Page 66 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 66
Page 2 Western Maryland College February 28, 1991 NewComputer Lab to Open Before Mid-term Crunch .lenn Scott MemoriaIIBMlab'scompuLCrs, Twenty-six computers and the new IBMs will have Micro- seven printers will constitute the soft Word and Microsoft Works. new Macintosh/lBM lab sched- Word Perfect will nor be trans- uled reopen in one or two weeks, ferred to the new machines ac- according to Ed Holrhouse, Di- cording to Dr. Linda Eshleman, rector of the Laser Press Office. Director of Academic Comput- Unlikethepresentcomputerlabs. ing. the Hoover lab will notbc closcd Two Panasonic printers, to hold classes. along with four Image Writers, Seventeen Macintosh Clas- will be available. Students will sics will be added along with also be able to use a new laser three new Macintosh Les. The printer, free of charge, but they Macintoshes will be equipped must provide their own paper, with the Superdrive to enable said Dr. Eshleman. IBM disks to be read from, writ- The printers will be in an_ lenon,andIBM formatted. They adjacent room to save studenlS~ will have two megabytes of RAM from the distraction of sitting~ and a 40 megabyte hard drive. next to a printer. ~ The Macintosh Les will be The library expects to hire~ compatible with the Apple Ile's which are used in educational ~:~~ht~a~a~:::~!s:m~nt~~:~ systems and will have a 5 1/4 as the library. Holthousewamed£ inch disk drive. the student workers will not be :-:---:-:_:--_---:- --:- __ -,-,- __ --,,- _ The six IBMs will be the new expected to know how to run the Machines in new microcomputer racj(jty remain idle while final preparations are being made. version of the PS/2 Model 30 software. That is up to the user, that are currently in use in the he said. "They are attendants, IBM lab in Memorial Hall. not consultants." Tuition Jumps 7.89 Percent Unlike the old Model 30, the The opening of the new lab new lab's 286 machines will all awaits the completion of paint- Budget, wage increases will be grams to be eliminated are spe- have a color monitor, a 1.44 ing and carpeting of the printer BUDGET, Irom Page 1 two percent for senior faculty cial dinners, alumni gatherings, megabyte high-density drive, a room, staining the window trim, income. and staff members and four per- and some commencement ac- mouse, and new software to put and installing the software. Seidel also commented, and cent for junior members. tivities. on its 30 megabyte hard drive. Neither Holthause nor Dr. Esh- has been saying for years ac- The differcncein pay raises is The optimum number of stu- In addition to most of the leman could specify a date of cording to him, that the percent- an attempt to alleviate current dents needed to balance WMC's software found presently on the completion. 0 age of student resultant income disparities between the two. income and education quality is must be decreased and that the Western Maryland is nor the 1250, Seidel said. WMC Stricken by Virus college must develop an inde- only institution facing a deficit, Hestressed that high increases source pendent 01 income vershy to cut VIRUS, from Page 1 wave of the sick who came in. insure a quality education that LO Cnamtcrs sam. "otaruord UIJI- m nnuon wouro keep uic concgc is being forced short of this goal; to surpass this these people had been formerly Could the campus learn from students can afford. $22,000,000 while laying off 120 number of students would create exposed to the virus. this? "Yes," said Clements, In an interview after the meet- personnel. Yale University is anced formorefaculty and there- Some students thought that "keep your resistance up, keep ing, Seligman said that the two facing 5-10 percent budget cuts fore would be counterproduc- this was a case of food poison- up your hygiene, get plenty of greatest concerns that students in every department and is elimi- uve. ing. Clements ruled out that fact rest, and watch out for stress." should have arc the quality of natingsomedepartments. Smith Chambers stated the goals of because she saw nopaucm in the Is the campus prepared for education and the tuition in- College is also running in thercd thebudgctcommiuccfonhenexr eating habits among the first another viral disease? "No," she crease. with a $2,600.000 deficit," he fiscal year. They are, "to protect Cruise Ship Jobs says, "there are different types To control cost the college said. faculty salaries; to insure no dis- HIRING Men· Women. Summerl of viruses; if one returned from has instituted a hiring freeze for Thomas also stated at the fac- missals; to raise the lower salary Year Round. PHOTOGRAPHERS, OURGUIDES,RECJlJ:ATIONPERSPNNEL the past, only a few would be- staff personnel and will only be ulty meeting that student pro- scales; to protect sabbaticals; to come attacked, but if a new strain adding one faculty position. Ac- grams at WMC will be protected ensure that any new posiLions go comes E~il'fa~~Wr~~rn\~~r along, your only immu- cording to Ruth Thomas, Direc- from the budget cuts whenever (0 the faculty". 0 1.206-736-7000, Ext.500N1 nity to it is to get it." 0 tor of Financial Planning and possible. To date the only pro- FAST FUND RAISING ~~-. .'i-\otiS~ , ..;r ~"a- PROGRAM 'r~ '/<(1)Q '...........• c:a. i\\~ I;) .."t'O!;) $1000 in just h:~"\" one week. tl} !~~!!i~~y~r!~n~~?? " 140 EAST MAIN STAEET WESTMINSTER. MO 21157 Earn up to $1000 ~~ Confidential help is only a phone call away. 848-2844 876-830 for your campus A{fl\' Seroias Provided organization. "t~~ ~;~~~AL/GROUPCOUNSELING NEW SUPPORT GROUP NOW FORMING QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES Plus a chance at 11! 0 ~~~~RO~~~~I~G -, __ /,l~ TYPESETIING WORD PROCESSING I ~ ACCOMPA.NIMENT 10 POLICE. COURI. HOSPHAL PRESENTATIONS BOOKS MANUALS $5000 more! This INFORMAllON and support services are free AI counseling BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS program works! TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES RAPE CRISIS Sam£. 'Day5e.r-tJia On QuictPrint Draus No investment ~~ INTERVENTION SERVICE Pick Up And O£:livery ServicE AvailablE needed. Call 1- sse= 21 ')"t.ars of serving tfit community 800-932-0528 OFFICE: Ext. 50
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