Page 93 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 93
April 18, 1991 Western Maryland College PageS 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scott and Andrea Covington Do you think the housing selection process is fair? Betsy Nichols '91 Andrew Brown '92 Eric Chase Rachel Evans '94 Glen Jackson '92 -Sociology -Physics -RLC -Psychology -Business/Econ No, because in Iguess so, as far as Yes, I do for the I think it's fair. Yes, Ido. It seems four years I have seniors get first most part but Iwon- There are only so to prioritize those never gotten a good choice. der if determining by many spaces on who've been here lottery number. I class rank rather than campus and senior- longest and less se- don't understand the by OPA is the most ity should have the lection those who are process. efficient way. better draw. "newjacks. " Pat Blackman's Open Letter: Seize the From the Bottom, Up Moment and Be Responsible "You ain'tgonna learn what you don't want to know." Open Letter to WMC Community. During a recent conversation with several supervisors from the -John Barlow college's building services staff. we heard some disturbing informa- As we approach April 25 and the WMC ONE are these events for?" The general feeling Ihave tion. WORLD/Diversity Day events slated for that noted among the organizers is that this is a pro- One ofthe people with retardation who works on campus was "in date, I find myself compelled to comment. Be- gram designed tohelp educate the average, white, tears:' relating how he was "made fun or' by some individuals on fore Igoon though, I must say that r do not wish middle class, male-oriented WMC student. campus. to offend any of the people who have organized That's fine: I think it is a necessary goal. But if Although we are not surprised by the insensitivity of some indi- these events: Ijust think we need to ask some it's the only goal, then it is meaningless. viduals to the differences of others. we feci that this is a good harder questions. When the idea that a group of minority stu- opportunity to learn from an unpleasant incident. A college campus I think it is understood by all who are organiz- dents could get together during the day 's events ought to be the most tolerant and bias-free environment in which to ing this event that it is inadequate in the sense of and complain about theoppressive situations they work; unfortunately. in reality we frequently see evidence of a long term solution to the problems of inroler- face on campus, some administrators got uptight. intolerance. anceandhatredon campus. Everyone I've talked They understandably didn't want to sponsor a We would like to suggestto this community that if you hear or sec to realizes it is only a start. But the start ofwhat? shouting match. evidence of such intolerance, that you seize the moment and chat- Many of us have been trying to "start" this Yet the possibility that the average WMC stu- lenge that person to think about his or her actions. It is the same kind of thing on campus for years. withonly dent would be turned off by oppressed people responsiblity of each of us 10insure that not even the [C3.~1 capable a fleeting commitment from the administration. citing their grievances and comparing their ex- among us is made 10feel inadequate. Is this a way for the school to guarantee a safe en- periences seemed intolerable to some. vironment for diverse peoples, or is it a way for Why? 0011 Rabush, Professortrreside.u of7ARGET the school to make sure it looks good? Does this Is it not valid as pan of a 'Diversity' program Tom Sseback. Director of Personnel Services school really care about diverse humans at all.or that people suffering from the inequities in the does itjust want to hold up the idea of diversity system get together and bitch about if? A "speak for all to see? bntemessvsession isa useful tool for motivating GOVERNMENT I have seen no proposal from Student Affairs change, But it scares those who might have to to follow up on these events with a long range listen, because it happens on the terms of the SEIZED plan. Irealize there is limited funding, but that is oppressed. not those of the oppressor. Yet, if we noexcuse. Thereareplentyoflowcost,lowmain- believe that survival depends on diversity as Vehicles from $100, tatnence programs which we could employ on nature teaches us, then we must transcend that Fords. campus. such as panel discussions or informal fear. It's hard, but not impossible. discussion groups, that would serve to make our Diversity programs should provide a positive Mercedes. campus healthier for all people, atmosphere for the needs of diverse minorities, Corvettes. I feel that Student Affairs should already be not just thoseofthe majority. Just because some- Chevys. at the forefront of a process for making the "hu- one is oppressed or is a minority doesn't mean mane environment" promised in the first prin- they are inherently aware of the dynamics of Surplus. ciples a reality. Hopefully, the organizers of this oppression. Actually the reverse is more often Call latest event won 't let the ball drop, or bounce true. We all need to learn and we need to do it meaninglessly inthedirectionof''The BobCham- together, but in our own ways, Someone on the 1-900-468-2437 bers School of Polished Image and Assembly Line bottom needs (0 learn different things in differ- 24 Hour Hotline Education," (I heard he wanted to change the ent ways from someone on the top. And our school's name ...) college should try to address that whole range of Another question we need tobe asking is"who needs. 0
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