Page 92 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 92
Page 4 Western Maryland College April 18, 1991 Editorial: Look at Letter to the Editor: Now I It Their lY Want to Say Something BobKirkendall}t"E,,? -;;8 311131&, y.. . Last issue, the Phoenix' s60 Seconds on Campus question, 'What Editor, CAPBoard was paying for these ously. The meeting with Mitch do you think of the freshman/sophomore residency requirement?" In my attempt to be under- films was in direct opposition to was our way of voicing our sparked some rather inflammatory. ifnot diverse, reactions. Dennis standing of everyone's basic the first principles of the college concern that, firstly, we had been Walker summed the student's altitudes quite eloquently when he right offreespeech Ihave, in the which state in part, "Western asked for a list of offensive ma- stated, ." think it blows:' Well Richard, so do we all. Or do we? past. chosen not 10 respond to Maryland accepts the challenge terial and the film being shown The Phoenix, as most newspapers.attempts to maintain a level of recent yellow journalistic sub- to provide an academic and so- within the week was # 1 on our objectivity that can easily be defeated when emotions become missionstoThePhoenix .. Ichose cial environment that promotes list and, secondly, the college involved. The bias need not begin with the columnist nor peak with to remain silent because I felt liberal learning ...We strive to was paying for entertainment that the editor but when the students themselves are ignorant to the they (the columnist/reporters) place students at the center of a is is in direct opposition 10 their motivations behind the policies. it is they who provide the bias. have as much freedom to say humane environment." first principles. It seems to me that whenever the administration adopts a new what they feel as I do, if J want It was suggested thai we Wedid nor indicate to anyone policy that may inconvenience the undergraduate population, we to. Iwantro. Thisso- become involved with theselec- that the showing be cancelled cry out against our own oppression. I see the new policy as an called "Bird on a Wire centro- uon of future films, We de- but did indicate that we would attempt 10 meet three goals vital to the atmosphere of the campus. versy" has become such because dined on the basis that we create an awareness that we were The first of these is most likely money. With 260 freshman cur- of misrepresented information, shouldn't be a regulatory body unhappy with the content of the rently enrolled, the 1990-1991 academic year generated room fees out of context quotes, and a to lord over all college associ- film and the decision to show it. alone of$520,000 (while many freshman rooms still remain vacant). general misunderstanding of the ated organizations. It was then The Gay/Lesbian Alliance is When Glar is added. the total room and board for freshman topped issue. suggested that we compile a list working toward equality for all, 51 million this year. The new housing policy would guarantee Wade and I were invited to of movies which we would find not just those associated with doubling this revenue every year even before considering junior and the "Student Affairs Multicultu- offensive. Again we declined on our issues. Society needs to al- senior revenues.The second reason. as if money weren't enough, is ral Report Card," attended also the basis of the absurdity of low people of diversity to be a to promote campus residency a'> part of the college experience. by representatives of the Inter- compiling a list of all films we part of society. We are. obvi- Allowing a prolonged and developing trend of diminishing resi- national Student Club, Jewish would choose not to show. It ously. keenly aware of the dan- dency not only lessens school spirit. it appears bad to perspective Student Union, and Black Stu- was then decided that we would gers of censorship. We are also students. A campus with every room filled looks much more invit- dent Union, by the Office of compile a list of movies which trying 10 assert our freedom as ing to perspectives than does a stark one. Although current freshmen Student Affairs and asked 10 would give CAPBoard an over- American citizens and as stu- see this as a restricting move against them, it may just make the answer these questions: a)What view/criteria of our concerns. dents ofWMC, who pay money difference in getting them involved with the school enough to keep are the purposes and services of We then submitted this list to fund these activities to per- them here for their remaining years. your group? b)What things has shortly after the December petuate entertainment that will The third motivating factor involves the students' parents them- the Student Affairs Divisiondone meeting. The first film indi- celebrate all people's lives, not selves. The administration realized when it considered the policy 10 nurture and support you spe- cated,andreasonswhyindicated, denigrate them. People of diver- that the only likely resistance would be on the student's part. With cial population? c)What future was Bird on a Wire. sity are here, have always been the exception of some commuters. our parents do not seem as eager services do you need from the We felt confident that our here, and will continue to be to have us find an apartment as we would like. The idea of having