- projects housing that Anyone are communities. ing active in the housing com- ter," he said. He added that stu- enforced. "The way I see it is By JENNIFER HILL Lancaster thinks that lack of mittee can contact Lancaster at SlajfR._" dents who cheat often need that since none of us signed the housing for those in the limited 857-2560. Cl WMC's honor system does other help. honor code and we only dis- not seem to be stopping its Colyer has some different cussed the problem just like we cheaters, according to statistics ideas about WMC's honor code had done [with other problems] reporting rising numbers of stu- and cheating in general. "I be- all semester long. There was no dents brought before the Honors lieve it is the professor's job to violation," DuVal said. and Conduct Board. prevent cheating. Honesty is DuVal's situation brings up The honor code is a set of situation specific so it depends the question of whether or not rules designed by students in the on the student's situation and faculty enforces the honor code 1960's to prevent cheating on definition of honesty. Cheating across the board. DuVal be- tests, quizzes, and assignments, is not an option if you make it lieves that they do not. "The plagiarism, and copying com- impossible to cheat," he said. honor code should have stan- puter programs. Colyer does not see cheating dards that every teacher inevery However, according to ad- in his classes. "I proctor all of depanmcru must follow," she ministration, faculty, and stu- my exams. I'm embarrassed to suggested. dents, cheating continues to oc- say that I guess I don't enforce Sophomore Lisa Wieder cur, bringing the validity of the the written honor code, but 1 agrees. Asked if faculty mem- honor code iruo question. don't allow my students the op- bers uphold the honor system, Assistant Academic Affairs tion of cheating," he said. Wieder replied, "Some do and Dean Barbara Disharoon docs Sophomore Sarah DuVal be- some blow it off. That's prob- not feci that the honor code is lieves that the honor code is up- ably why not every student up- "doing 100%." She admits to held by most students but that holds the honor code." seeing an increase in the num- they "sign it but don't mean it." Like Duval, Wieder sug- ber of plagiarized papers re- She said she only signs the gested that the Honors and Con- ported. honor code when specifically duct Board make it mandatory "I choose to think students instructed to do so. that each professor emphasize just don't know how to write DuVal, a biology major, and the honor code and use it consis- and cite [papers] properly," ten other students were brought tently. Disharoon said. She added that, up on charges of cheating in a The art department has done in her opinion, students who physics class Although all just that and is now "stepping up cheat are used to geuing through eleven students were found not efforts" to control the cheating their courses this way and do guilty, Duval recalls the going on in their department. not know any better. charges as, "the worst academic According to Assistant Profes- "In their own minds maybe experience of my life." sor Dr. Michael Losch, the de- Dean Disharoon does not feel the honor code is "doing 100%." they don't see it as cheating," She sees some definite prob- partment is now keeping copies Disharoon said. "I'm sympa- lems with the honor code and of papers on file as well as mak- Rape Myth #38 thcuc to find out why they how it treats students. "My pro- ing it clear to all students at the cheat. Are they just lazy? Arc fessor said that the assignments beginning of each semester that Myth: Women often claim rape when it never happened, they under a lot of pressure? I we handed in were too similar. the honor code is to be written FACT: ?:t~c':lJ~lsr~~:~~e:lbe':aau~{.':h7/~~!~csauu:eet1asrr,:a~ personally don't know." Yes, we had discussed the prob- on all work handed in. happened was rape, manr, inctims delay re/JOrilnj the Dr. Stephen Colyer. chair of lem, but each and every one of "We find most problems on ~'}t{e;e~~ey:~~~ t;a12 ::sp'i;~Ii!/ls'la~r~~70°&enOffh the psychology department, us did our own work," she said. research papers," Losch said. agrees with Disharoon. "I sym- While the syllabus for the "We've seen cases of blatant ~~~:1t':/!t7tf::J~~':a'ffe~dto behav- pathize with students who need class stated that the honor code plagiarism but we've also seen For help or more information, contact the Rape Crisis lnterven- to cheat. It's a reality, not an was to be written on all work accidental plagiarism when the tion Service for free assistance. All inquiries are confidential. example of good or bad charac- handed in, this rule was never See CHEATING, Pg. 4 Col. 1 Hotline: 857·7322 Office: 857-0900 T-- --
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