Student Affairs Division? solicited advice would help those here. It's time to stop the name- to deal with year long leases. walking distances. and other factors In answer to the last question that aren't sensitizedtoissues of calling, drop the blame-fixing, mayscem trivial to a student when the independence of an apartment we indicated, among other racism, sexism, and heterosex- and spend our energy working is considered. but to a parent it is another hassle and worry. things, that in the past certain ism in making decisions affect- toward becoming socially con- I usually find 60 Seconds on Campus interesting and even films had been shown, supported ing all students, The posters scious, justice seeking, and di- amusing at times; however. last issue's came across redundant and by CAPBoard, that contained hung around campus advertising versity empowering. limited in its thinking. It was notthejoumalism behind the section, scenes and dialogue offensive to Bird on a Wire were indication Michal Hall '92 but the student body's reaction that I found to be limited in its not only our group but to other to us that we were again being Gay/Lesbian Alliance and not taken seri- That disregarded minority populations. thinking. That is what' think "really blows:' 0 ~~--~~==============~ Letter to the Editor: Compulsory Insults The Phoenix Editor. academic body of Western department head of foreign lan- Upon reading last issue's Maryland become so poisoned guages at his home, he told me Editor ,., •."'.,,, , .Andrea Covington article.BirdOlluWireCancelled withtbc canccr of ignorancethat, that the film is meant to show the Assistant Editor " ",,, ,__,, Jenn SCali a/lei' Controversy. I found it when this particular movie was degenerate minds of the indi- Business Manager , __"_,_.. .i.Laurie Lutche interesting that the film was reviewed. the remark about viduals within this military camp Copy Editor ,.•" " ". __"" .._ ",,, _ Julie Baile cancelled because of its one of- homosexuals was, somehow, not and how the use of the word Layout Editor , ", .. " •.." _ Constantine Frangos fensive remark about homosexu- bad enough IOdisallow the view- helps add 10 the level of igno- Sports Editors ",,, ,,..,, Matt Levy and Ed Rigling als. Granted. one offensive ingofthe film in the first place? rance these people had. He Production Assistants ,.._"_,,.Julie Baile, Andrea Covington, remark is certainly enought to Therefore. I am left to ponder encouraged me 10 watch the rest Photographers ,,,,, .v.Dan Holoski. Bob Kirkendall, cancel a film CAPBoard had the even larger question of "who of the film and so I did. only to Helen Lowe, Jenn Scott planned 10 show. My thanks are the people that decide what find thatthe film's plot had noth- Reporters .,_ _ Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, goes QUI to Mr. Fannin for con- we should and shouldn't see?" ing to do with racial sulrs. dis- Barbara DeCesare, Lauren E. Himmel, tinuing to voice his opinions. The second semester of In- crimination. or ignorance. --EI Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki. Thomas E. Quirk. Jenn Scott, Joe vemetu and to CAPBoard for deciding troductory Spanish includes the Nido" could be just as effective. Todd Robinson, to cancel the film. My thoughts viewing, which is mandatory in if not more, without the word The Big, Bad Wolr ......•.... ,."."" ... "._",,, ...... _..... Terry Dalton about CAPBoard arc not Just Mrs. Pick's class. of watching "nigger" in it. The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed centered around an organization the Spanish films. In the film I, along with countless other do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the thai has a constant inability to entitled, --EI Nido''. the action Afro-Americans on campus, am faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College. entertain students anymore (nei- takes place in a military training tired of hearing the word "nigger" The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. theran acoustic guitarist. aDJ. school and camp. I found it being used to somehow enhance Letters that are one page, typed, and double spaced are guaren- that plays tapes one after an- incredibly offensive that, while the meaning of something else. teed publication in the upcoming issue. Letters exceeding that other, nor a "dance" band thai most characters had names, the When I wake up in the morning limit will be published as space permits and must be submitted plays undanccable U2 and The only black person in the movie to go to American Literature II. on a Macintosh disk in either Microsoft Word, WriteNow, or for verifi- MacWrite a phone number formats. Please include Cure does not a pub night make). was called "nigger." This was Dr. Phillips' lectures on great cation. My ideas about CAPBoard his name; he wasn't catted any- literary works. Nevermind the Address mail to: The Phoenix arc now related the thoughts r thing else throughout the whole fact the word "nigger" is in the 2 College Hill have about many other depart- film, except "nigger" which was text of every story because it is Western Maryland College ments and organizations on mentioned time and time again. an example of how people talked Westminster,MD 21157 campus. Has the student and When I immediately called the See INSULT, Page 8 CoU
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